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British police says responding to serious incident at Manchester Arena


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1 hour ago, iReason said:


And witchcraft... :whistling:



The Catechism of the Catholic Church defines these three sins against the faith in this way:


Of course you are right. I just heard on the news that a Catholic suicide bomber killed 100 Muslims who would not convert to Christianity.


I also heard that the Pope had issued a warrant of death on a Catholic who become a Jew.


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18 hours ago, Flustered said:

No Muslim can allow his daughter to marry a non Muslim.....Fact


Funny, but I have personally attended two weddings of Christian men marrying muslim women, both taking place in the Father's home with his blessings.  Your intial error doesn't help the credibility of the remainder of your post. 


It seems to me that the most vehemently anti-muslims here tend have the least experience with muslims. Their experience seems to consist of mostly watching you-tube videos by demogues intent on whipping up hatred for their personal gain.



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Actually, I don't really think these terrorists are killing because they are Muslims.  They are killing because they are the alienated, angry, failed creation of an egg-head philosophy of No Borders/Multiculturalism. It don't work.  


Turns out Countries are held together by cultures which consist of language, religion, customs and a common history.  Multi-culturalism  is the antithesis of County.  Muslims in Europe don't integrate thus they are not part of the mainstream.  They are outsiders in their new country seething with resentment and easy prey for extremists/anarchists.  


Only solution is to stop immigration from totally foreign lands and force the current inhabitants to join in the existing culture or leave.  No mosques, burkas, or Arabic allowed.  You want that, you know where to go. 


All the shrill whining  from the left about Trumps ban on immigration from Muslim countries looks silly now.  He called the terrorists losers.  He's right.  Again.

Edited by funandsuninbangkok
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13 minutes ago, thaihome said:

Funny, but I have personally attended two weddings of Christian men marrying muslim women, both taking place in the Father's home with his blessings.  Your intial error doesn't help the credibility of the remainder of your post. 


It seems to me that the most vehemently anti-muslims here tend have the least experience with muslims. Their experience seems to consist of mostly watching you-tube videos by demogues intent on whipping up hatred for their personal gain.



Marvellous....I have been working with them for 4 years out of the last 6 and still am....i would not give them an inch or trust them with anything.  So I think a little bit more than youtube 

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8 minutes ago, funandsuninbangkok said:

Actually, I don't really think these terrorists are killing because they are Muslims.


Read the Quran then Allah demands they wage war (jihad) against the unbelievers hypocrites and trouble makers in Muslim lands

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5 minutes ago, Caps said:

Marvellous....I have been working with them for 4 years out of the last 6 and still am....i would not give them an inch or trust them with anything.  So I think a little bit more than youtube 

Well, I have worked for going on 20 years with muslims from the country that makes up about 12% of the total muslim population in addition to many others from the Asia Pacific region that make up some 62% of muslims in the world  and disagree with your assessment.  


I will readily admit that if your experience is in the ME, particularly saudi, which is a very small minority of muslims, then there are indeed issues.  Issues that I  attribute more to cultural problems, under the guise of religion,then to Islam itself. 


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20 minutes ago, thaihome said:

Well, I have worked for going on 20 years with muslims from the country that makes up about 12% of the total muslim population in addition to many others from the Asia Pacific region that make up some 62% of muslims in the world  and disagree with your assessment.  


I will readily admit that if your experience is in the ME, particularly saudi, which is a very small minority of muslims, then there are indeed issues.  Issues that I  attribute more to cultural problems, under the guise of religion,then to Islam itself. 


Iraq all the time....fully Muslim, Baghdad and Basrah ...and i ain't here for the love of the people 

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1 hour ago, thaihome said:

Funny, but I have personally attended two weddings of Christian men marrying muslim women, both taking place in the Father's home with his blessings.  Your intial error doesn't help the credibility of the remainder of your post. 


It seems to me that the most vehemently anti-muslims here tend have the least experience with muslims. Their experience seems to consist of mostly watching you-tube videos by demogues intent on whipping up hatred for their personal gain.



The Quran expressly forbids the marrying of a Muslim female to a non Muslim. You should know that.






Makes me question if you are genuine or just a troll.

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The Quran expressly forbids the marrying of a Muslim female to a non Muslim. You should know that.
Makes me question if you are genuine or just a troll.

Not every Muslim follows the Quran to the letter and there are many scolarly intepretations, just as not every Christian follows the Bible to the letter (thank God). Many Jews eat pork! Inter-religious marriages are a hopeful sign and good to see.
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6 minutes ago, brewsterbudgen said:

Not every Muslim follows the Quran to the letter and there are many scolarly intepretations, just as not every Christian follows the Bible to the letter (thank God). Many Jews eat pork! Inter-religious marriages are a hopeful sign and good to see.

Interfaith marriage is one of the most agreed on parts of the Quran.


There is no debate. True Muslims (which nearly all would claim to be) do not allow females to marry outside the faith.


Give me just one example of a Muslim female publicly marrying outside the faith. They would be sentenced to death within minutes by some devout cleric.


The comment about attending two weddings between  Muslim females and a Christian men is pure La La land. and not provable.


I agree about Muslims not following the Quran to the letter but in this case....Nope.

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                           It's so hard to weed out the baddies from society.  I agree with the fellow speaking on the video.  PC has gone too far in Europe.  Europeans have to grow cojones and deal with Muslim infiltration of their region with resolve, not with flowers, free lunches and forgiveness. 


                  Muslims from Turkey were turned back twice at the gates of Vienna in bloody battles.  Another Muslim army was defeated in France and Muslims were kicked out of Spain.  That all happened centuries ago.   Now there are no forces coordinating to keep the Muslims out of Europe.  They can just walk or ride into central Europe by the hundreds of thousands.  Even if they're deemed undesirable and told to go back to their home country, they scoff and chuckle, and just walk around the corner and stay.


                      Rapes and murders are up in Europe.  Wake up and take back your countries, or at least don't allow them to succumb to Sharia Law, Religious Police, gang rapes, genital mutilation and mass murders.  Until I was 22, I spent half my years in Europe.  I don't want to see it devolve to a colony of the Middle East.



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6 hours ago, Basil B said:

Tolerance??? seems to me the only tolerance Muslims have is for the radical terrorists in their community who think that they have the right to rid this earth of those who do not believe in Islam.  

Yes mate, i am angry too.

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23 hours ago, brewsterbudgen said:

Not every Muslim follows the Quran to the letter and there are many scolarly intepretations, just as not every Christian follows the Bible to the letter (thank God). Many Jews eat pork! Inter-religious marriages are a hopeful sign and good to see.

That's probably because most haven't read it, they just do as they are told by their religious teacher.

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One post removed.   Continued hate speech will result in suspensions.   The topic is about the situation in Manchester, not your personal opinion of Islam or Muslims.   

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1 hour ago, Flustered said:

Interfaith marriage is one of the most agreed on parts of the Quran.


There is no debate. True Muslims (which nearly all would claim to be) do not allow females to marry outside the faith.


Give me just one example of a Muslim female publicly marrying outside the faith. They would be sentenced to death within minutes by some devout cleric.


The comment about attending two weddings between  Muslim females and a Christian men is pure La La land. and not provable.


I agree about Muslims not following the Quran to the letter but in this case....Nope.

A person with some 700 posts calling me troll is almost funny.  


Again, there are thousands of female muslims married to non muslims all over the world. I will readily admit it is likely rare in middle east where a small minority of muslims live.


How many non ME muslims, that make almost 90% of the total(over a billion people) ,  have you known?  


To make a blanket statement that a female muslim marrying a non muslims would be immediately condemned to death all over the world and then accuse a person of being a troll when called on the obvious falsehood is ludicrous. 




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21 minutes ago, Scott said:

One post removed.   Continued hate speech will result in suspensions.   The topic is about the situation in Manchester, not your personal opinion of Islam or Muslims.   

Yesterday, I saw on the news one of the top police officials (indeed possibly the head of police in Manchester) deliver an address to the media. Like you he seemed far, far more concerned about "hate speech" than the murder of innocent children.


How can the people of Manchester take these police officials seriously? Their response to this tragedy is to worry about hate speech? British people need to replace bloody fools like that.

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15 hours ago, Richard W said:

He wasn't deported - he couldn't be, he stayed British.  He was extradited by the USA.

Hair splitting...


The radical cleric is expected to arrive in the United States today after he was deported from Britain along with four other terror suspects.

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A very thoughtfully,  objective opinion piece on suicide terrorists. Even explains the irrational fears and hatred expressed so eloquently  (or not) here against some billion plus people all over the world. 



Over and over, reading and writing about suicide terrorism brings us back to this same place: the absence of meaning.


That, in some ways, is the most terrifying conclusion of all. All victims — and anyone who felt shocked or frightened by the attack, even from afar, is a kind of victim — crave a sense of meaning, a way to understand and explain their pain, a way to have it matter.


That craving has tormented much of the world for decades and, I suspect, animates the ritualistic search for details, as if some clue in the attacker’s passport or email cache will finally resolve the mystery of why.


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30 minutes ago, onthesoi said:


Convicted fraudster, liar and hate preacher Tommy R......scraping the bottom of the sewer now!





You forgot to mention his convictions for violence and football hooliganism; including imprisonment for assaulting an off duty police officer who intervened to prevent him from beating up his then girlfriend!


Tommy Robinson is just one of Stephen Yaxley's aliases; one has to wonder why he needs so many.


Not at all surprised that he has yet again used the suffering of others to promote his loathsome agenda.

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Unfortunately today's society irrespective of your nationality or country of residence is not immune to this cancerous virus of radicalised terrorism.


Every act of terror is about and focused on hatred, this scum are very much in the minority and it requires a combined effort for ALL to aid the authorities in tackling the issue from all fronts.


The current Op being invoked & implemented by TM is and was inevitable at some point, deployment of troops in London is expected however the Manchester CC is very reluctant to follow suit & the Police uplift and support element from other forces has obviously been a significant factor in not approving troop deployment in the city, the operation tempo is relentless & constructive and expect regular daily updates.


RIP to all those involved and effected including a serving GMP female officer.



Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


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26 minutes ago, Watchful said:

Yesterday, I saw on the news one of the top police officials (indeed possibly the head of police in Manchester) deliver an address to the media. Like you he seemed far, far more concerned about "hate speech" than the murder of innocent children.


How can the people of Manchester take these police officials seriously? Their response to this tragedy is to worry about hate speech? British people need to replace bloody fools like that.

The thread is about the response to the situation in Manchester.   The topic isn't about Islam or Muslims in general.   Hate speech directed at people who had nothing to do with this tragedy is not permitted.


Members are welcome to their opinion, but they need to be posted in the appropriate thread and with appropriate language.  


Continue at your own risk.  

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