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Police rush to London Bridge after reports of van hitting pedestrians


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21 hours ago, alocacoc said:

Wishful thinking.

right well you continue to light candles knock yourself out, time for hard line vicious response and if a few hundred get deported who perhpaps shouldnt have been tough luck. Always mamby pamby human rights issues....bollacks


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1 hour ago, vogie said:

Most people are getting fed up with political correctness and are beginning to call a spade a spade.

Unfortunately you're right, especially with the rise of Donald Trump and 'alt-right' populism.  However, being accurate and not alienating the vast majority of Muslims is more helpful.

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9 minutes ago, Khun Han said:


I have to say, vogie, that I am optimistic that, if the government does it's bit to intern the trouble causers, the islamic community will largely come onside. 99.99% of the people in the world put their families ahead of dogma.

"the trouble causers"


Agree entirely with locking up the trouble causers - but many are advocating interring any moslem suspected/reported (and even more extreme 'solutions'), which can only result in more Brit born moslems becoming terrorists!

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10 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:


No,  I'm going back a decade now, but they were always friendly and, as I say, exhibited no signs of being religious at all.


There was absolutely no reason for the 'paki bashers' to beat them up - other than because they didn't 'like' Pakistanis.


It made me angry then, and worried today that innocent moslems will become the next 'pakis' - beaten up by stupid, violent people who enjoy attacking others.  As long, of course, as there is no possibility of them personally being hurt....

I think you will find that they are not bashable or weak.

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2 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

"the trouble causers"


Agree entirely with locking up the trouble causers - but many are advocating interring any moslem suspected/reported (and even more extreme 'solutions'), which can only result in more Brit born moslems becoming terrorists!


The more that expose themselves as terrorists or supporters of terrorists the better. The muslim communities will either die or do their semi-intergration act.

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If there was no Social Security or NHS in the UK that our forefathers fought for a vast number of Islam folk would not be here......I am sure of that..........That also goes for the EU spongers that have crept in via open borders....:sad:

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21 hours ago, Basil B said:

I feel the one thing that was not done since the attack on Westminster Bridge was some barriers/posts/obstacles to stop vehicles mounting and travelling along pavements at high speed.


as a temporary measure they could have used water filled plastic barriers.



Seems someone been looking at TV for ideas on how to make London bridges safe...



Security barriers put on bridges overnight


Security barriers have been installed on some bridges in central London overnight to protect pedestrians from road traffic.

The barriers were installed on Lambeth Bridge, Waterloo Bridge southbound and Westminster Bridge in both directions, where Khalid Masood killed five people in March before being killed himself.

On Sunday Assistant Commissioner Mark Rowley said there would be "increased physical measures on London's bridges to keep the public safe".


Edited by Basil B
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2 minutes ago, stander said:

One thing to remember is that “all terrorists and jihadists were at some point "moderate Muslims" It’s just a matter of pressing the right buttons”.

I doubt that!


Indoctrinated from a very young age and forced to wear ridiculous costumes so that they could not integrate with normal kids. 

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On 6/4/2017 at 1:29 PM, Watchful said:

I think you might have missed, that we were talking about observing Muslim schools and Mosques in UK.  Someone said, we should also let Muslims observe Christian ceremonies.


My observation is Muslims would never let their people observe Christians in complete fear of conversions. Muslims are terrified of their people observing Christianity as they often...  convert!  That's why all converts must be killed. Disgusting religion!

Though I agree with your observations on Muslims, I cannot see the point the commentator was making with regards to Muslims observing Christian ceremonies. It's not as if Christians are blowing up children at concerts, running pedestrians over and attacking passersby with long knives and need to be monitored. Who cares now whether a Muslim supports the idea of being observed by our police (which isn't a religion anyway) in their own mosques? What I was alluding to in my comment was that the U.K. is far too accommodating towards their religion, more so than one would find in their own Islamic countries towards Christians where the Bible is banned outright. 

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30 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

"the trouble causers"


Agree entirely with locking up the trouble causers - but many are advocating interring any moslem suspected/reported (and even more extreme 'solutions'), which can only result in more Brit born moslems becoming terrorists!

If they don't like our culture, nobody is forcing them to remain in the UK. It's time we started thinking about ourselves and not how to appease Muslims.

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1 minute ago, vogie said:

If they don't like our culture, nobody is forcing them to remain in the UK. It's time we started thinking about ourselves and not how to appease Muslims.

I hope I live long enough to see the fight back against the Islamification of the UK (and Europe).


That is what these attacks are all about, stirring up the population in the hope that there will be a backlash. Why else would these terrorists act the way they do if not to inflame the situation.


They actually believe that if it came to an all out war against Islam that they would win.


Fine, bring it on and lets see who wins. The only way this can now be settled is by violence as the talk, talk, accept the violence approach has not worked. In fact it has only spurred the Islamic Terrorists to more attacks.

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4 minutes ago, vogie said:

If they don't like our culture, nobody is forcing them to remain in the UK. It's time we started thinking about ourselves and not how to appease Muslims.

To appease a religion that has stated in the book they follow to kill non Islamic believers...

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2 hours ago, transam said:

But nobody knows what that 1.6 billion actual private thoughts are...

Precisely. That is why it is wrong to prejudge an entire religion by using the stereotypical phrase Islamic Terrorism.

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1 minute ago, dexterm said:

Precisely. That is why it is wrong to prejudge an entire religion by using the stereotypical phrase Islamic Terrorism.

Wake up.....


These are not Christian, Buddhist, Sikh, Hindu or any other religious/non religious terrorists.....They are Islamic Terrorists


This is an Islamic problem that needs to be dealt with unless you are in the BBC et al camp who believe that this is something we have to get used to.




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30 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

"the trouble causers"


Agree entirely with locking up the trouble causers - but many are advocating interring any moslem suspected/reported (and even more extreme 'solutions'), which can only result in more Brit born moslems becoming terrorists!

That's going to happen either way. Currently, no Muslim in the U.K. has been interned and yet there's plenty willing to commit atrocities on our streets because they already despise us. Just how many have been allowed to return from their jihad training camps and their overseas fighting without arrest? Fortunately, some have been rounded up before they've been allowed to carry out their attacks - the majority have not. Personally, I wouldn't hold out any hope on them not fulfilling their murderous campaign once their jail-time is over, either. Unless you're a Muslim yourself, you can't even pretend to know what the minority or majority believe and what they secretly think of westerners behind closed doors. Just how many Arab-born Christians are becoming terrorists? Zero. Why? Because the Arabs don't allow it in their countries. We should follow suit.

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28 minutes ago, stander said:

One thing to remember is that “all terrorists and jihadists were at some point "moderate Muslims" It’s just a matter of pressing the right buttons”.


23 minutes ago, Grouse said:

I doubt that!


Indoctrinated from a very young age and forced to wear ridiculous costumes so that they could not integrate with normal kids. 

Both very good points - but there are a few Western people that become moslems.


Plus, many children brought up in a religious environment eventually realise that religion relies on 'faith' and denying reality - and so become atheists or agnostics.


Agree entirely though that the "ridiculous costumes' make it very hard for children to receive anything other than derision from other kids - and so should be made illegal in the same way as single faith schools should be banned.


Another poster said this a while ago - there should only be mixed faith/co-ed schools as a result of the religious extremism that has happened recently :sad:.

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Isn't the export of Saudi Wahhabism the root of the current problem, at least from an ideological point of view? And isn't dealing with it difficult because of Saudi influence throughout the political spectrum, but in particular the US/Saudi alliance? You may have seen a Moslem woman on BBC's Question Time advocating the closing down of apparently non-existent Saudi funded mosques. Strange an insider should advocate the closing down of something that doesn't exist, poor deluded girl. The "elephant in the room" she called it, which seemed apt. Here's another guy advocating a similar solution:


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27 minutes ago, transam said:

To appease a religion that has stated in the book they follow to kill non Islamic believers...

There are a few old testament biblical references to killing non-believers and those bowing down to idols etc. too.....


Not to mention homosexuals and other various people condemned by the old testament....


Once upon a time I could have quoted every appalling statement, chapter and verse as I'd had it drummed into me every day by my christian mother....

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1 hour ago, Grouse said:

And again, I know EXACTLY what I wrote.


Islamic terrorism


You obviously wish to dilute the term. I don't. I, like VERY many others have had enough. Changes are coming and will be apparantly very quickly.


May I suggest you concentrate your efforts on encouraging Muslims to take to the streets to protest these atrocities committed in their religion and begging forgiveness and understanding from the 93% of British people who are not Muslim?


Pulling me up for terminology. At a time like this. SHAME on you


Yet again, you choose to ignore the fact that Muslims all over the world do condemn and protest against the terrorists who claim to be acting in the name of Islam. Political and religious leaders, spokespeople, ordinary people online and on the streets have all done this; yet you and those like you continue to ignore this massive condemnation.


SHAME on you!


Mosques and Muslim leaders 'united in disgust' after London Bridge terror attack


Muslim leaders and mosques across the capital have “united in disgust” after the deadly terror attack at London Bridge.

There are many Muslim officers in the Met; some of them in armed response units. Were any of them involved on Saturday night? We will probably never know.


What we do know is that there are many Muslims working in the NHS; doctors, nurses, paramedics etc. It is certain that some of those were on duty on Saturday.


We also know that ordinary members of the public offered aaid and assistance on Saturday, and that includes Muslim members of the public: Muslim taxi drivers offer free rides home after London terror attacks


........people took to social media to share their experiences of Muslim taxi drivers and shop owners who supplied them with free rides, food and a place to stay in the wake of the killings.

Twitter user @JessSmith97 said a Muslim taxi driver took her home and “cried over the attacks”.

“I have just had a Muslim taxi driver take me home and he has cried on me over the attacks tonight,” she said. “Terrorism has no religion”.

One woman showed her gratitude, writing that it was a Muslim taxi driver that “got [her] out of that hellish situation and to safety”. 



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3 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

There are a few old testament biblical references to killing non-believers and those bowing down to idols etc. too.....


Not to mention homosexuals and other various people condemned by the old testament....


Once upon a time I could have quoted every appalling statement, chapter and verse as I'd had it drummed into me every day by my christian mother....

But we moved on............Islam wants to remain in the dark ages but wants 21st century goodies.......Those with a few quid get on a plane to indulge in boozing and fornicating, looking at birds with sod all on....We all know that stuff but they are not reigned in, same as the preachers who brainwash folk to blow themselves up for nothing are not...

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50 minutes ago, transam said:

To appease a religion that has stated in the book they follow to kill non Islamic believers...


Does the Quran Really Sanction Violence Against ‘Unbelievers’?


A careful and unbiased study of these and other verses, in their proper context, will reveal that the exhortations to fight “idolaters” and “unbelievers” are specific in nature and are not general injunctions for the murder of all those who refuse to accept Islam as their way of life.



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5 minutes ago, 7by7 said:


Yet again, you choose to ignore the fact that Muslims all over the world do condemn and protest against the terrorists who claim to be acting in the name of Islam. Political and religious leaders, spokespeople, ordinary people online and on the streets have all done this; yet you and those like you continue to ignore this massive condemnation.


SHAME on you!


Mosques and Muslim leaders 'united in disgust' after London Bridge terror attack

There are many Muslim officers in the Met; some of them in armed response units. Were any of them involved on Saturday night? We will probably never know.


What we do know is that there are many Muslims working in the NHS; doctors, nurses, paramedics etc. It is certain that some of those were on duty on Saturday.


We also know that ordinary members of the public offered aaid and assistance on Saturday, and that includes Muslim members of the public: Muslim taxi drivers offer free rides home after London terror attacks



Are thousands of Islamic folk at this very moment killing and planning to kill women and kids in many countries.....?   Yes or NO....

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1 minute ago, transam said:

Are thousands of Islamic folk at this very moment killing and planning to kill women and kids in many countries.....?   Yes or NO....

Hmm, let me think...


I'll go for "Yes".

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