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Trump criticised for tweet on London mayor after bridge attacks


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1 minute ago, iReason said:


Sad deflection of the post itself.

And, has no relation to it.


Not at all.  Your credibility is diminished by your hypocrisy, so I didn't bother reading past the first bit.  Like Trump, you reap what you sow.

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48 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

If Liberals Hate Him, Then Trump Must Be Doing Something Right

Here is how it works: Rather than defend President Trump’s specific actions, his conservative champions change the subject to (1) the biased “fake news” media, (2) over-the-top liberals, (3) hypocrites on the left, (4) anyone else victimizing Mr. Trump or his supporters and (5) whataboutism, as in “What about Obama?” “What about Clinton?”

But the real heart of anti-anti-Trumpism is the delight in the frustration and anger of his opponents. Mr. Trump’s base is unlikely to hold him either to promises or tangible achievements, because conservative politics is now less about ideas or accomplishments than it is about making the right enemies cry out in anguish.




DT is using bits and pieces from the communists, oligarchies, Nazis, dictators...a bit of mix and match brew.  Let's see who the scared suckers are that want to give everything up for false hope from a fake man.  I'm not saying the system isn't broken, but give the chance to someone capable a chance to fix it

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6 hours ago, lovelomsak said:

Trump says what real men should be saying. He is not political correct because political correct does more damage than good. He has balls enough to speak the truth even though it offends. He has what is becoming a lost virtue of true men. Standing up against all odds and saying what others know but are afraid to say.

"...true men". :cheesy:

"He has balls enough to speak the truth..."  :cheesy::cheesy::cheesy:


In reality, "true" men serve their country when it calls. They don't cower behind fake medical deferments.

True men respect women and don't take advantage of their position, wealth, or strength to force themselves on them.

True men have the testicular fortitude to admit when they are wrong.

True men recognize their moral obligation to keep their word, not cheating people out of what is not theirs, or depriving others of what is owed them.

True men don't associate with known criminals (https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2017/03/28/trump-business-past-ties-russian-mobsters-organized-crime/98321252/)(http://www.palmerreport.com/news/fbi-arrests-ten-people-in-new-york-city-with-alleged-ties-to-donald-trump-and-russian-mafia/2090/)

True men respect the rights of others without whining, complaining, or threatening violence, especially when those rights are defined by the Constitution. Rights like protest and freedom of speech.

True men are faithful to their wives.

True men don't defend a lie with yet more lies.

True men don't whine that others are being "unfair" to them. They either adapt to criticism or ignore it and get on with what needs to be done.

True men don't need to brag about themselves. They recognize that humility and modesty are signs of strength and moral character.


And Trump hasn't spoken the truth in decades.


Edited by Traveler19491
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2 hours ago, 55Jay said:

...so I didn't bother reading past the first bit.



Too bad you might have learned something.


Although you claim no allegiance to the occupier of the White House, you certainly could qualify as an honorary member given that response. Or, one of those who are slowly distancing themselves from the albatross on the GOP's neck.  You were quite the defender not too long ago...


My descriptions of the poster are accurate.  And deserving, considering the 1 or 2 lines of simplistic, oh, never mind, I already described the general nature of the posts.

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36 minutes ago, Redline said:

DT is using bits and pieces from the communists, oligarchies, Nazis, dictators...a bit of mix and match brew.  Let's see who the scared suckers are that want to give everything up for false hope from a fake man.  I'm not saying the system isn't broken, but give the chance to someone capable a chance to fix it

Donald Trump just finished telling Europeans they need to protect themselves. Look at the numbers. Shameful. Truth to weakness?




Edited by funandsuninbangkok
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4 hours ago, MRTELLYOUSTRAIGHT said:

Trump saying it as it is.


Political correctness in the eyes of these scum bag terrorists are Allah's gift as a weapon to defeat the infidels.

Trump only loves the Muslims he's making money out of... just ask the saudies and ask yourself why they are not on the requested travel ban

Edited by kmj
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Just now, iReason said:



Too bad you might have learned something.


Although you claim no allegiance to the occupier of the White House,

you certainly could qualify as an honorary member given that response.

Or, one of those who are slowly distancing themselves from the albatross on the GOP's neck.

You were quite the defender not too long ago...


My descriptions of the poster are accurate.

And deserving, considering the 1 or 2 lines of simplistic, oh, never mind, I already described the general nature of the posts.

LOL, now I'm a Trumper, eh?   Typical tribal nonsense, and just highlights my point even further.


Anyway, small stuff and rehashes will have to do until Comey testifies in a few days.  Should be interesting to hear what he has to say.


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3 hours ago, 55Jay said:

Mayor Khan is a bit too optimistic given the reality of the situation.  But even so, Trump's Twit was a cheap shot, and way out of order.


Khan is saying and doing what most leaders do, and not that far off Rudy Giuliani, and Bush 43's advice to the nation after 9/11.  At any rate, a Mayor is at the very end of the sewer pipe in all this, thus has no influence over UK policy, actions and associations abroad.  All he can do is try to detect and break up plots, and react to the ones that do slip through the net.


And for my friends on the far left crazy train, here's a theory you'll like better:  Trump's tweet not only suggests Khan is impotent in times of crisis, but also that he might be intentionally impotent because he's a muslim and thus, his true loyalties are suspect.   In that context, appeals for a quick return to calm and normalcy are interpreted as a quick return to complacency; which aids the next attack.  This is one of those Trump "dog whistle" messages to the racists and islamophobes.

Mayor Khan is PC! Trump will recall the acting Ambassador shortly! Trump is not PC and says it like it is! You have to kill the Muslim Terrorist! They are cowards and being PC will not defeat them. RIP to the victims!

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7 hours ago, DM07 said:

Two things are getting really tiresome:

- putting up with the amount of lies and BS, the egomaniac dipp$h1t in the White House says

- putting up with the defenders of the egomaniac dipp$h1t in the White House

These Trump supporters are very similar to those people who fall for Nigerian scams.  You know how we make fun of people who fall for these scams, how stupid (and greedy) these people are.  Well what do you say about people who are loyal to a conman and pathological liar?  Same same. 

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33 minutes ago, iReason said:


They suffer from the Dunning-Kruger effect:


"In the field of psychology, the Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias, wherein persons of low ability suffer from 

illusory superiority when they mistakenly assess their cognitive ability as greater than it is.

The cognitive bias of illusory superiority derives from the metacognitive inability of low-ability persons to recognize their own ineptitude.

Without the self-awareness of metacognition, low-ability people cannot objectively evaluate their actual competence or incompetence."



In other words, too stupid to know they are stupid.

I think it describes them perfectly.

Hmmm...let me just ponder that a moment....


Trump: Running a planet.


iReason: Cutting and pasting snippets from Wikipedia.


You know, I think I will go with Trump...

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1 minute ago, fatdrunkandstupid said:

Hmmm...let me just ponder that a moment....


Trump: Running a planet.


iReason: Cutting and pasting snippets from Wikipedia.


You know, I think I will go with Trump...

So you think Trump is running the planet?  Trump can't even run his own party!  Why are Trump supporters so hopelessly delusional??

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1 minute ago, Berkshire said:

So you think Trump is running the planet?  Trump can't even run his own party!  Why are Trump supporters so hopelessly delusional??

If you want to remain in your state of denial, happily and willingly brainwashed by the MSM, that is up to you.


Trump isn't the issue here.  The issue is that Muslims planned and then executed the mass murder of innocent civilians.


Let's talk about that for a moment shall we?

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Trump is exactly right. UK govt is pro Islam and will eradicate real English people in the not too distant future.  This is the NWO's goal. The cult of Islam should be the entity eradicated from the UK, but your govt will never do this. In fact the UK has become complaisant in the furthering of terrorists. Shame.


Trump is right on to push this directly in the face of Hillary Merkal  May . UK needs to be embarassed into actually doing ng something about it.. Trump knows this.

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If you want to remain in your state of denial, happily and willingly brainwashed by the MSM, that is up to you.
Trump isn't the issue here.  The issue is that Muslims planned and then executed the mass murder of innocent civilians.
Let's talk about that for a moment shall we?

Actually this thread is about Trump's ignorant comments. Stay on topic.
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Trump is exactly right. UK govt is pro Islam and will eradicate real English people in the not too distant future.  This is the NWO's goal. The cult of Islam should be the entity eradicated from the UK, but your govt will never do this. In fact the UK has become complaisant in the furthering of terrorists. Shame.
Trump is right on to push this directly in the face of Hillary Merkal  May . UK needs to be embarassed into actually doing ng something about it.. Trump knows this.

Good grief. Do you really believe such rubbish? You sound even more ignorant than Trump!!
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1 hour ago, tomwct said:

Mayor Khan is PC! Trump will recall the acting Ambassador shortly! Trump is not PC and says it like it is! You have to kill the Muslim Terrorist! They are cowards and being PC will not defeat them. RIP to the victims!

I believe the police did indeed kill the 3 terrorists. Great contribution  though, thanks! ?


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1 minute ago, brewsterbudgen said:

Good grief. Do you really believe such rubbish? You sound even more ignorant than Trump!!

1000% believe it! The facts do not lie! UK is doomed to Sharia law unless you people wake the f*%K up.

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2 minutes ago, jackh said:

1000% believe it! The facts do not lie! UK is doomed to Sharia law unless you people wake the f*%K up.

Those insanely powerful Muslims. 4.4 percent of the population of the UK and yet they will shortly be imposing Sharia law on the rest of the citizens there. But to be fair the percentage is higher in England. A menacing 5.02% of the population. And every one of them a fire-breathing Islamist terrorist. Even the 2 year olds. Wait, make that especially the 2 year olds.

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2 minutes ago, jackh said:

1000% believe it! The facts do not lie! UK is doomed to Sharia law unless you people wake the f*%K up.


"UK is doomed to Sharia law..."


Facts you say?


Bring 'em on.

And no, just because you yell it, doesn't make it a fact.


I would like to see some facts substantiating this comment:


"UK govt is pro Islam and will eradicate real English people in the not too distant future"


Or, did you just make that up?


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12 minutes ago, jackh said:

1000% believe it! The facts do not lie! UK is doomed to Sharia law unless you people wake the f*%K up.


5 minutes ago, iReason said:


"UK is doomed to Sharia law..."


Facts you say?


Bring 'em on.

And no, just because you yell it, doesn't make it a fact.


I would like to see some facts substantiating this comment:


"UK govt is pro Islam and will eradicate real English people in the not too distant future"


Or, did you just make that up?


What makes his assertion particular interesting is that he calls his predictions facts. Something that will happen in the future is somehow in his mind a fact. Unless of course, he's a time-traveler. That must be it.

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