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Video: Cowardly violence as man with mental problems attacked in the street in Trat


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6 hours ago, darksidedog said:

Whatever the reason, that was one of the most brutal attacks by two people on one defenseless guy I have witnessed.

These two scumbags are the utter dregs of society. I hope when they are found a quick Wai and a few baht won't let them escape serious punishment, even if it turns out one or more of them has a copper for a daddy.

So many Thai males(not men) between 18 & 40 are just wild animals. 

They drive their pickups the same way

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The police shouldn't have too much trouble identifying these two from the CCTV footage, pretty well defined t-shirt and baseball cap on the taller of the two. And the yellow shirted one's shiny black belt doesn't look like a trendy fashion statement. I believe they were caught on a couple more cameras as well.


Despite what some people may say and think of Thais on this forum, there are not many that would stand behind scum like this. I hope someone comes forward and identifies them. Don't really care what the legal actions are against them, but I do pray they get their just desserts and proper justice is seen to be done.


That was a serious kicking; wouldn't be surprised if the victim has sustained serious neck injuries as well.

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5 hours ago, Gandtee said:

But the victim was a poor man with a mental problem. Mai ben rai!  Now if it had been an army General's son that would be a different kettle of fish. RIP

We have a young boy, about 18, who is autistic, and cycles around our village.He's a nice kid and he always stops to stroke the dogs. He is very polite to my"current" wife and me. But, the thing is, he can knock out a few bars on a guitar. I play a blues harp(self taught) and, quite often we do a few things together. His mum is always apologising for his behaviour the next day. But there is really no need. He is a kind boy, and i would hate to see him treated in any other way, than with respect.

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6 hours ago, Sooo Upto Me said:

Well good luck with that then.

Hope u got adequate medical insurance.

I was a U.S. Marin for 20 years, with 17 of that in Recon & Force Rcon, and hold a 2nd degree Black belt in Shotokan, an 4th Degr Black in Military Combat Martial arts.  I don't need luck. 


Edited by Just1Voice
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i have seen a lot of intolerance of and cruelty towards the disabled and mentally ill in thailand. a disturbed young lady was talking and shouting to herself in a local park the other week, the park security guys instead of helping/calming her actively abused and goaded her.

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This was a Clockwork Orange-style attack by two psychopaths. It seemed to me that they chose a victim in order to see how much damage they could inflict - yeah I know, reading a lot into it, but this incident did seem a bit more deranged than others. The gutter rats would make good subjects for medical experiments - long, slow and horribly, horribly painful. Every day. Until they are gnarled, knotted up, deformed and twisted and begging for release. The heart bleeds for their victim.

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I guess once these dipsticks are getting arrested they will say sorry that we went a bit over the top.

its pure murder headkicking it needs be addressed on tv that people kicking or hitting defenceless persons on the ground will face murder attempt charges.This is low scum.

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9 hours ago, Just1Voice said:

I was a U.S. Marin for 20 years, with 17 of that in Recon & Force Rcon, and hold a 2nd degree Black belt in Shotokan, an 4th Degr Black in Military Combat Martial arts.  I don't need luck. 


Yeah but ur prob 70yrs old now, so u will need luck.

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1 minute ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

Awww Gorwsh, its nothing.Just like the VC that i won at the Battle of Rourkes Drift, to me, is simply just another piece of tin, to go with all the others.

............was you defending someones right to sign off their forum posts with "Regards"  at the Battle of Rourkes drift ? :smile:

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1 minute ago, sanemax said:

............was you defending someones right to sign off their forum posts with "Regards"  at the Battle of Rourkes drift ? :smile:


1 minute ago, sanemax said:

............was you defending someones right to sign off their forum posts with "Regards"  at the Battle of Rourkes drift ? :smile:

Yes, dear chap. I was having dinner with Lord Chelmsford He happened to remark that the African Levy, who was serving the Port at the table in his tent served a lowly adjutant, before himself, and his Lordship pointed it out that the levy had committed the sin of serving it from the right. The Adjutant was aware of the faux pass committed, and offered his apology and said that it should be treated with scant regard due to the levy's lack of knowledge of table etiquette.

His Lordship went puce with rage. "Regard? Regard? How dare you, ''pon my soul sir, i am in mid battle with some 2000 Zulu's and you speak of scant regard By God sir, we could all be dead by the morning"Well,i stood up and said, well you know what i said (see post, if you've forgotten)And the rest is history.:smile:

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