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Just a small "chassis" but beautiful female mechanic wowing the boys in Korat!


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9 hours ago, mikebell said:

Yet another Thai graduate who can't find a job with the worthless paper credentials issued by the thousands annually by the Thai scam artists known locally as Universities.

Totally agree , thats why 99 perc never leave Thailand

And women getting jobs through their skills or quals in male dominated industries - maybe very few 

Iv'e seen time & time again where somehow they do - maybe something to do with the eyelashes ( open & closing)

Many of  blokes i know from my Nanny country are totally peed with the system knowing a pretty girl with no quals can out do a professional with 10 - 20 yrs experience & degrees


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3 hours ago, Bill Miller said:

Yes, I did in fact become an ASE certified Master Technician with no schooling. I started sweeping out and emptying trash, etc., part time at the Gaylordsville Garage when I was fourteen. At sixteen I bought my first car, a Renault Dauphine, for $15. I had to replace a rear wheel bearing, an exhaust valve and one piston where a piece of the valve had perforated the top.
All else was similar hands on until cars became more complicated, and I hit the books. I took the exams two at a time when I felt ready.
"Of course she could have been trained with the theoretical background from books and had that reinforced by the practical training she may have had with her father" is a correct statement, except that the particular areas mentioned in the article are absolutely possible to learn OJT. For over one hundred years that is the way mechanics learned their trade. Period.
What are your qualifications to declare in this situation, might I ask?

Several years working in  Radio Communications Equipment and Radar after Army training,  Diploma in Computer Engineering then work with this and did a degree in Computer Science.  Various competncies including Certified Trainer and Assessor in Competancy Based Training.  Periods of lecturing at University and at Technical Colleges in aspects of Computer Science.

Should give me some right to comment on the need for formal training.  Which you yourself said you had done by study of home based courses.  Of course this was a while ago.

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2 minutes ago, harrry said:

Several years working in  Radio Communications Equipment and Radar after Army training,  Diploma in Computer Engineering then work with this and did a degree in Computer Science.  Various competncies including Certified Trainer and Assessor in Competancy Based Training.  Periods of lecturing at University and at Technical Colleges in aspects of Computer Science.

Should give me some right to comment on the need for formal training.  Which you yourself said you had done by study of home based courses.  Of course this was a while ago.

Highly commendable personal achievments Harry but I can't believe that this story has resulted in such waffle. It's about a girl in a brake shop remember....Ref, it's full time!!!!

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33 minutes ago, BEVUP said:

Totally agree , thats why 99 perc never leave Thailand

And women getting jobs through their skills or quals in male dominated industries - maybe very few 

Iv'e seen time & time again where somehow they do - maybe something to do with the eyelashes ( open & closing)

Many of  blokes i know from my Nanny country are totally peed with the system knowing a pretty girl with no quals can out do a professional with 10 - 20 yrs experience & degrees


My daughter has a masters degree in computer graphics from a Thai university and has a very good job thank you very much. Don't belittle girls because of the blokes you know or your own limited experiences.

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On 2017-5-23 at 4:06 PM, Catkiwi said:

It was her Dads business so she would have no doubt have been training ever since she could walk.

Yes you are right. There are many people that can work on cars as it was hobby back home. Fixing up old cars. I for one was showed how to work on cars by my dad. He use to drag race cars. I can do almost anything mechanical. No degree needed. 


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14 hours ago, Bill Miller said:

How did you come to that conclusion?
The article said she left marketing to return to what she likes best.

"Khao Fang did a bachelor's degree in marketing at a Korat university then went to work at mobile firm AIS for a year. Now she is back doing what she likes best.
Unalloyed Thai bashing, I would say."

I've put my two step-daughters through two Mickey Mouse University courses - they wanted to be teachers.  One was given a 'placement' doing maid/kitchen work in a hotel on Koh Chang; the other worked in toxic fumes in a Subaru factory.  That's how I came to this conclusion.  Investing in Thailand's Education system does not seem like Thai bashing to me. 

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20 minutes ago, mikebell said:

I've put my two step-daughters through two Mickey Mouse University courses - they wanted to be teachers.  One was given a 'placement' doing maid/kitchen work in a hotel on Koh Chang; the other worked in toxic fumes in a Subaru factory.  That's how I came to this conclusion.  Investing in Thailand's Education system does not seem like Thai bashing to me. 

No, you are attempting to sidestep and obfuscate the issue.
You previously stated that the young lady in the article could not find a job after attending university and getting a degree.
I proved that you were wrong by quoting the pertinent part of the article.
I am very sorry that YOU placed your step-daughters in "Mickey Mouse" university courses. Why did you not send them to a teacher's college? Did the Mickey Mouses even offer a teaching certificate course? Seems like either an indifference towards your step kids or an extreme case of cheap charlie-ism... just my opinion, but I would be interested to see your excuses.
Your final sentence, " Investing in Thailand's Education system does not seem like Thai bashing to me. ", I am afraid just does not make any sense at all, as there was nowhere previously any mention of  "Investing in Thailand's Education system..". You only categorically condemned the entirety of the Thai higher education system which is, prima facie, "Thai bashing"

If the moderators wish to ban me again for pointing out some obvious stuff, have at it. You have previously banned me, with no opportunity for rebuttal, and no explanation other than "I think you have violated our standards", for posting opinions, and yet done nothing apparently when I have reported gross ad hominem attacks on myself.

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Guys, maybe we should stay away from this girl and her car repair shop Look at the photo in the first post. Thats a drum brake she's working on.


"Thai Rath reporters caught up with her as she was adeptly repairing a wheel and putting on some new brake pads"......????&$#@

Edited by MartinBangkok
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On ‎23‎/‎05‎/‎2017 at 2:04 PM, harrry said:

Great....but I prefer someone trained as an automobile mechanic and no a degree to work on my cars.  I am sure she would be would be great if she did get this training.  Women should work in this field...but that is no excuse for lack of training.

Is there such a thing as a mechanical trade qualification in LOS? I doubt any of the guys I see working in the shops have one. The electrician that came to install my water heater didn't know much about electrical stuff and the welder that came to fix the gate couldn't weld properly.


Anyway, she'd never have qualified to be an apprentice back home when I did mine ( a very long time ago ). We had to carry the blacksmith's anvil across the shop floor :smile:. I doubt she could even lift one.


Being able to fix my own car has always been a godsend. Mechanics seem to charge the earth now, just to change parts.

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On ‎25‎/‎05‎/‎2017 at 10:41 AM, MartinBangkok said:

Guys, maybe we should stay away from this girl and her car repair shop Look at the photo in the first post. Thats a drum brake she's working on.


"Thai Rath reporters caught up with her as she was adeptly repairing a wheel and putting on some new brake pads"......????&$#@

You think a reporter knows the difference? Perhaps it was in the translation.

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On ‎25‎/‎05‎/‎2017 at 7:30 AM, Beats56 said:

Yes you are right. There are many people that can work on cars as it was hobby back home. Fixing up old cars. I for one was showed how to work on cars by my dad. He use to drag race cars. I can do almost anything mechanical. No degree needed. 


Parts changers don't need a degree to "fix" cars now either. The computer tells them what part to change.

Robots will replace them soon enough.

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On ‎24‎/‎05‎/‎2017 at 7:46 PM, BEVUP said:

Totally agree , thats why 99 perc never leave Thailand

And women getting jobs through their skills or quals in male dominated industries - maybe very few 

Iv'e seen time & time again where somehow they do - maybe something to do with the eyelashes ( open & closing)

Many of  blokes i know from my Nanny country are totally peed with the system knowing a pretty girl with no quals can out do a professional with 10 - 20 yrs experience & degrees


Don't sweat it. When robots are taking over, even their eye lash fluttering technique won't save their jobs.

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On ‎24‎/‎05‎/‎2017 at 8:10 PM, harrry said:

Several years working in  Radio Communications Equipment and Radar after Army training,  Diploma in Computer Engineering then work with this and did a degree in Computer Science.  Various competncies including Certified Trainer and Assessor in Competancy Based Training.  Periods of lecturing at University and at Technical Colleges in aspects of Computer Science.

Should give me some right to comment on the need for formal training.  Which you yourself said you had done by study of home based courses.  Of course this was a while ago.

Not disparaging your qualifications or achievements, but Competency Based Training made me smile.

My last 10 years as a nurse was dominated by such catch phrases, despite the people implementing such having no clue about "training" at all. They could talk the talk, but were nowhere to be seen doing the walk. Failed nurses that were incapable of getting a proper job moved into management and "education". Got paid nicely too.

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On ‎24‎/‎05‎/‎2017 at 4:06 PM, harrry said:

This was not gender specific but training is not just working on cars because she likes them  or working in her fathers garage as a child thought this is a good start.  Training needs study and teaching of various aspects.  I am sure if you asked her many things taught to a true mechanic in trade school she would be unable to answer.  Being a mechanic requires both hands on training, which she has but also trade school based training.  DId you get to be an ASE certified auto technician without recieving technical training?

Of course she could have been trained with the theoretical background from books and had that reinforced by the practical training she may have had with her father.

I am all for women doing any job but they need to be qualified just like men.  I would have said the same if the photo had been one of a footballer who pasted a photo that he was back doing what he wanted to do most...work on other peoples most expensive possession because his father owned a workshop.  Training is needed for all as is hands on.  They compliment each other.

You are saying she needs formal training when probably every man working in that shop has none?

She's just changing brake shoes/ pads and maybe mufflers, not fixing the next space ship to Mars.

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32 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

You are saying she needs formal training when probably every man working in that shop has none?

She's just changing brake shoes/ pads and maybe mufflers, not fixing the next space ship to Mars.

So by  your reasoning nurses do not need training as they are only giving medicine provided by a doctor and reading a few dials.

In both cases lives are at stake, a mechanic who just replaces a broken part without knowing parts can kill just as quick as a nurse can by not understanding a reaction to a drug.

Male or female does not matter.  Competancy does.

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On 5/24/2017 at 10:29 AM, mikebell said:

Yet another Thai graduate who can't find a job with the worthless paper credentials issued by the thousands annually by the Thai scam artists known locally as Universities.

Oh let's not just leave it at universities and Thailand; how many work certifications, even for farangs, are simply given for paying the fee.  Like a college education, a work certification does not mean you can do it; it means you paid for it.

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On 5/25/2017 at 8:11 AM, mikebell said:

I've put my two step-daughters through two Mickey Mouse University courses - they wanted to be teachers.  One was given a 'placement' doing maid/kitchen work in a hotel on Koh Chang; the other worked in toxic fumes in a Subaru factory.  That's how I came to this conclusion.  Investing in Thailand's Education system does not seem like Thai bashing to me. 

My daughter-in-law has a mechanical engineering degree from a Thai university and has worked for the world's largest oilfield services company for eight years. It depends upon the person. No matter your country of origin, there are numb nuts; in some cases they may be the majority.

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3 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Not disparaging your qualifications or achievements, but Competency Based Training made me smile.

My last 10 years as a nurse was dominated by such catch phrases, despite the people implementing such having no clue about "training" at all. They could talk the talk, but were nowhere to be seen doing the walk. Failed nurses that were incapable of getting a proper job moved into management and "education". Got paid nicely too.

Ah yes, "competency based training".  Some several years ago I went on a short ( 1 week) course where one of the instructors, a woman as it happens, used to witter on about that. She claimed to have "a background in education".  In the bar on the first evening we decided that she must have been a dinner lady, she certainly hadn't been a teacher.

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14 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Is there such a thing as a mechanical trade qualification in LOS? I doubt any of the guys I see working in the shops have one. The electrician that came to install my water heater didn't know much about electrical stuff and the welder that came to fix the gate couldn't weld properly.


Anyway, she'd never have qualified to be an apprentice back home when I did mine ( a very long time ago ). We had to carry the blacksmith's anvil across the shop floor :smile:. I doubt she could even lift one.


Being able to fix my own car has always been a godsend. Mechanics seem to charge the earth now, just to change parts.

The blacksmith must have been a big boy for you all to have to carry his anvil....?

Edited by Catkiwi
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13 hours ago, harrry said:

So by  your reasoning nurses do not need training as they are only giving medicine provided by a doctor and reading a few dials.

In both cases lives are at stake, a mechanic who just replaces a broken part without knowing parts can kill just as quick as a nurse can by not understanding a reaction to a drug.

Male or female does not matter.  Competancy does.

Irreleventand nonsensical cods wallop (excuse spelling). Where has that report button gone?

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On 5/23/2017 at 9:02 PM, Si Thea01 said:

And her qualifications are?  Not knocking her for having a go but before she touched my car I'd want to know that she knew exactly what she was doing.  What redress if something went wrong?  Like most things here, not much.  And no, not Thai basing, just being realistic.:wai:

Do you also question the credentials of every male Mechanic? No......not Thai bashing, just female bashing..

Edited by Rykbanlor
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