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Thais getting duped by skin whitener salesmen


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23 hours ago, habanero said:

I was not comparing white people to black people.  Also, I was only speaking of Thai people. But, I think you know that!

One of a million examples of how most Thais think:  I was talking to a young Thai fellow. A beautiful amber-toned gal walked by.  I half-joked to the guy, "there's a gal who would make a good wife for you."   He responded, "Yes, she's beautiful, but I could never bring her home to meet my parents - she's too 'dam dam' (dark)."


10 hours ago, Berkshire said:

While I understand your point--and don't necessarily disagree--I must point out that you're looking at things from a different perspective.  The truth is Thais are less obsessive about skin color and the whole "race" thing than farangs.  We from the west bring a whole lot of baggage when it comes to skin color because in our homeland, it's more about historical racism and discrimination.  The Thais look at skin color the same way they look at fat people, just another physical trait that they can tease one another about. White skin in Thailand is largely about feminine beauty, nothing else. 

                         As mentioned in earlier posts herein, and countless times elsewhere; Thais generally equate darker-than-white skin with outdoor/menial laborers.  Women take it to more ridiculous extremes, because they're even more vain than most men (ladyboys excepted).  


                  Thai gals will check their eye shadow/false eyelashes/painted eyebrows in the rear view mirrors of their motorbikes, while driving.

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Its certainly not helped by the TV adverts and billboards that depict these pale Thai people.


As said the ladies in the west....'like to have a healthy glow'


Its not a case of wanting what you haven't got...Just manipulation by business'

All about the dollar.


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11 hours ago, notmyself said:


Been a while since I read such utter trash. It has nothing to do with foreigners and all to do with reason and logic though not understanding this, what I would call a basic concept , is likely the reason why you have had no success in some 30 years.

Jesus. Spare me. Everyone knows about "reason and logic" - that isn't a revelation you've just made. But it seems you haven't grasped the concept of racism, which is alive and well here. Study it sometime and you might understand what I'm talking about.

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Some of us grew up watching 'Casper the friendly ghost.'  He was as white as this page.

Farang equate white with ghosts.  Just sayin'.  

In Tibet, a ghost is an entity with a tiny mouth (difficult to get any food into it).  Different strokes for different folks.


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Personaly i dont realy care brown/black/white all the same to me its not about the color of tbere skin its about whats inside. Now back onto the topic long may it continue my mrs makes a good profit selling said cream and other products.

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On 23.5.2017 at 2:36 AM, habanero said:

Having light skin shows that you are not lower class. Darker skinned people are associated with laborers, farmers, herdsmen. More in the line of the poor.



not lower class:


I am taking taxis a lot in BKK, a lot.

When waiting at red light I now and then hear the taxi driver say ; Ohh NICE!

I look up at him and say Nice? Whats nice?  There he says and nods his head towards pedestrians passing.

I look and say you mean the girl with the green bag? Yes, nice mak mak! the driver says.

Almost without exception the girl in question is very young, has very short skirt, has very long legs,

has very long brown (no Thais have black hair) hair, has a sickening white colour on arms and legs and face

and looks like an avalanche in the face.


but, probably not lower class

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32 minutes ago, melvinmelvin said:


not lower class:


I am taking taxis a lot in BKK, a lot.

When waiting at red light I now and then hear the taxi driver say ; Ohh NICE!

I look up at him and say Nice? Whats nice?  There he says and nods his head towards pedestrians passing.

I look and say you mean the girl with the green bag? Yes, nice mak mak! the driver says.

Almost without exception the girl in question is very young, has very short skirt, has very long legs,

has very long brown (no Thais have black hair) hair, has a sickening white colour on arms and legs and face

and looks like an avalanche in the face.


but, probably not lower class

Beg to differ my mrs and her sisters have jet black hair natural and not dyed. 

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7 minutes ago, jeab1980 said:

Beg to differ my mrs and her sisters have jet black hair natural and not dyed. 

maybe they have, but then they are not Thai


there are no people in Thailand, Laos, China, Japan, Cambodia, Burma, PI, that have black hair


there are some people in South America that have black hair, not many, a few

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  • 2 weeks later...

When we moved back to Florida, my wife was shocked her first trip to the beach seeing how tanned all the American girls were. Right away she realized white skin was not something worshiped in the USA.

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On 5/21/2017 at 8:00 PM, wildewillie89 said:

They change on individual/family levels if you can provide basic scientific research they can comprehend - and then get that researched backed up by a Thai professional. And that can gradually move to community levels. 



Really?  Are you sure about that?  Doesn't sound like typical human behavior to me.  People tend to hang on to their irrational beliefs and superstitions despite all the scientific proof in the world.  How else do you explain all the <deleted> idiots in my country, the US, not believing in climate control, thinking vaccinations cause autism, etc., etc., ad nauseam, to the point of electing a crass, uninformed, and belligerent idiot who believes the same (and understands nothing about the way government works) to lead them?


Sorry, didn't mean to turn this into a political rant.  The on-topic point is: the Thais have no monopoly on stupid, and the stupid are not easily convinced to change their ways based on scientific fact.


And to bring the discussion back to people wasting money on products for their beauty/health that have absolutely no basis in science: what about all the farangs who buy and take "mega-vitamins", thinking they will give them anything more than expensive pee?  Or the many farangs who take Vitamin C pills, thinking it will somehow magically prevent them from getting a cold (or cure a cold they already have)?  Yeah, it won't hurt them, but it doesn't get more gullible or ignorant of science that that.

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59 minutes ago, Chou Anou said:

And to bring the discussion back to people wasting money on products for their beauty/health that have absolutely no basis in science: what about all the farangs who buy and take "mega-vitamins", thinking they will give them anything more than expensive pee

'expensive pee'  That's the 1st time I've heard that phrase, in a sentence or otherwise.  Thanks for the chuckle!   

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3 hours ago, Chou Anou said:

Really?  Are you sure about that?  Doesn't sound like typical human behavior to me.  People tend to hang on to their irrational beliefs and superstitions despite all the scientific proof in the world.  How else do you explain all the <deleted> idiots in my country, the US, not believing in climate control, thinking vaccinations cause autism, etc., etc., ad nauseam, to the point of electing a crass, uninformed, and belligerent idiot who believes the same (and understands nothing about the way government works) to lead them?


Sorry, didn't mean to turn this into a political rant.  The on-topic point is: the Thais have no monopoly on stupid, and the stupid are not easily convinced to change their ways based on scientific fact.


And to bring the discussion back to people wasting money on products for their beauty/health that have absolutely no basis in science: what about all the farangs who buy and take "mega-vitamins", thinking they will give them anything more than expensive pee?  Or the many farangs who take Vitamin C pills, thinking it will somehow magically prevent them from getting a cold (or cure a cold they already have)?  Yeah, it won't hurt them, but it doesn't get more gullible or ignorant of science that that.

Thai will believe anything that any expert says (due to social class structure more than anything if they are not educated, science if they are highly educated). Whether it is your local doctor, World Health Organisation, whoever. For example, my village is made up of a lot of the extended family. They all just ate antibiotics like they were lollies. Since I arrived and we had our baby there was a no antibiotic, cough medicine, whatever rule. I made doctors explain virus vs bacteria. They all saw my baby get better by itself in the same amount of time as babies taking the drugs. They would not have just believed me, i had to present the research, but then get it backed up by the doctor. Now whenever kids get sick, they dont just force feed them medicine. Obviously things like car seats and seat belts changed with me around, not feeding your dogs cooked bones, everyday things. Another thing was the MMR vaccine, Thai do it at 9 months which has massive fail rates. My research said 12-15 months, we went to the doctor and the doctor said we all do our personal kids at 12-15 months, they just say 9 months as it coincides with another vaccination. 

Similar to the rabies vaccine being 3 yearly rather than annually. Took the research to the vet and he said that is absolutely fine to do your dogs rabies every 3 years. My wife actually presented that research at the public health convention for rabies as an alternative way to beat it, than the current program which is failing miserably. The problem farang have, the problem i also had, is we just cant get over the idiocy so we get frustrated. As soon as you are frustrated you have lost them. Be calm, show them evidence, then have an expert back you up....they will change. 

Another example was a vote on whether the municipality were to paint lines on the road. It was an initial 'no' vote (due to political games), I got the evidence from the  World Health Organisation programs running to reduce traffic fatalities (which included painting lines on the road). The paper was sent to the politician 'line' group, and the vote was held again...this time it was a 'yes' vote. 

Obviously there is a cross section of the community that will believe product descriptions from advertisement....however, usually they are the ones who don't go to the doctor first to see what they think. They just take the pills. The U.S dont have the class system Thai have so it is harder to play people. Thai you have to use the system to your advantage. There is always someone who trumps someone else and that person will listen to every word they say. Just need to find the person on whatever it is you want changed. 

Doing this helped me in my work place also actually. I had massive fights with the director on the way things were being done, so i went to the person above him. The next day they gave me a desk, air conditioned room, food and water (to this day), and a brand new computer to use at work. 

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On 5/22/2017 at 8:59 AM, boomerangutang said:

I encourage every farang to tell their Thai friends three basic things:  A. tan-colored skin is fine.   B.  Natural is better than fake    C. Sunlight does not cause dark patches to appear on skin.  


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On 5/22/2017 at 9:44 PM, boomerangutang said:

One of their songs had the line;   'Too much cake and ice cream, will give you a stomach ache / too many cups of coffee, will keep you wide awake.' 

And there was me thinking, "She loves you, yeah, yeah, yeah" was all a bit banal.

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32 minutes ago, wildewillie89 said:

Thai will believe anything that any expert says (due to social class structure more than anything if they are not educated, science if they are highly educated). Whether it is your local doctor, World Health Organisation, whoever. For example, my village is made up of a lot of the extended family. They all just ate antibiotics like they were lollies. Since I arrived and we had our baby there was a no antibiotic, cough medicine, whatever rule. I made doctors explain virus vs bacteria. They all saw my baby get better by itself in the same amount of time as babies taking the drugs. They would not have just believed me, i had to present the research, but then get it backed up by the doctor. Now whenever kids get sick, they dont just force feed them medicine. Obviously things like car seats and seat belts changed with me around, not feeding your dogs cooked bones, everyday things. Another thing was the MMR vaccine, Thai do it at 9 months which has massive fail rates. My research said 12-15 months, we went to the doctor and the doctor said we all do our personal kids at 12-15 months, they just say 9 months as it coincides with another vaccination. 

Similar to the rabies vaccine being 3 yearly rather than annually. Took the research to the vet and he said that is absolutely fine to do your dogs rabies every 3 years. My wife actually presented that research at the public health convention for rabies as an alternative way to beat it, than the current program which is failing miserably. The problem farang have, the problem i also had, is we just cant get over the idiocy so we get frustrated. As soon as you are frustrated you have lost them. Be calm, show them evidence, then have an expert back you up....they will change. 

Another example was a vote on whether the municipality were to paint lines on the road. It was an initial 'no' vote (due to political games), I got the evidence from the  World Health Organisation programs running to reduce traffic fatalities (which included painting lines on the road). The paper was sent to the politician 'line' group, and the vote was held again...this time it was a 'yes' vote. 

Obviously there is a cross section of the community that will believe product descriptions from advertisement....however, usually they are the ones who don't go to the doctor first to see what they think. They just take the pills. The U.S dont have the class system Thai have so it is harder to play people. Thai you have to use the system to your advantage. There is always someone who trumps someone else and that person will listen to every word they say. Just need to find the person on whatever it is you want changed. 

Doing this helped me in my work place also actually. I had massive fights with the director on the way things were being done, so i went to the person above him. The next day they gave me a desk, air conditioned room, food and water (to this day), and a brand new computer to use at work. 

Being the farang does have its advantages with many Thai. The Director of Public Health for the whole South region i am in contact with on Facebook probably every couple of months. He asks  me my opinions on things from a 'farang' perspective to try and make things better (as he is always travelling to see how systems work in different parts of the world as its his job). Yeah, your local farmer, bar girl family or uneducated family wont really know how much more developed farang countries are, but it is not uncommon for government departments to ask  for help. My wife and her father accepted my research instantly as they are educated, the mother in law is not so she needed to hear it from a doctor. And since seeing how it has all worked out the community naturally start to follow, as one, everyone knows the farang baby, and two the family is the Mayor. Ive also suggested different programs about rubbish that have then been discussed at regional/national  levels. My wife is a Director of Public Health at a sub-district level and everyone knows my wife has a 'farang' husband so everyone is waiting for the ideas she produces. 

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17 minutes ago, wildewillie89 said:

Being the farang does have its advantages with many Thai. The Director of Public Health for the whole South region i am in contact with on Facebook probably every couple of months. He asks  me my opinions on things from a 'farang' perspective to try and make things better (as he is always travelling to see how systems work in different parts of the world as its his job). Yeah, your local farmer, bar girl family or uneducated family wont really know how much more developed farang countries are, but it is not uncommon for government departments to ask  for help. My wife and her father accepted my research instantly as they are educated, the mother in law is not so she needed to hear it from a doctor. And since seeing how it has all worked out the community naturally start to follow, as one, everyone knows the farang baby, and two the family is the Mayor. Ive also suggested different programs about rubbish that have then been discussed at regional/national  levels. My wife is a Director of Public Health at a sub-district level and everyone knows my wife has a 'farang' husband so everyone is waiting for the ideas she produces. 

There's absolutely no denying that government wonks go on junkets around the world, ostensibly to see how things are done differently and I am pretty sure that personally, they take a lot onboard. Undoubtedly they will hang on your wife's every word and eventually stuff gets discussed at regional/national levels.


So why is it all still pretty much sh!t?

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Just now, NanLaew said:

There's absolutely no denying that government wonks go on junkets around the world, ostensibly to see how things are done differently and I am pretty sure that personally, they take a lot onboard. Undoubtedly they will hang on your wife's every word and eventually stuff gets discussed at regional/national levels.


So why is it all still pretty much sh!t?

Take rubbish for example. The fee is 20 baht per month from each household in many areas....what can you do with 20 baht? There is a lot of talk about increasing the fee to a minimum of 150 baht at the moment to try and get it less shit. 

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13 minutes ago, wildewillie89 said:

Take rubbish for example. The fee is 20 baht per month from each household in many areas....what can you do with 20 baht? There is a lot of talk about increasing the fee to a minimum of 150 baht at the moment to try and get it less shit. 

Challenging stuff indeed. I don't think the Thai's are unique in preferring to pay the bare minimum for services that we would typically pay through the nose for via rates and taxes back home. We typically rail when charges are increased and/or services are reduced whereas the locals here tend to shrug their shoulders if there's (say) no garbage collection for a week because (say) the only clapped out and poorly maintained garbage truck is broken. I guess if there are no high expectations, then there's no realistic way of getting them to pay more unless (say) the city has a fleet of new garbage trucks. Getting them to pay more for an inadequate and rubbish (sic) service is on a hiding for nothing anywhere. When you consider that everyone from the city manager on down to the garbage collectors is probably siphoning off what they can, the 20 baht doesn't go very far at all but I am pretty sure that the funds allocated to local authorities these days is not based on the 20 baht/household regime of (say) thirty years ago.


It is what it is.

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7 hours ago, NanLaew said:

Challenging stuff indeed. I don't think the Thai's are unique in preferring to pay the bare minimum for services that we would typically pay through the nose for via rates and taxes back home. We typically rail when charges are increased and/or services are reduced whereas the locals here tend to shrug their shoulders if there's (say) no garbage collection for a week because (say) the only clapped out and poorly maintained garbage truck is broken. I guess if there are no high expectations, then there's no realistic way of getting them to pay more unless (say) the city has a fleet of new garbage trucks. Getting them to pay more for an inadequate and rubbish (sic) service is on a hiding for nothing anywhere. When you consider that everyone from the city manager on down to the garbage collectors is probably siphoning off what they can, the 20 baht doesn't go very far at all but I am pretty sure that the funds allocated to local authorities these days is not based on the 20 baht/household regime of (say) thirty years ago.


It is what it is.

I do not understand the sudden focus at the minute on rubbish. I think it is because the government is sick of paying the difference, and want the people to pay. Rabies was a 1 day thing, these rubbish conferences (including emergency conferences) have been going on for months and are a main issue for the government  Currently the department is going around to each village in Thailand and grading them with a score of how clean they are. I think the idea is to award the clean villages and shame the not so clean (potential reduced budgets also).

The 20 baht generally covers about half the cost of paying the disposal of the rubbish at the nearest landfill (as obviously not every municipality has a landfill). The other half and actual upkeep of vehicles and wages are obviously paid by the government (upkeep/service is dependent on how lazy or hard working the Mayor/Directors are). Our village two days a week (never missed a day - will make up day if public holiday). Staff cannot take any of the 20baht money lol...due to it being receipted. The last person who did steal the 20baht money was charged by police as the books didn't add up to the number of houses in the village. Municipality books are public viewing.

 Many bigger municipalities have changed to the 150 baht already (last few months). In terms of smarter ways of doing things, there was a vote to buy a machine that environmentally burns rubbish, rather than have a landfill, however when they looked at the weight of the rubbish they realised it was just not practical (not enough rubbish to justify cost). 

The good change that did occur (in my village anyway), was rather than put leaves, sticks etc in the garbage bins, they are now turning them into compost. Villagers obviously got trained how to do it by the municipality. Also helps reduce the total weight of the rubbish, cheaper landfill bills. Such projects obviously have their separate budgets. 

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8 minutes ago, wildewillie89 said:

I do not understand the sudden focus at the minute on rubbish. I think it is because the government is sick of paying the difference, and want the people to pay. Rabies was a 1 day thing, these rubbish conferences (including emergency conferences) have been going on for months and are a main issue for the government  Currently the department is going around to each village in Thailand and grading them with a score of how clean they are. I think the idea is to award the clean villages and shame the not so clean (potential reduced budgets also).

The 20 baht generally covers about half the cost of paying the disposal of the rubbish at the nearest landfill (as obviously not every municipality has a landfill). The other half and actual upkeep of vehicles and wages are obviously paid by the government (upkeep/service is dependent on how lazy or hard working the Mayor/Directors are). Our village two days a week (never missed a day - will make up day if public holiday). Staff cannot take any of the 20baht money lol...due to it being receipted. The last person who did steal the 20baht money was charged by police as the books didn't add up to the number of houses in the village. Municipality books are public viewing.

 Many bigger municipalities have changed to the 150 baht already (last few months). In terms of smarter ways of doing things, there was a vote to buy a machine that environmentally burns rubbish, rather than have a landfill, however when they looked at the weight of the rubbish they realised it was just not practical (not enough rubbish to justify cost). 

The good change that did occur (in my village anyway), was rather than put leaves, sticks etc in the garbage bins, they are now turning them into compost. Villagers obviously got trained how to do it by the municipality. Also helps reduce the total weight of the rubbish, cheaper landfill bills. Such projects obviously have their separate budgets. 

By all means, there are certain types of corruption that go on. I live basically in a municipality style life (family Mayor, Director, politicians), i work for another municipality, i have family in the police anti corruption unit also so I know which departments are going well in life. But it is not over little things like people think if we are talking municipalities. It is usually outside of the work place, companies paying people to be chosen to be contractors for projects etc. The books are what they are, be corrupt with official money and the community finds out, and you are charged. Municipalities it is hard for even the crappiest of people to make money due to the way the books are....I am sure we all know the true offices that are taking in a lot of cash. 

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19 hours ago, Chou Anou said:

Really?  Are you sure about that?  Doesn't sound like typical human behavior to me.  People tend to hang on to their irrational beliefs and superstitions despite all the scientific proof in the world.  How else do you explain all the <deleted> idiots in my country, the US, not believing in climate control, thinking vaccinations cause autism, etc., etc., ad nauseam, to the point of electing a crass, uninformed, and belligerent idiot who believes the same (and understands nothing about the way government works) to lead them?


Sorry, didn't mean to turn this into a political rant.  The on-topic point is: the Thais have no monopoly on stupid, and the stupid are not easily convinced to change their ways based on scientific fact.


And to bring the discussion back to people wasting money on products for their beauty/health that have absolutely no basis in science: what about all the farangs who buy and take "mega-vitamins", thinking they will give them anything more than expensive pee?  Or the many farangs who take Vitamin C pills, thinking it will somehow magically prevent them from getting a cold (or cure a cold they already have)?  Yeah, it won't hurt them, but it doesn't get more gullible or ignorant of science that that.

Although I disagree muchly re Vit C, for all the other points you make, it has the same denominator we've all heard a thousand times which is "it's not about politics, or government, or products ....just *follow the money* ".

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On 5/22/2017 at 2:32 PM, kenk24 said:

And how receptive might you be to adding chilli peppers to your Danish pastry?


The twist, friend had MIL visit same day he made a big pot of traditional Italian spaghetti sauce, Italian style and no chili, as requested by his wife. Wife served it out and it was so spicy wife and kids and farang couldn't eat it.


Wife asked how did it get so phet, MIL announced that she threw in a big handful of chili because 'farang food is inedible'.

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8 minutes ago, scorecard said:


The twist, friend had MIL visit same day he made a big pot of traditional Italian spaghetti sauce, Italian style and no chili, as requested by his wife. Wife served it out and it was so spicy wife and kids and farang couldn't eat it.


Wife asked how did it get so phet, MIL announced that she threw in a big handful of chili because 'farang food is inedible'.


Ha ha.  Although I wasn't 'spice enabled' when I first got here, that was just a part of naturalisation.  I'm still surprised how many people don't do spicy.  I can fully understand it from a holiday makers perspective as we've all been that person for a day or two.  I have a UK friend in particular that is friends with a co-friend in BKK before I ever came here (all 3 of us from UK originally), and he was quite disgusted (probably still is) how spicy my BKK friend liked his food. and that he "must have destroyed his taste buds".  I straddle the fence on that one but say nothing.  Spicy is good, delicate is good, why be forced to choose?

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On 2017-5-25 at 0:55 AM, melvinmelvin said:

maybe they have, but then they are not Thai


there are no people in Thailand, Laos, China, Japan, Cambodia, Burma, PI, that have black hair


Are you saying all peeps in those countries dye their pubes a different colour? :shock1::shock1::shock1:

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re making skin white


I have sensitive skin here and there, must be careful with after shave, deoderants and the like

also with body shampo


am using a body shampo with neutral ph ,

this is for intimate female cleansing


the stuff comes in 2 different plastic bottles, one blue and one red

I am using the blue one


the red one contains whitening agents


white cats are ok


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