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Do you think Trump will be impeached or forced to resign?


Do you believe Trump will be impeached or forced to resign?  

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Trump’s Approval Rating Stands Below 40 Percent in Three Key Midwest States


"President Donald Trump’s job approval rating in three key states that helped propel him to the White House —  Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin — stands below 40 percent, according to a trio of NBC News/Marist polls."


"In addition, Democrats enjoy double-digit leads in Michigan and Pennsylvania on the question of which party voters prefer to control Congress after the 2018 midterms, and they hold an 8-point advantage in Wisconsin."


"In all three states, more than six in 10 voters say Trump’s conduct as president has embarrassed them, compared to just a quarter who have said it’s made them proud."





Six out 10 voters say they are embarrassed by the huckster.



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33 minutes ago, iReason said:

Trump’s Approval Rating Stands Below 40 Percent in Three Key Midwest States


"President Donald Trump’s job approval rating in three key states that helped propel him to the White House —

Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin — stands below 40 percent, according to a trio of NBC News/Marist polls."


"In addition, Democrats enjoy double-digit leads in Michigan and Pennsylvania on the question of which party voters

prefer to control Congress after the 2018 midterms, and they hold an 8-point advantage in Wisconsin."


"In all three states, more than six in 10 voters say Trump’s conduct as president has embarrassed them,

compared to just a quarter who have said it’s made them proud."





Six out 10 voters say they are embarrassed by the huckster.



I'm not normally a "glass is half empty" kind of a guy but the fact that roughly a quarter of the respondents said they felt proud by the way the man-child has performed has made me question the mental state of a large minority of the population.

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Two More Charities Cancel Mar-a-Lago Events After President Trump’s Charlottesville Comments


"Two more organizations have pulled upcoming events scheduled to take place at President Trump's Mar-a-Lago Club in Palm Beach, Fla., following his controversial statements following violence incited by white supremacists in Charlottesville, Va., last week."

"The Palm Beach Zoo & Conservation Society and MorseLife both joined a growing list of nonprofits abandoning the President's club, according to the Palm Beach Post."

"A total of 19 organizations have pulled events — many within the last week, according to the Post."



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How Donald Trump Became Conspiracy Theorist in Chief


"Campaign aides and Donald Trump Jr. have promoted Infowars stories on social media."


"And Trump himself, who phoned into Jones’ show last December for a friendly chat,

has welcomed the host’s support and parroted his message to a degree that has shocked even Jones."


“It is surreal to talk about issues here on air, and then word-for-word hear Trump say it two days later,”

Jones confessed on the air in early August."






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Feds retreat from demand for info on Trump inaugural protest website


"Federal prosecutors have dramatically narrowed their legal demands for information about a website used to organize protests of President Donald Trump's inauguration."


"The move follows complaints from privacy advocates and civil liberties groups that a search warrant a D.C. Superior Court judge issued last month for data about the disruptJ20.org website was wildly overbroad and could have swept up data on thousands of people who simply visited web pages about anti-inaugural activities."


"In a new court filing Tuesday, lawyers from the U.S. Attorney's Office for the District of Columbia said "factual revelations" led them to drop a demand for visitor logs and to limit the government's demand for other data to July 2016 through Inauguration Day."



"factual revelations" you say? :laugh:

You mean constitutional revelations, right?

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Trump to tout border wall — well, fence — in Yuma visit


"On a phone call with reporters Tuesday morning, several Department of Homeland Security officials said in the years after Congress passed a law in 2006 authorizing construction of roughly 700 miles of fence along the U.S.-Mexican border, border arrests in the Yuma sector — a 126-mile stretch from California to Arizona — dropped significantly."


"From fiscal 2006 to fiscal 2016, arrests fell 88 percent, according to Border Patrol statistics."


“What was once one of the least secure border areas in America is now one of the most secure areas because of those investments in border security,” said one Department of Homeland Security official speaking on background."




"From fiscal 2006 to fiscal 2016, arrests fell 88 percent, according to Border Patrol statistics"

Fancy that. :whistling:

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The Week When President Trump Resigned


"By those measures, it’s indisputable that his presidency ended in the lobby of Trump Tower on Tuesday afternoon, when he chose — yes, chose — to litigate rather than lead, to attend to his wounded pride instead of his wounded nation and to debate the supposed fine points of white supremacy."


"Trump knew full well what he should have done, because he’d done it — grudgingly and badly — only a day earlier."


"But it left him feeling countermanded, corrected, submissive and weak, and those emotions just won’t do for an ego as needy and skin as thin as his."



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Paul Manafort’s place in the crosshairs of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s probe into the Kremlin’s attempts to sway the 2016 presidential election seems to be growing more uncomfortable. 

Two sources familiar with the inquiry tell McClatchy that investigators are working to confirm information indicating that Manafort and the consulting firms he led earned between $80 million and $100 million over a decade from pro-Moscow Ukrainian and Russian clients. 



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President Trump’s list of false and misleading claims tops 1,000


"We have been tracking President Trump’s false or misleading claims for more than seven months; Somewhere around Aug. 4 or Aug. 5, he broke 1,000 claims, and the tally now stands at 1,057. (Our full interactive graphic can be found here.)"


"At the president’s current pace, he averages nearly five claims a day."


"More than 30 of the president’s misleading statements have been repeated three or more times."



The consummate LIAR in Chief:



Democracy Dies in Darkness.

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As Donald Trump ranted and rambled, his crowd slowly thinned


"Over the next 72 minutes, the President launched into one angry rant after another, repeatedly attacking the media and providing a lengthy defense of his response to the violent clashes in Charlottesville, between white supremacists and neo-Nazis and the counter protesters who challenged them."


"But as the night dragged on, many in the crowd lost interest in what the President was saying."


"Hundreds left early, while others plopped down on the ground, scrolled through their social media feeds or started up a conversation with their neighbours."




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1 hour ago, iReason said:

As Donald Trump ranted and rambled, his crowd slowly thinned


"Over the next 72 minutes, the President launched into one angry rant after another, repeatedly attacking the media and providing a lengthy defense of his response to the violent clashes in Charlottesville, between white supremacists and neo-Nazis and the counter protesters who challenged them."


"But as the night dragged on, many in the crowd lost interest in what the President was saying."


"Hundreds left early, while others plopped down on the ground, scrolled through their social media feeds or started up a conversation with their neighbours."




Thank you for sharing this link. Now the trumpeteers have a other news source they can call fake news! And many others outside the USA.

To the Trumpeteers; Fake news? Yes of course, if you follow fox and friends, breithard and the other stuff you get your news from.

Get real and face it that you support a lunatic in the WH! 

Just one question, WHY do you support a lying, hating, racist, narcistic want to be??? Do you hate your country somuch?

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I just love how Trump claims how good the US is doing when his polices  are not even in effect yet. Yet his supporters think its all Trumps magic making america great again. Especially when the quote the same sources that they use to call fake news, fake data.

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President Trump is no worse than our previous presidents. He has positive and negative qualities. Unfortunately American media does not seem to provide him much breathing room to assert his agenda. Yes, he makes some regrettable statements. His agenda is more important to me. I have worked my tail off for 30 years and am not a fan of Socialism or redistribution of wealth. I agree with the direction he is trying to steer my country. Of course he feels compassion for those less fortunate. Just because he is not an eloquent public speaker does not make him a bad president.

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10 minutes ago, hank123 said:

President Trump is no worse than our previous presidents. He has positive and negative qualities. Unfortunately American media does not seem to provide him much breathing room to assert his agenda. Yes, he makes some regrettable statements. His agenda is more important to me. I have worked my tail off for 30 years and am not a fan of Socialism or redistribution of wealth. I agree with the direction he is trying to steer my country. Of course he feels compassion for those less fortunate. Just because he is not an eloquent public speaker does not make him a bad president.

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Apparently he feels that one of those less fortunate than himself that he feels compassion for is Donald Trump. How else to justify using his charity to benefit himself repeatedly?

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3 hours ago, iReason said:

As Donald Trump ranted and rambled, his crowd slowly thinned


"Over the next 72 minutes, the President launched into one angry rant after another, repeatedly attacking the media and providing a lengthy defense of his response to the violent clashes in Charlottesville, between white supremacists and neo-Nazis and the counter protesters who challenged them."


"But as the night dragged on, many in the crowd lost interest in what the President was saying."


"Hundreds left early, while others plopped down on the ground, scrolled through their social media feeds or started up a conversation with their neighbours."




The Guardian interviewed some of the attendees who had managed to stay awake. It's a collection of mind-blowingly asinine quotes. Here's two:


"Trump is breath of fresh air. He’s totally not a political person. He’s a businessman: he’s anti-left, he’s anti-PC, he’s anti-stupid. He just wants to go in and make the best deal for Americans that he can."


"Antifa is the KKK, just without the history"




Go read the piece; Dozens of excuses for their leader. You see similar postings here on TV. It's a cult.

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True to form, the huckster is still up to his old tricks.

The occupier buys a golf course, changes the membership rules, and tried to stiff them for $5.8 Million :


Trump Organization fights nearly $5.8 million owed to former golf club members


"The company is appealing a judge's ruling that required it to pay more than $5.7 million to about 65 former members

of its club in Jupiter, Florida."


"The plaintiffs claimed that when The Trump Organization bought the club from Ritz-Carlton in 2012,

it changed the rules and terminated their "resigned" or "refundable" status."


"The members had paid between $35,000 to $210,000 for initiation fees to join the club but had begun the process

of giving up their membership."



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It's hard to imagine how a baby man potus like this can make it through a full term.



"“He believes his power is total, and that it will exist even if everyone around him ceases to,” wrote Olivia Nuzzi in New York, of the still point in chief. But the turning world around Trump is not vanishing—it’s getting louder. And the POTUS refuses to accommodate its demands: “By dint of his pigheadedness, or prejudice, or both,” observed John Cassidy in the New Yorker, “he has moved onto political ground that makes it virtually impossible for other people in influential positions … to stand with him.”"








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6 minutes ago, Dipterocarp said:

When Trump's indictment comes out from the Mueller investigation he will make a deal so he or his sons avoid jail. Then he will declare victory and resign. 

I think that's partially true.  Yes, he will do everything he can, legal and illegal, to shield his family, Flynn and himself.   Yet, he can't be formally indicted for crimes while prez.  He can be impeached.  It's only when he's not prez, that he can be indicted.  Then, if the prez at that time is Republican, he will pardon the Dufus in Chief, similar to how Ford pardoned Nixon. 


My faith in Mueller to dig deep is tepid.  I think Mueller's team will find dirt on Trump, but much of the sludge will be deemed off limits, such as Trump's mafia connections, laundering money for Russian oligarchs, ethics violations, etc.

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God damn, getting Rachel Maddow to spit out the story is like pulling teeth.  It's a good story though.


Newsweek has a story that 12 GOP senators are ready to vote to remove Trump from office if he is impeached by the House.  That's progress.







2 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

No words required, this speaks for itself. Watch it through. Start looking for those countries with no extradition treaty Donald !




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22 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

I think that's partially true.  Yes, he will do everything he can, legal and illegal, to shield his family, Flynn and himself.   Yet, he can't be formally indicted for crimes while prez.  He can be impeached.  It's only when he's not prez, that he can be indicted.  Then, if the prez at that time is Republican, he will pardon the Dufus in Chief, similar to how Ford pardoned Nixon. 


My faith in Mueller to dig deep is tepid.  I think Mueller's team will find dirt on Trump, but much of the sludge will be deemed off limits, such as Trump's mafia connections, laundering money for Russian oligarchs, ethics violations, etc.

All the better if he is pardoned.  Then when he is subpoenaed to testify in the investigations or trials of his criminal associates he cannot take the Fifth Amendment.  He can be prosecuted for refusing to testify or for committing perjury.


Some readers may recall that Nixon faced this very threat after he left office and was pardoned by Ford.  He escaped having to testify at all by getting a doctor to state that his phlebitis prevented his appearing in court. 



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The Guardian interviewed some of the attendees who had managed to stay awake. It's a collection of mind-blowingly asinine quotes. Here's two:
"Trump is breath of fresh air. He’s totally not a political person. He’s a businessman: he’s anti-left, he’s anti-PC, he’s anti-stupid. He just wants to go in and make the best deal for Americans that he can."
"Antifa is the KKK, just without the history"
Go read the piece; Dozens of excuses for their leader. You see similar postings here on TV. It's a cult.

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If one knew more about our past presidents one would as embarrassed by them as you are by President Trump. For example our earliest presidents were slave owners, Abraham Lincoln in fighting against slavery might have avoided the civil war as the invention of the (cotton gin) would have made slavery an obsolete practice. Kennedy was a womanizer and not able to address the big picture of civil rights. Unfortunately many folks in the world are too quick to judge and criticize others. For those of you overseas who have concern about our president I would encourage you to look in your own backyard. The United States is far from perfect and we have a president who will have some success and some failures. Most American politicians take too much time and say and accomplish nothing. I would rather have a president who has an agenda.

I do know from my own family that when members of my family immigrated to the United States they enrolled in school and learned English. I am sure that was difficult. So when our President wants to have control of our border I agree because I live in California and having a common language makes living in the state easier so we do not have signage in multiple languages among many other things. We have a president let him function and stop being so critical. He is dealing with politicians for the most part who have spent their lives trying to stay elected. He is a good man. If you look at his children he and his wives have done a superior job of raising them.

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Abraham Lincoln in fighting against slavery might have avoided the civil war as the invention of the (cotton gin) would have made slavery an obsolete practice.

1. Cotten-Gin processes cotton, it does not pick nor plant it.

2. I think the cotton-gin was around 50 years before the Civil War.

3. What other Presidents may or may not have done does not excuse what the orange buffoon is doing.

5. Impeach 45!!!!!!!
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1 hour ago, hank123 said:

If one knew more about our past presidents one would as embarrassed by them as you are by President Trump. For example our earliest presidents were slave owners, Abraham Lincoln in fighting against slavery might have avoided the civil war as the invention of the (cotton gin) would have made slavery an obsolete practice. Kennedy was a womanizer and not able to address the big picture of civil rights. Unfortunately many folks in the world are too quick to judge and criticize others. For those of you overseas who have concern about our president I would encourage you to look in your own backyard. The United States is far from perfect and we have a president who will have some success and some failures. Most American politicians take too much time and say and accomplish nothing. I would rather have a president who has an agenda.

I do know from my own family that when members of my family immigrated to the United States they enrolled in school and learned English. I am sure that was difficult. So when our President wants to have control of our border I agree because I live in California and having a common language makes living in the

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You sound like Ulysses G back from the void.


Lincoln did own slaves, but at the time there was nothing embarrassing about it as it was the social norm to own slaves. He then got rid of them. Kennedy was a womaniser in the swinging 60's yes. I don't see where it is currently a social norm to be a pathological lying SOB. What is so embarrassing is the fact that he (Trump) DOES LIE so much - (his speech at Arizona was him - no editing by "fake news" channels, it was him speaking his chosen words - not a speech writers words), and people like you offer him support!! He is a lying SOB or did you not watch his speech in Arizona two nights ago? He has NO AGENDA, he has NO CLUE, he is a serial bankrupt and a sociopath and YOU support him. Now that is embarrassing.

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2 hours ago, hank123 said:

If one knew more about our past presidents one would as embarrassed by them as you are by President Trump. For example our earliest presidents were slave owners, Abraham Lincoln in fighting against slavery might have avoided the civil war as the invention of the (cotton gin) would have made slavery an obsolete practice. Kennedy was a womanizer and not able to address the big picture of civil rights. Unfortunately many folks in the world are too quick to judge and criticize others. For those of you overseas who have concern about our president I would encourage you to look in your own backyard. The United States is far from perfect and we have a president who will have some success and some failures. Most American politicians take too much time and say and accomplish nothing. I would rather have a president who has an agenda.

I do know from my own family that when members of my family immigrated to the United States they enrolled in school and learned English. I am sure that was difficult. So when our President wants to have control of our border I agree because I live in California and having a common language makes living in the

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Hi Hank,


Posted in any other topics? About Thailand perhaps? How d'ye end up here at Thaivisa? On the Trump topic. Tell us about your journey.

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