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Do you think Trump will be impeached or forced to resign?


Do you believe Trump will be impeached or forced to resign?  

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This isn't really a thread about McCain, and of course he made big mistakes in his career, but watch the entire speech, he admits it. I think people are failing to see the incredible importance of such an iconic right wing REPUBLICAN calling out trump for what he is, even if coded ... a fascist, way too friendly to racists and Nazis, an enemy of democracy globally and at home, the kind of dark force the west thought they had crushed in World War 2. 

Edited by Jingthing
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And thus, one of the big problems we face today.  Politics gets chosen over what's the best thing to do.  With replies of "whatever". LOL

He ran on opposing the ACA and did everything he could to save it.

You can call it whatever you like, I call it a lie.

That I see it pointless to continue on with someone that has a fundamentally different understanding of honesty than I do results in a response like whatever.

So, whatever.
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2 hours ago, mogandave said:


He ran on opposing the ACA and did everything he could to save it.

You can call it whatever you like, I call it a lie.

That I see it pointless to continue on with someone that has a fundamentally different understanding of honesty than I do results in a response like whatever.

So, whatever.

BS.  In the end, he knew there was no alternatives in place.  As he stated.  Trump was just trying to erase Obama's legacy.  As he has been doing consistently.


It would have been worse for him to kill the ACA and not have another option in place.  I sure hope you understand that.


This is nothing to do with honesty.  He fessed up.  And is right on.  Trump isn't.


P.S. "whatever" is the reply I get from the adolescent children in our neighborhood. LOL

Edited by craigt3365
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BS.  In the end, he knew there was no alternatives in place.  As he stated.  Trump was just trying to erase Obama's legacy.  As he has been doing consistently.
It would have been worse for him to kill the ACA and not have another option in place.  I sure hope you understand that.
This is nothing to do with honesty.  He fessed up.  And is right on.  Trump isn't.
P.S. "whatever" is the reply I get from the adolescent children in our neighborhood. LOL

Adolescent children, is that not redundant?


He ran on repealing, not replacing.

Trump ran on replacing, not McLiar.

I want it repealed and not replaced. My healthcare as well as most everyone I knows was cheaper snd better before the ACA.
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43 minutes ago, mogandave said:


Adolescent children, is that not redundant?


He ran on repealing, not replacing.

Trump ran on replacing, not McLiar.

I want it repealed and not replaced. My healthcare as well as most everyone I knows was cheaper snd better before the ACA.

Is your last sentence a true statement?  Are you living in Thailand?  I hope you're not emulating your hero Trump and telling us all a fib. 

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"Trump’s sabotage politics: Break things, then take the credit when others fix them"

"Trump doesn’t have a strategy, on health care or anything else. He lurches from one hostage scenario to the next"

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As a non-American, I totally fail to understand how Trump has managed to stay in the Presidency. His latest comment to the grieving mother of a dead soldier " He knew what he signed up for " has to be the most insensitive ever. Doubled down by the fact he dodged military service himself.

In a worst case scenario, I can see the National Guard posted on every street corner in America. That's how much Trump has polarised Americans.

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55 minutes ago, bazza73 said:

As a non-American, I totally fail to understand how Trump has managed to stay in the Presidency. His latest comment to the grieving mother of a dead soldier " He knew what he signed up for " has to be the most insensitive ever. Doubled down by the fact he dodged military service himself.

In a worst case scenario, I can see the National Guard posted on every street corner in America. That's how much Trump has polarised Americans.

He's not been convicted of an impeachable act yet.  Hopefully, that will be coming soon.

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50 minutes ago, Opl said:

Even for non-Americans, it's painfull to watch "America" as brand deeply damaged by Trump  as POTUS combining paramount arrogance with abyssal incompetence in every circumstances.   

Even before Trump, in what did any high-value of the American brand consist?  The murder of up to one million Iraqis in Bush II's war, every single one of whom we know to have been innocent of involvement in 9/11 and/or developing weapons of mass destruction?   So, the justification for those one million deaths was what, exactly?


Number of countries other that the US to have killed one million or more innocent people since WWII?  Umm, Pol Pot's Cambodia.  Am I missing anyone?  The Russians, Chinese, and Muslim terrorists haven't even come close. 


Speaking stupidly and crudely is not a war crime.  Making aggressive war is a war crime.

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47 minutes ago, CaptHaddock said:

Even before Trump, in what did any high-value of the American brand consist?  The murder of up to one million Iraqis in Bush II's war, every single one of whom we know to have been innocent of involvement in 9/11 and/or developing weapons of mass destruction?   So, the justification for those one million deaths was what, exactly?


Number of countries other that the US to have killed one million or more innocent people since WWII?  Umm, Pol Pot's Cambodia.  Am I missing anyone?  The Russians, Chinese, and Muslim terrorists haven't even come close. 


Speaking stupidly and crudely is not a war crime.  Making aggressive war is a war crime.

"Number of countries other that the US to have killed one million or more innocent people since WWII?  Umm, Pol Pot's Cambodia.  Am I missing anyone?"




" The army of the Soviet Union killed large numbers of Afghans to suppress their resistance.[180] The Soviet forces and their proxies deliberately targeted civilians, particularly in rural areas. Up to 2 million Afghans lost their lives during the Soviet occupation.[31][32] "   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soviet–Afghan_War


" Ultimately, nine African countries and around twenty armed groups became involved in the war.[8] By 2008, the war and its aftermath had caused 5.4 million deaths, principally through disease and starvation,[9] making the Second Congo War the deadliest conflict worldwide since World War II.[10]https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second_Congo_War  


Not a war, but definitely a government killing innocent people:


" It is widely regarded by historians that The Great Leap resulted in tens of millions of deaths.[3] A lower-end estimate is 18 million, while extensive research by Yu Xiguang suggests the death toll from the movement is closer to 55 million.[4] "  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Leap_Forward 


Bad ideas implemented by arrogant leaders who refuse to admit they are wrong lead to mass casualties.  So does refusal to admit error and learn from mistakes.  These are among the reasons I want Trump out of office.

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There's a very good quote in the TV series Mindhunter. The protagonists are discussing Nixon, although the quote could equally well apply to Trump.


"How does one get to be President of the United States if they are a sociopath?"

"The question should be, how does one get to be President if they're not."

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Nearly half of voters surveyed in a new poll think the media make up stories about President Trump and his administration. 

A Politico/Morning Consult poll finds 46 percent of voters think the media fabricate reports about Trump and his administration. 

Only 37 percent of voters disagree and another 17 percent are undecided, according to the poll. 

The percentage of Republican voters who think the media make up stories about Trump is even higher. 




Pehaps the inscription on the Statue of Liberty should read:


All hope abandon ye who enter here”

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"Russia could have launched it efforts by assessing who within the Trump team would be amenable to working with a foreign power. “The two things I look for as an intelligence officer looking to recruit someone is ego and greed,” Sipher said.  “If I look at the Trump team, I’m saying, ‘holy shit. "



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14 hours ago, bazza73 said:

As a non-American, I totally fail to understand how Trump has managed to stay in the Presidency. His latest comment to the grieving mother of a dead soldier " He knew what he signed up for " has to be the most insensitive ever. Doubled down by the fact he dodged military service himself.

In a worst case scenario, I can see the National Guard posted on every street corner in America. That's how much Trump has polarised Americans.

In an even worst case scenario, and this is quite possible:


Trump gets tossed out of office before Jan 2021.  It could be any one or combination of ways.  He may even be forced to resign, a la Nixon.  ......


Then those who own most of the guns and ammo (rednecks, white-supremacists, neo Nazis and other of Trump's die-hard fans) .....riot and try forcefully taking over gov't buildings and/or shooting as many liberals as they can.  As I say, quite possible.  


13 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

He's not been convicted of an impeachable act yet.  Hopefully, that will be coming soon.

Hopefully, yes, but he's as good at avoiding facing the law, as he is at hoodwinking many Americans into thinking he's a smart person, and adept businessman.  He can twist more times per second than a spermatoza. 

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20 hours ago, bazza73 said:

As a non-American, I totally fail to understand how Trump has managed to stay in the Presidency. His latest comment to the grieving mother of a dead soldier " He knew what he signed up for " has to be the most insensitive ever. Doubled down by the fact he dodged military service himself.

In a worst case scenario, I can see the National Guard posted on every street corner in America. That's how much Trump has polarised Americans.

Apparently people find it hard to process that Trump is a psychopath.  That's not a casual slur.  He really is a clinical psychopath.  Psychopaths are incapable of empathy.  The smart ones can fake it, but Trump is not one of the smart ones.  So, from time to time he will do or say something that displays yet again that empathy is utterly beyond him.


If he is like the psychopaths I have known, Trump probably thinks that everyone else is a psychopath like him, i.e. no one really has any empathy for anyone else.  They are all just faking it like he is.  That's how psycopathy works. 

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the word 'psychopath' sounds too clinical and a bit out of reach or ordinary (perception-challenged) Americans.

I suggest there be an easier-to-comprehend term.   Thais us the word 'chai-dam' which literally means 'black heart'. If Americans substituted the phrase 'black heart' for 'psychopath', then I think the message would resonate better.  

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the word 'psychopath' sounds too clinical and a bit out of reach or ordinary (perception-challenged) Americans.
I suggest there be an easier-to-comprehend term.   Thais us the word 'chai-dam' which literally means 'black heart'. If Americans substituted the phrase 'black heart' for 'psychopath', then I think the message would resonate better.  

Joan Jett might take offense
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19 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

the word 'psychopath' sounds too clinical and a bit out of reach or ordinary (perception-challenged) Americans.

I suggest there be an easier-to-comprehend term.   Thais us the word 'chai-dam' which literally means 'black heart'. If Americans substituted the phrase 'black heart' for 'psychopath', then I think the message would resonate better.  

I disagree.  The word "psychopath" is a technical term with a precise meaning.  There are mean people and even dangerous criminals who are not psychopaths.  Psychopathy is a deep-seated personality disorder.  These people do not change and they are not like us.  They lack not only empathy, but a conscience and so are capable of anything.   Identifying Trump as a psychopath is not merely a way of denigrating him; it is a definition like pointing out that a snake is a reptile, not a mammal. 


Nearly every intellectual distinction is out of reach for Americans, because they are so poorly educated.  The weakness on which psychopaths prey is the inability of ordinary people to comprehend just how different and incorrigible psychopaths are. 

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9 minutes ago, CaptHaddock said:

Nearly every intellectual distinction is out of reach for Americans, because they are so poorly educated. 

Apparently not out of their instincts:

Poll: a majority of Americans do not believe Trump is fit to be president


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37 minutes ago, CaptHaddock said:

I disagree.  The word "psychopath" is a technical term with a precise meaning.  There are mean people and even dangerous criminals who are not psychopaths.  Psychopathy is a deep-seated personality disorder.  These people do not change and they are not like us.  They lack not only empathy, but a conscience and so are capable of anything.   Identifying Trump as a psychopath is not merely a way of denigrating him; it is a definition like pointing out that a snake is a reptile, not a mammal. 

Nearly every intellectual distinction is out of reach for Americans, because they are so poorly educated.  The weakness on which psychopaths prey is the inability of ordinary people to comprehend just how different and incorrigible psychopaths are. 

You make my point.  I don't have a problem with the word psychopath.  I'm saying it's over the heads of most Americans.  It's like calling water 'dihydrogen monoxide.'     When most Americans hear the word 'psychopath' they think something like; 'it's sounds like some high-falutin' sort of psychiatric condition'.   The average American can't put a finger on what it means.  They suspect it means something bad, but have no specifics.


Note, the average American can't finish the famous quote; "give me liberty or give me ........"

The average American can't find the Korean peninsula on a world map.  48% of Americans voters voted for a black-hearted dangerous dufus a year ago.   Over 50% of Americans are obese and sickly.  What's my point here?   The US is in dire straits.


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7 minutes ago, CaptHaddock said:

To help adjust our expectations of our fellow Americans, a map showing countries with high school graduation rates equivalent to the various US states:





Be that as it may, would you rather have graduated from Grosse Point High School or whichever the best high school iin Roi Et is?


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