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PM puts forward 4 questions for the people to answer before the election


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3 minutes ago, DM07 said:

Damn...I was too early.....

Now it is not only very sad, but downright disturbing!

"I am against privileges for anybody!"

Yeah...that sounds about right!


Talk about saying whatever is convenient at any given moment and hoping your readership have short memories, eh?

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9 hours ago, Matt96 said:

pure wishful thinking. in fact both Thai economic booms happened under military governments.

but people like you see what you want to see.


if Thailand is so bad - why don't you go back home?


I think you may find the Thai economic booms had no relationship to the performance of the military government at the time, otherwise based on your reasoning, there should be similar occurring now and during 10 other periods of military rule.


I am back home, only travel to Thailand if forced to by family. Lets be honest. The place is a cesspool of corruption, polution, organised crime, and a few ruling groups who treat the majority of the population as slaves and second class citizens and with nothing more than a facade to protend to the world that it is a tourist destination.


And they are some of the good points!

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3 hours ago, Thechook said:

Is this a pass/fail quiz and if I give the wrong answers should I pack my toothbrush?

If it's Thai, then you can take it 12 times - hone your answers for the best score and then tell everyone you passed.


If you're having trouble, I believe they do a special 'attitude adjustment' class. Quite reasonable rates and free food...

Edited by ben2talk
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On 5/27/2017 at 7:08 AM, wotsdermatter said:

I only have a Doctoral Degree in Clinical Psychologist and taught for many years in Thailand.  Still, sometimes, I have problems understanding how Thais think.  I read that there are four questions to be answered.  However, maybe because I am only a stupid person, compared to Thais, but reviewing the questions I read more than four.  Some of the so called four questions appear to contain multiple questions, rather like, in English, we often ask multiple questions in one sentence.  For example, and this type often leads to bafflement when asked of a Thai, "Would you like soup or salad?" Two questions in one.  Hey ho the merry Oh.


"Would you like soup or salad?" is a simple choice question, one or the other. "Would you like soup and salad?" offers both. "Would you like soup and/or salad?" gives the chance to have one or the other or both.


Did you construct a research survey as part of your doctoral degree?


Of course the Thai answer to any of those questions could be "laab moo" ! 


Much better to construct questions like "have you stopped beating your wife or husband now" 555 !

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On 5/28/2017 at 9:44 AM, Reigntax said:


I think you may find the Thai economic booms had no relationship to the performance of the military government at the time, otherwise based on your reasoning, there should be similar occurring now and during 10 other periods of military rule.


I am back home, only travel to Thailand if forced to by family. Lets be honest. The place is a cesspool of corruption, polution, organised crime, and a few ruling groups who treat the majority of the population as slaves and second class citizens and with nothing more than a facade to protend to the world that it is a tourist destination.


And they are some of the good points!

Well said. We have the same debates here in my home country which is similar trend wise in economic fortune or lose which is driven more by wider issues than which side is in power. The debate also is not so much who is in power in times of gain but if they have the wisdom to utilise that gain for the greater benefit of all.

And the only reply in this whole seven pages that got to the point. Thailand is a cesspool and it doesn't matter who is in Governance as thai society as a whole with their out dated patronage system will continue to hold them in the hole they are in. 

You are unfair on one point being as I am sure you know with your reference of family is get an honest Thai family as yours and you are one very lucky person. So another good point for Thailand.


On a side note it is funny to come back to this forum after boring absences and see the same ignorance portrayed that elections are all that defines the right to governance. Even under the much publicised idiocy that is being played out in the US it is obvious that even in that lowly failing democracy, statues and laws and constitutions have to be followed.

Edited by Roadman
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34 minutes ago, Roadman said:

Well said. We have the same debates here in my home country which is similar trend wise in economic fortune or lose which is driven more by wider issues than which side is in power. The debate also is not so much who is in power in times of gain but if they have the wisdom to utilise that gain for the greater benefit of all.

And the only reply in this whole seven pages that got to the point. Thailand is a cesspool and it doesn't matter who is in Governance as thai society as a whole with their out dated patronage system will continue to hold them in the hole they are in. 

You are unfair on one point being as I am sure you know with your reference of family is get an honest Thai family as yours and you are one very lucky person. So another good point for Thailand.


On a side note it is funny to come back to this forum after boring absences and see the same ignorance portrayed that elections are all that defines the right to governance. Even under the much publicised idiocy that is being played out in the US it is obvious that even in that lowly failing democracy, statues and laws and constitutions have to be followed.

Elections may not be the only thing defines the right to governance, but gaining "the consent of the governed" is certainly the most important thing.

So however imperfect any democracy may be, they all trump every other system of governance that does not start with obtaining the consent of the governed.

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2 hours ago, Smarter Than You said:

Elections may not be the only thing defines the right to governance, but gaining "the consent of the governed" is certainly the most important thing.

So however imperfect any democracy may be, they all trump every other system of governance that does not start with obtaining the consent of the governed.

Thailand is small but a is seen as a significant country in Asia (by some). The US; one of the larger countries. The UK; a big world voice and player. The three along with virtually all countries in the world have the same problem. When I say countries I am referring to the governing bodies (democratic or otherwise). 


At the present time the people of the world are awakening. Things are changing and not in some small way due to new mass media. The American people, so long fed garbage by a media owned by the same people who control of the world's banking systems, suddenly see a little light; a little truth emerging. The Brits spent decades thinking that the National debt was their debt. Now they know different and the subjects of Her Majesty, seem to be suddenly waking up to the facts of Europe, the aristocracy, the Bk-of-Eng and 'world dominance'.


Three quotes; "I don't want a nation of thinkers, I want a nation of workers.*"  "Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely.**" "Humans get off your knees***." Ring any bells here in Thailand?!


I think most members of TvisaF who live in Thailand care passionately about the country. I know I do! Thailand's problems are a tiny part of a massive picture. The truth is out there and more and more Thais are finding out the truth. And if the youngsters would get off 'candy crush' and into 'information' even more would become informed. (Note the Government's fears with new technology. It's hard to control the truth). People in Thailand; people of the US; people of the UK; people of OZ; people of the world wake up from this ignorant slumber. My message to the people is; "free yourself from tyranny, servitude and slavery."


*  J D Rockafeller
** Lord Acton
** David Icke

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I really don't like the self-appointed PM - for too many reasons to list here.


I've resided in Chiang Rai for nearly 20 years, and in that whole time, Thailand has had 2 decent leaders:  Chuan and Abhisit.    All the rest, you can put in wheelbarrow roll down a steep ravine.

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On ‎27‎-‎5‎-‎2017 at 1:26 AM, kannot said:

My finger hovers over the computer crimes report   button.....

Since when is telling the truth a crime. 


Never mind . 


By the way, the wish to see democracy fail in Thailand must be a Freudian slip.

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15 hours ago, SABloke said:


Cheers Mike, nice knowing you. Let's us know when/if you make it out of AA. ;)



The way I feel, is that a life of timidity, cowardice, and sycophantism, is really no life at all. Might as well say it, as you see it. Within reason.

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