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German Post Translated For Sascha2709

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I have landed with 4 colleagues in April, 2003 for the first time in Thailand (Pattaya). Of course we have fallen in love everything immediately with the Thai women. Everybody had a friend which of course also meant they were financially supported. (approx. 300 – 400 euros per month)

We visited our friends always two times in the year. Now, however, the ladies wanted to visit Germany and even marry. Now, however, we have already read of so much negative about the methods of the Thai women that we wanted to put things to a test.

We could find a German detective agency in Pattaya (detective agency ESMS, Pattaya). After one-week supervision of our friends everything was clear. One out of the five ladies had left Pattaya and has moved to her family. All the others cooperated further more happily at the bar and did not decline to go to bed to every foreigner. My friend as it turns out is married to a Thai man and live together.

Now I have already put approx. 15000 euros in this woman and everything was only one big lie.

Oh well, one of five women was honest, a rather bad balance. In this reflects, cannot be taken the piss out, they want always only the best, your money.

Will fly in April again to Thailand, maybe I find, never the less, still the right one.


Took the liberty of translating for sascha2709!!!

I have landed with 4 colleagues in April, 2003 for the first time in Thailand (Pattaya). Of course we have fallen in love everything immediately with the Thai women. Everybody had a friend which of course also meant they were financially supported. (approx. 300 – 400 euros per month)

We visited our friends always two times in the year. Now, however, the ladies wanted to visit Germany and even marry. Now, however, we have already read of so much negative about the methods of the Thai women that we wanted to put things to a test.

We could find a German detective agency in Pattaya (detective agency ESMS, Pattaya). After one-week supervision of our friends everything was clear. One out of the five ladies had left Pattaya and has moved to her family. All the others cooperated further more happily at the bar and did not decline to go to bed to every foreigner. My friend as it turns out is married to a Thai man and live together.

Now I have already put approx. 15000 euros in this woman and everything was only one big lie.

Oh well, one of five women was honest, a rather bad balance. In this reflects, cannot be taken the piss out, they want always only the best, your money.

Will fly in April again to Thailand, maybe I find, never the less, still the right one.


Took the liberty of translating for sascha2709!!!

Err.. thanks brit, i hope the Op can understand the effort you put into that :o

Just goes to show though, people of every nationality can get taken... maybe you should translate the forum into german as a public service :D only 1,000,000+ posts to go :D

Err.. thanks brit, i hope the Op can understand the effort you put into that :D

Just goes to show though, people of every nationality can get taken... maybe you should translate the forum into german as a public service :D only 1,000,000+ posts to go :D

Since he posted this twice, I thought it would be worth while, but I was a bit disappointed. :o

I have landed with 4 colleagues in April, 2003 for the first time in Thailand (Pattaya). Of course we have fallen in love everything immediately with the Thai women. Everybody had a friend which of course also meant they were financially supported. (approx. 300 – 400 euros per month)

We visited our friends always two times in the year. Now, however, the ladies wanted to visit Germany and even marry. Now, however, we have already read of so much negative about the methods of the Thai women that we wanted to put things to a test.

We could find a German detective agency in Pattaya (detective agency ESMS, Pattaya). After one-week supervision of our friends everything was clear. One out of the five ladies had left Pattaya and has moved to her family. All the others cooperated further more happily at the bar and did not decline to go to bed to every foreigner. My friend as it turns out is married to a Thai man and live together.

Now I have already put approx. 15000 euros in this woman and everything was only one big lie.

Oh well, one of five women was honest, a rather bad balance. In this reflects, cannot be taken the piss out, they want always only the best, your money.

Will fly in April again to Thailand, maybe I find, never the less, still the right one.


Took the liberty of translating for sascha2709!!!

Err.. thanks brit, i hope the Op can understand the effort you put into that :o

Just goes to show though, people of every nationality can get taken... maybe you should translate the forum into german as a public service :D only 1,000,000+ posts to go :D

We could provide (occasionally) translations to members who need it in a certain situation... I volunteer for dutch, german and french and I'm sure there are members speaking scandinavian languages.

BTW 15.000 euro in 3 years, that girl made a fortune, 700k baht!!


BTW 15.000 euro in 3 years, that girl made a fortune, 700k baht!!

That's assuming sasha2709 was the only one remitting money to this girl - rumor has it, some girls get monthly remittances from SEVERAL farangs. :o


Good luck to em, if a bloke cant get his brain above his waist line, he deserves it, there have been enough warnings, up to them if they take heed

there are many books, in many languages telling about the pitfalls of falling in 'love' and marrying a Thai 'lady'

I'm not critising or condemning anyone, but any relationship should be entered into with your eyes open, even more so when Thai isnt your native tongue or you know very little of it

The girls in the bars are there to earn a living, no one can blame them if a bloke wants to be their meal ticket, if you dont know the rules, dont play the game,

WHY go to a bar to meet girls, they are working, not hanging about waiting for 'Mr Right' to wander in, they are just waiting to seperate you from your wallet in the nicest way they know how :o

There are other places to meet girls, and not working girls

Sorry I have no sympathy for anyone who plays the 'game' and wont learn the rules and I know the flak will come my way over this posting, but its not meant to upset anyone, just pointing out that some blokes (fools) and their money are soon parted

Sorry I have no sympathy for anyone who plays the 'game' and wont learn the rules and I know the flak will come my way over this posting, but its not meant to upset anyone, just pointing out that some blokes (fools) and their money are soon parted

You mean "most blokes (fools), not just some ! :o

I've read a number of the books, and heard/read numerous stories from broken-hearted farangs, and have known some girls that were/are doing the same thing (stringing along a couple of guys at the same time).

While many of the girls do look at it as a job (the idea being to make as much money as possible, as fast as possible), there are still a few that have hopes and dreams of meeting Mr Right one day.

They too have the problem of trying to meet Mr Right. As most of the farangs hang out in the bars/discos and other places, where does a nice girl go to meet one ?

I know a few nice girls (non-bar girls) that would like to meet farangs, but they don't want to work in a bar. Some work as cooks, or in laundries, or clerks in Thai shops (with few farang customers). Kind of hard to meet/socialize with farangs in those places.

At least the OP didn't sound like the "jumper" type. Too bad it took him so long to realise that true love often isn't found at the end of the bar !

Too bad it took him so long to realise that true love often isn't found at the end of the bar !

Ahhh but sometimes it is, thats the beauty of relationships - you never know where/when it will happen. :o

Words of wisdom: Let your lady work for their own dosh if you are in a legitimate relationship. If you are providing a monthly income then you are an employer not a boyfriend. :D

If you are providing a monthly income then you are an employer not a boyfriend. :D

The voice of wisdom (and personal experience perhaps ?) :o

But what if your true love quits working so she can spend more time with you, and look after you better ? Then what do you do ?

And what if your job/other commitments require you to leave the home/country from time to time ?

Living on love alone makes one very skinny, and often results in the bill collectors showing up a your door.

Just another in a long line of Life's Questions that need to be answered. :D

If you are providing a monthly income then you are an employer not a boyfriend. :D

The voice of wisdom (and personal experience perhaps ?) :o

No experience I'm afraid, just observations after careful study of some of the lads I know! :D


Okay, I admit that bars are some times good to meet members of the opposite sex (sometimes the same sex), but either way, both parties should have their thinking heads on :o

I know that NOT all girls in the bars/clubs are working, but are on the look out for a suitor, BUT why someone who is old enough to be their Dad

If the blokes were in their own country, would they look in a bar/club/strip joint for a suitable wife ? if the answer is no, then why do it in Thailand ? If the answer is YES, then they are very lucky as long as they remember that many have used the same chat up line that they have just used, again and again, and what made them so special ????

Some of the chat up lines are ridiculous and pathetic, surely the blokes realise it, and as for marriage after a week, month and sometimes with someone who just doesnt even speak your (or you their's) language is plain stupid and doomed to failure

Its very nice to have a pretty 18 year old on your arm going down walking street, but it looks ridiculous and may not bring loud remarks about sugar daddy, baby snatcher, but thats what is said, like it or not :D

What could a 18 year old have in common with a 50-60 year old bloke ? cant see the conversation lasting long and their is a limit on how much time you can spend in bed due to the lack of stamina, But after all that, it wont change blokes attitude or the girls after a suitor/father figure/boy friend and most blokes will be stupid as soon as a pretty girl smiles at them and their brains shrink to the size of their gonads

Hey, its Thailand LOS, rock on

I know that NOT all girls in the bars/clubs are working, but are on the look out for a suitor, BUT why someone who is old enough to be their Dad

Age is physical trait, perhaps they like older lads? :D

If the blokes were in their own country, would they look in a bar/club/strip joint for a suitable wife ? if the answer is no, then why do it in Thailand ? If the answer is YES, then they are very lucky as long as they remember that many have used the same chat up line that they have just used, again and again, and what made them so special ????
Why do you need a chat-up line? Perhaps being chatted to is good enough, not to mention a winning personality.
Some of the chat up lines are ridiculous and pathetic, surely the blokes realise it, and as for marriage after a week, month and sometimes with someone who just doesnt even speak your (or you their's) language is plain stupid and doomed to failure

Yes I agree with you, you should never rush into marriage without knowing a person for a length of time and communication is the key.

Its very nice to have a pretty 18 year old on your arm going down walking street, but it looks ridiculous and may not bring loud remarks about sugar daddy, baby snatcher, but thats what is said, like it or not :o
Irrelevant!!! Why would someone care about what others think, especially when its between two consenting adults? :D
What could a 18 year old have in common with a 50-60 year old bloke ? cant see the conversation lasting long and their is a limit on how much time you can spend in bed due to the lack of stamina,

Viagra :D

Okay, I admit that bars are some times good to meet members of the opposite sex (sometimes the same sex), but either way, both parties should have their thinking heads on :o

Too true, unfortunately many people lose what little sense they may have had upon arrival in LOS. Quite often, the first girl that pays any attention to them, causes them to fall head-over-heels (Love blinds and so on, even if it isn't really love).

I know that NOT all girls in the bars/clubs are working, but are on the look out for a suitor, BUT why (with) someone who is old enough to be their Dad ?

Hard to pick out the "nice" girls from the "pros" though. Hit and Miss in most cases I imagine.

Remember too that this is Asia (not just Thailand), and they have a somewhat different attitude towards age differences here. Older men may be seen as more "stable" and probably better able to provide for the girl's family. Whereas the younger men are more often seen as "butterflies" that are only interested in drinking and screwing as many girls as possible until their money runs out.

Some of the chat up lines are ridiculous and pathetic, surely the blokes realise it, and as for marriage after a week, month and sometimes with someone who just doesnt even speak your (or you their's) language is plain stupid and doomed to failure.

Agreed, though I don't think many of the guys realise it. They try some line on a girl, who probably doesn't understand 25% of what they are saying. The girl smiles and laughs (not sure about what, but it seems to make the farang happy). The guy starts thinking he's quite the witty chap, and the girls back home must be slow and/or stupid.

The whole language barrier thing is a big stumbling block. If I can't have even a simple conversation with my partner, well, I can't envision having a long relationship based just on sex. There has to be more to it (for me).

Its very nice to have a pretty 20+ year old on your arm going down walking street, but it looks ridiculous and may not bring loud remarks about sugar daddy, baby snatcher, but thats what is said, like it or not :D

I too don't pay attention to what others may say/think about me. When I'm out with Jo, it's because she chooses to be with me. I don't try to hold her hand or grab her, or do anything that would embarrass her in public. I'm still pleasantly surprised though, when we stroll down the street or through a mall or where ever, and she grabs my arm and snuggles up to me.

What could a 18 year old have in common with a 50-60 year old bloke ? cant see the conversation lasting long and their is a limit on how much time you can spend in bed due to the lack of stamina, But after all that, it wont change blokes attitude or the girls after a suitor/father figure/boy friend and most blokes will be stupid as soon as a pretty girl smiles at them and their brains shrink to the size of their gonads

Hey, its Thailand LOS, rock on

Even in the west, people that far apart in age wouldn't have a lot in common either, and would have trouble getting along for extended periods. In the east, with the language problems and cultural differences, it would be even harder.

It's not something that's probably going to change for many, many years. Until it does, I'm going to keep one eye on my wallet and the other on the exit door ! :D

I have landed with 4 colleagues in April, 2003 for the first time in Thailand (Pattaya). Of course we have fallen in love everything immediately with the Thai women. Everybody had a friend which of course also meant they were financially supported. (approx. 300 – 400 euros per month)

We visited our friends always two times in the year. Now, however, the ladies wanted to visit Germany and even marry. Now, however, we have already read of so much negative about the methods of the Thai women that we wanted to put things to a test.

We could find a German detective agency in Pattaya (detective agency ESMS, Pattaya). After one-week supervision of our friends everything was clear. One out of the five ladies had left Pattaya and has moved to her family. All the others cooperated further more happily at the bar and did not decline to go to bed to every foreigner. My friend as it turns out is married to a Thai man and live together.

Now I have already put approx. 15000 euros in this woman and everything was only one big lie.

Oh well, one of five women was honest, a rather bad balance. In this reflects, cannot be taken the piss out, they want always only the best, your money.

Will fly in April again to Thailand, maybe I find, never the less, still the right one.


Took the liberty of translating for sascha2709!!!

The visionary lies to himself, the liar only to others.

Friedrich Nietzsche

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