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Trump ‘knows Republicans are stupid,’ Jared Kushner allegedly said to former editor


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It may smack of Socialism but several countries have proved that providing single payer healthcare; sponsored higher education; fair immigration and a reasonable defense budget  leads to a better standard of living for everyone.  Look at countries like Canada; Norway ; Finland and Switzerland....


The American public have been lied to consistently; lectured about  Socialism and Communism; informed that Immigration is bad and takes jobs- all so a system that favors only the wealthy; most of who are politicians, can stay  as the standard way of doing things. Even the news media has been hoodwinked until recently- however- they are castigated as 'fake news'.  If the current system America has remains- there will eventually be a new American Revolution and it won't be anything like Donald Trump  or his minions envision.

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5 hours ago, KarenBravo said:

Great post, but, many Americans would say that it smacks of Socialism.

And Socialism is just another name for Communism. That's why many Americans in the lower economic bands keep voting against their own interests.

Do you understand that between black and white there are many shades of grey?


BTW You just confirmed that theory that republicans are stupid.

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5 hours ago, Thaidream said:

It may smack of Socialism but several countries have proved that providing single payer healthcare; sponsored higher education; fair immigration and a reasonable defense budget  leads to a better standard of living for everyone.  Look at countries like Canada; Norway ; Finland and Switzerland....


The American public have been lied to consistently; lectured about  Socialism and Communism; informed that Immigration is bad and takes jobs- all so a system that favors only the wealthy; most of who are politicians, can stay  as the standard way of doing things. Even the news media has been hoodwinked until recently- however- they are castigated as 'fake news'.  If the current system America has remains- there will eventually be a new American Revolution and it won't be anything like Donald Trump  or his minions envision.

Switzerland does not have a single payer system. Multiple health insurance companies but very tightly regulated.

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22 hours ago, dunroaming said:

You didn't have to be stupid to support Trump.  Many good people voted for him because Clinton was a worse bet for them and they wanted change.  Reality then kicks in when they see what a total disaster he has turned out to be and they now just shake their heads and hope the misery will end soon.  Apart from them there are the handful of people who still believe in Trump and they are the ones wearing their stupidity as a badge of honour!


Making a mistake is something we all do, especially at election times.  The stupid people are they ones who cannot admit the mistake and move on.

45 NEVER made/makes mistakes. Just ask him. He's PERFECT just ask him. He's smarter than everyone, just ask him etc. ad nauseam.


Well the world will see. The incessant lies will come back to him as most have but history will remember him and his Republican party aka RussiaReps. 

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22 hours ago, Thaidream said:

I didn't vote for Trump but after the election I accepted the fact that he won and hoped he would actually bring a big change that would bring jobs and income to many struggling Americans.  There were millions of people adversely affected by the 2008/9 Great Recession that lost everything to include their home and feel betrayed by Government and Business.  These are the consistency that Trump played to.


Unfortunately, Trump's campaign profile which played upon bogeymen; subtle racism and ethnocentricity still continues as President.  Frankly, I am surprised and somewhat shocked that the legislation that is being proposed is so draconian in its attack on the poor; the elderly; and those most vulnerable in society. Even Republicans are starting to realize that this is not what the American people voted for. What Americans want is what Bernie Sanders ran his campaign on- redistribution of wealth and programs away from the 1% and targeted for the 99%. Without this goal- nothing changes- the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. And that's not fake news- it's fact.

Thank you and surprisingly it was under G.W.'s "watch" that the economy collapsed. Under Obama there was a great resurgency. But still no/ little credit. And still bitching a/b him. Yes he wasn't perfect but RussiaReps did EVERYTHING they could to impede his every move. Puzzling for me.  LOL Now these same types are crying "give 45 a chance" moan moan moan...


What I say is: Bite me. 

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21 hours ago, KarenBravo said:

Great post, but, many Americans would say that it smacks of Socialism.

And Socialism is just another name for Communism. That's why many Americans in the lower economic bands keep voting against their own interests.

Socialism/communism... how so? 

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On 6/1/2017 at 8:25 AM, mtls2005 said:

Stupid? Really? I'm shocked.



Republican Congressman Says God Will 'Take Care Of' Climate Change


A Republican congressman told his constituents that he believes God will "take care of" climate change if it proves to be a "real problem."

Michigan Rep. Tim Walberg said during a town hall in Coldwater, Mich., on Friday that while he believes climate change is real, it is not something for humans to solve.

He continued: "Why do I believe that? Well, as a Christian, I believe that there is a creator in God who is much bigger than us. And I'm confident that, if there's a real problem, he can take care of it."



I guess he thinks the earth is 2017 and a half years.  It's still brand new!

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1 hour ago, selftaopath said:

Socialism/communism... how so? 

My point was that many Americans equate the former with the latter which is just wrong.

All the Scandinavian countries are Socialist. The UK has many socialist policies.

The only three countries that are communist is China, North Korea and Cuba.

There is a vast difference.

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