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Do you think Trump will be impeached or forced to resign?

Do you believe Trump will be impeached or forced to resign?  

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In tweet storm, Trump decries ‘illegal leaks’ and asserts ‘all agree’ he has complete power to pardon


"NORFOLK — A defiant President Trump unleashed a flurry of nearly a dozen tweets Saturday morning, asserting that he has the “complete power to pardon” aides, family members and possibly even himself — an apparent response to the special counsel’s widening Russia probe — and decrying “illegal leaks” in the “FAKE NEWS.”


"The president also lashed out at a new Washington Post report of previously undisclosed alleged contacts between Attorney General Jeff Sessions — at the time a U.S. senator and senior adviser to Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign — and a Russian official."


"The president's defense of his pardoning authority came days after The Post reported that he and his legal team have discussed his power to pardon those close to him, including himself."



I think it is absolutely possible Trump gets impeached. The people he has already been proven to be working with from Russia are connected to the Russian Mafia. It may be a slow process but DRIP, DRIP, DRIP............ at some point the congressional Republicans will have enough to yank him from office so their guy Pense can take over. 





It sure seems like Trump thinks he is going to get impeached. Why else all the pardon talk?


Well to get impeached there still needs to be the votes in the house to impeach and later the votes in the senate to convict.

I certainly agree that trump is acting very much like a guilty man with his pardon myself stuff.

So before the 2018 midterms the revelations would have to be massively damning because they would need to turn a significant percentage of republicans.

Even after the 2018 midterms if the democrats flip the house (flipping the senate almost impossible) there may be a political decision that it's better to let trump fester in guilt to tee the republicans up for 2020.



Trump’s war on ISIS is causing staggering civilian casualties

Iraqis and Syrians are dying in horrifying numbers as U.S. airstrikes ramp up. (sub-title)


"As of July 13, over 2,200 civilians have died since Trump took office in January, according to Airwars, an independent military tracking organization."


"If that pace continues, the number will easily surpass the total number killed during the entirety of former President Barack Obama’s tenure, under whom 2,300 civilians died between 2014 and 2016.


"While approximately 80 civilians died per month under Obama, that number is closer to 360 under Trump — a dramatic rise which comes as U.S. military involvement in both Iraq and Syria increases."





Remove this lunatic.

2 hours ago, pegman said:

I think it is absolutely possible Trump gets impeached. The people he has already been proven to be working with from Russia are connected to the Russian Mafia. It may be a slow process but DRIP, DRIP, DRIP............ at some point the congressional Republicans will have enough to yank him from office so their guy Pense can take over. 





It sure seems like Trump thinks he is going to get impeached. Why else all the pardon talk?

It seems to me that the Putin regime and the Russian mafia are one in the same. Just an observation, not

some insider info that I have.

I originally voted that Trump would be forced to quit. I have changed my mind. This is because the

so called intelligent agencies surely must know one way or another. To prolong  the outcome seems perverse

if they have some real hard facts. Trump has attacked and demeaned them. Continued speculation is

costing the US so much in international esteem. So the fact that nothing is being revealed right now tells

me that it is a closed shop. No impeachment for sure. Not to say Trump may find himself too ill to

continue. Pense is there and maybe he is too far protected for Trump to sack him.

12 hours ago, Jingthing said:

I don't think presidents have the power to fire vice presidents.

As I inferred, Pense as the only real threat to Trump is out of reach of the never ending new faces in the Trump regime.  I also doubt he has the power to "pardon" all of his family for charges of treachery and treason. And himself.  But nothing that happens in the US now surprises me and I suspect a lot of the rest of the world.   The US has lost so much prestige. There used to be US support, US hate and A lot of I don't cares.  Trump has polarised the world. It is love Trump or despise Trump now. And the love Trumps are Russia, Zimbabwe and every other corrupt and <deleted> country.  And the very wary to very opposed are the very allies that the US spent decades making.  Then again, maybe Zimbabwe appeals to most US institutions now. Total control. 

8 minutes ago, spiderorchid said:

I also doubt he has the power to "pardon" all of his family for charges of treachery and treason. And himself.



It's a big question these days. It's not clear cut  in  The Constitution and there's no precedent for it. Following spirit of the law would not allow for it, with the current Congress, it's  more likely that it won't come to that as they will continue shielding him and his family from  facing any consequences for his actions.

11 hours ago, Meljames said:


It's a big question these days. It's not clear cut  in  The Constitution and there's no precedent for it. Following spirit of the law would not allow for it, with the current Congress, it's  more likely that it won't come to that as they will continue shielding him and his family from  facing any consequences for his actions.

I never saw the Trump telecast where he said he could pardon a lot of his administration.  Including himself. Did he say it tongue in cheek? Or just another insult to anti Trump opposition.  Insult to the world actually. Insult to anyone with any vestige of moral compass.  Has there ever been a worse president?


World snubs Trump in favor of America's mayors, governors

Cities, states go it alone to forge their own agreements with other nations


"From 2015 to 2017, the percentage of those with "confidence in the U.S. president to do the right thing

regarding world affairs fell from 66 to 24% in Japan, 76 to 22% in Canada, 83 to 14% in France, and 73 to 11% in Germany."

"The good news for those who want more from the U.S. is its decentralized federal system."
"Much power lies with state governors and big city mayors to enact and enforce laws that don't exist at the federal level,
even when these laws conflict with the president's priorities."
11 hours ago, iReason said:

World snubs Trump in favor of America's mayors, governors

Cities, states go it alone to forge their own agreements with other nations


"From 2015 to 2017, the percentage of those with "confidence in the U.S. president to do the right thing regarding world affairs fell from 66 to 24% in Japan, 76 to 22% in Canada, 83 to 14% in France, and 73 to 11% in Germany."

"The good news for those who want more from the U.S. is its decentralized federal system."
"Much power lies with state governors and big city mayors to enact and enforce laws that don't exist at the federal level,
even when these laws conflict with the president's priorities."

A bit off topic actually, but I agree. It is the independence and decentralisation of the states that may save the US from this morass.  The only thing that states should collude on is a standard road and rail system and similar economic common sense benefits.   Each state should be bound only by its own moral and legal statutes. The states of the US may save US from Trump because  the political and intelligence agencies have failed the US for a long time. Specially now. 

11 hours ago, spiderorchid said:

I never saw the Trump telecast where he said he could pardon a lot of his administration.  Including himself. Did he say it tongue in cheek? Or just another insult to anti Trump opposition. Insult to the world actually. Insult to anyone with any vestige of moral compass.

Has there ever been a worse president?

No. Never a worse one and it's a toss up if American democracy survives this one.


It wasn't a telecast. It was directly from the tiny paws of clown force one --




10 hours ago, Jingthing said:

No. Never a worse one and it's a toss up if American democracy survives this one.


It wasn't a telecast. It was directly from the tiny paws of clown force one --



Ok, it seems to have been another obtuse remark. A lawyer would have fun with it.  Not that I am trying to condone him even suggesting it.  The "fake news" rant from Trump must surely be wearing thin, even to his most avid supporters.  I wonder how soon serious criminals caught on camera will be screaming "fake video" 


Now this is getting interesting!



"Trump's hypothetical questions, however, may be further complicated by a recently unearthed 1998 memo obtained and published by the New York Times, in which the legal scholar Ronald Rotunda wrote to independent counsel Kenneth Starr opining that on the basis of his extensive analysis, a sitting president can be indicted on a charge of a criminal offense.


In no small irony, this chain of reasoning emerged in the context of a Republican desire to prosecute Clinton - yet now could be neatly used by Democrats to make a case against Trump."













On 5/21/2017 at 1:27 AM, JHolmesJr said:

To me, it reveals where the poll poster stands…hehe….


I think it has been proven beyond a doubt that polls are pointless when dealing with the unexplained charisma of a man like Trump:

Deep disgust at the ways of the ruling party is the explanation. 


Stung and deeply shocked by its electoral trussing and hog whipping, the ex-ruling party tries to blame another foreign power.


The silent majority sees and notes this.


Even the poll here has a not insignificant 42+% thinking he won't have to resign or be impeached.


These people are mainly silent because they don't want to come on here and be subjected to the targeted tongue lashings of a bunch of disgruntled losers.


I have far thicker skin. I happen to think he will eventually triumph against the swamp creatures.







You mean the "swamp creatures" from Wall Street who have a high profile in the White House? Every single thing that Trump promised during the campaign has not come to fruition.Tick...tick...tick. That's Robert Mueller's watch. he's got the goods on Donald and his cohorts. Both Mannafort and Trump couldn't get any loans in the US due to credit-unworthiness. So they turned to Russia. And that will be the smoking gun when the s..t hits the fan. Simple logic - looking into pardons? It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that alone underscores guilt. Either Mannafort or Flynn will "snitch" - especially if there's enough evidence to put them in jail. Immunity for either of them? It's all quickly unfolding now.

On 5/21/2017 at 3:07 AM, tomwct said:

Never happen! President Trump will be one of the best Presidents the US has ever scene! He'll also be re-elected with the popular vote and  more electorial votes than before. In addition, more states will go Republican in the next 3 voting cycles.

First of all, it's "seen" - not "scene". Secondly, he has the lowest popularity of  any US President for the first six months. Pay no mind to his uneducated base who blindly support anything that comes out of his mouth.Just wait if their health insurance is affected and then we'll see just how devoted they actually are.

On 5/21/2017 at 3:21 AM, jorj44 said:

How refreshing to have a human being in the White House, the best days American has seen in my long life time. 


Not only will there be a second term, but they might do an FDR and give him  a third. 


What a delight it is to have someone you like at the controls.


Go the Donald.

And how do you explain the lowest popularity of any US President in the first six months? Clearly, you are in that minority.

3 minutes ago, TMNH said:

And how do you explain the lowest popularity of any US President in the first six months? Clearly, you are in that minority.

The same polls which had HRC as our president. The Dems are shaking with the thought of Trump's agenda being good for America. They'll be attacking Trump till the end.

1 minute ago, thehelmsman said:

The same polls which had HRC as our president. The Dems are shaking with the thought of Trump's agenda being good for America. They'll be attacking Trump till the end.

Trump doesn't have an agenda, only the synaptically challenged see that. He is making it up as he goes along trying to look good by implementing his campaign rhetoric. But it's all shi*e. That is why he has achieved nothing. No major legislation only countless executive orders which he criticised Obama for. At least Obama had an excuse for executive orders as he had Republican houses who swore not to back a single piece of Obama's legislation. Trump is issuing executive orders when both houses are his. Makes sense much?.........nope, smacks of desperation much......yup! Trump brings all attacks on himself and most start as a consequence of his infantile tweeting.

7 minutes ago, thehelmsman said:

The same polls which had HRC as our president. The Dems are shaking with the thought of Trump's agenda being good for America.

They'll be attacking Trump till the end.


No, it is not "the same polls" which had HRC as our president"


You are parroting the same one-dimensional, standard knee-jerk, Trumpeteer gibberish.


The Poll  (not plural)  done by the Pew Research Center, never conducted any polls on the election in the way you erroneously claim.

None. Zip. Nada.


U.S. Image Suffers as Publics Around World Question Trump’s Leadership

America still wins praise for its people, culture and civil liberties



Clearly, you have no idea as to what they do.

Here is their web-site.

Search it:





"...Trump till the end."

Coming sooner than later.  :thumbsup:


'unfollow' getting really boring with 4/5 liberal nutters dominating every 2/3 posts (you know who you are). Wish Bernie had made it but both sides are **** and I can't see US getting off it's PC knees anytime soon

On 5/21/2017 at 3:54 AM, DiamondKing said:

50% of those who voted think he will be impeached just goes to show the low mentality of TV members 


IMPEACH FOR WHAT ??? absolutely no evidence of anything and even after being told over and over you dems just cant give it up LOL

Pretty pathetic


So I guess you have a hotline to the Special Investigator (and all the money-laundering prosecutors working with Mueller) and they are telling you that there's no evidence? "That" is laughable. And to keep it simple here, Trump asked his legal counsel about "pardons" for staff, family, and himself. Now what person with any semblance of intelligence would not think that's  pretty damaging as far as guilt? Why would someone who asserts his innocence feel the need to do that? Simple question, yet non-intelligent people are tone deaf to anything that resembles "stink". Yes- it stinks...and I hope that all those blind and deaf people  who see nothing wrong here will eat the biggest humility sandwich when heads begin to roll.

5 hours ago, spiderorchid said:

I never saw the Trump telecast where he said he could pardon a lot of his administration. Including himself. Did he say it tongue in cheek? Or just another insult to anti Trump opposition. Insult to the world actually. Insult to anyone with any vestige of moral compass. Has there ever been a worse president?

     Never has there been a worse president.  There have been presidents who made bad decisions, and a few who supported slave-ownership, but none were as ungentlemanly, anti-free-press, anti-Europe, pro-adversarial country as Trump.


As for the pardon thing:  There is no doubt he will pardon family members, incl. Jared. And he will pardon Flynn.


Sessions will probably be pardoned, but it's less of a sure thing, compared to his family and Flynn.


It's doubtful he will pardon Manafort and certainly not Carter Page or Stone or Cohen.


I think Trump will fire Mueller.  It will be in a 'damn the torpedoes' sort of way.  Trump hates anyone who he thinks stands  in his way.


How many facets of the Russia-Trump investigation has Trump or any of his people volunteered - before mainstream press reported it?   NONE.   Indeed, everything Trump and his people say and do shouts COVER UP!   It's obvious to every reasonable person who's been following the news.  The only people who stand by Trump are his eyes-clenched-shut die-hard shielders/excusers.  







Donald Trump promised he'd save jobs at Carrier, now 300 workers have been laid off as jobs head to Mexico


"They're not going to be taking people's hearts out" Mr Trump declared, flanked by former Indiana Governor Mike Pence at an event in Indianapolis."


"But fast forward to this week and more than 300 Carrier staff have been laid off — their jobs heading to Monterrey, Mexico."


"Indianapolis local Brenda Battle worked at the plant for 24 years. He blew smoke up our ass," she said."

On 5/21/2017 at 3:56 AM, thaibeachlovers said:

I wasn't aware that it was the special counsel's remit to look for impeachable offences. Far as I know he's just looking into whether there was or was not collusion on Russia. However, his remit ( under "other matters" ) may extend to investigating whether the DNC colluded to illegally stab Bernie in the back, or if in fact HRC is a crook.

Well let me bring you to speed then...Mueller is investigating multiple issues including the flow of money with Russia.IMO, that is the biggest smoking gun...So when Trump looked into pardons with his legal staff , that is the sign that he's sweating bullets. Mueller can subpoena Trump's tax returns and any other "documents" which will show money laundering and an obligation to Russia because of Mannafort and Trump's debt. All that matters now is whether it will be Mannafort or Flynn (or both) to connect all those dots. Sessions will resign or forced to exit (due to his failure to disclose multiple meetings with Kisliak) and then whammo!...Trump can replace him with another person who can fire Mueller just like Comey. And if that happens, then the proceedings will begin to can this poor excuse of a President.

On 5/21/2017 at 4:06 AM, DiamondKing said:

The only people who think he is mental are the mental Democrats 

And I'm sure you missed that signed letter from  approx. 60 trained Psychiatrists stating that his mental state is highly questionable. and would apply to the 25th Amendment.

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