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Schengen visa & UK Visitor visa

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I will shortly be trying to obtain both above visas for my Thai Girlfriend, have done a lot of reading here which has been very useful but am stuck on a few points and would appreciate some help please.

I am British, have spent the majority of the last 8 years in Thailand, just over 7 of those with my GF ( living together ).

Every year I go back to the UK briefly then onwards for a longer stay in Italy ( about 3 months total p.a. )


I wish her to accompany me this time, has never been out of Asia.


On section 21 of the Schengen visa application, it asks for main purpose of journey, I guess tourism would be the answer ? ( The visiting friends or family bit has confused me, she would be with me but not visiting me as such.)


section 24 , number of entries required, am I correct in thinking that a single entry would be sufficient even if we should choose to visit briefly other countries covered by Schengen?


section 28   " Entry permit for the final country of destination, where applicable." Sorry simply do not understand this.



Address of inviting person ( i.e  me ). What address do I give, have one in Thailand and also one in Italy  ?


Intention is to go, if visas approved, mid July, very quick stop in the UK, few days, then to Italy for about 10 weeks, then back to UK, briefly, before returning to Thailand.


Sorry if some of the questions are basic/naive and any help welcome.



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No it's not. A UK 6 month visit visa is multi entry. There is absolutely no reason why she can't return back to the UK after the trip to Italy as long as the UK VV is still valid when she returns. I would suggest you explain it in your sponsor letter. 


As you have a house in Italy it would be better to put your Italian address. Wiser people on here will clarify 100%. Tourism is fine.


A first Schengen visa is typically single entry the first time you request one. We recently went to Iceland for eight days and the Schengen was for exactly eight days and it was single entry. Not sure they will grant a multi entry but worth asking.

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If she travels around and staying in hotels mostly, funding her own trip etc. tourism will be fine. 


If you stay within the Schengen area a single entry will do. But if you would wish to hop across the external border more then once (say from the Schengen area to the UK and back again), she would need mulitple entries. 


Q28 is incase she would leave the Schengenzone to a country other than the once she is a citizen of. If she would leave the Schengen zone and head to say the UK, US etc. they would wish to see a residence card or visa that shows she will be likely to be admitted there and thus not become stuck in the Schengen area. This questions is mainly for those who only stop over in the Schengen zone for a schort time and heading on onwards to elsewhere in the world.  Just enter N/A


If you are spending the holidays as tourists (touring, staying in hotels) I'd simply put your main residence there (that seems to be our Thai adress). If you indicate that you live in Italy and will spent time there in your property there you can bet that the embassy wants her to apply as 'visiting friends' and have you submit the paperwork that goes along with that (for most countries this means some sort of notification from the municipality of said country). Unless you are in Italy and can get those papers done, I wouldn't bother getting into that hassle, especially not if you are only briefly visiting your place.  


I would include a letter in which you explain that you and she plan to travel from Thailand to the UK, to Italy and other Schengen countries, back to the UK and back to Thailand again. If you make clear that she is our partner and you will be touring Europe that should give the embassy a pretty good idea of what your plans are. Don't forget to include her UK visa, since you will enter the Schengen zone from the UK and leave to the UK, they will want to make sure she will be likely to be admitted there.



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