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Paris Notre Dame attacker shouted "this is for Syria" before being shot


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17 hours ago, dick dasterdly said:

Not a problem (I suspect?) , if authorities make it clear that moslem terrorist bodies will be draped in pig entrails and - equally important - the relevant moslem religious leaders make it clear that they will be disposed off by non moslem authorities i.e. not receive any burial rites.

Like the currently undisposed remains of the Manchester bomber where apparently no mosque in the UK will accept his condemned meat carcase?


There's a lot to be said about the SEAL Team 6 workaround called the "Bin Laden Dip"


17 hours ago, dick dasterdly said:

Always interesting to hear the view of a bar stool 'special forces' member....  There are so few around :laugh:.

Neither myself (a semi-retired cheese mechanic from Dunbar) or the bloke I was chatting with (a retired Australian court official) have had or even claim to have had any personal special forces experience. But the alleged unofficial methods of extra judicial killings during the 'troubles' are not exactly a secret either.


17 hours ago, spiderorchid said:

I know of no special forces who talk about any military "chat".

 I was in the military, and even I do not chat to a stranger in a bar. And I was no special forces man. Suspect post

Neither do the ones I know. But they have great stories about the down time between ops and the other malarkey they get up to.


My uncle was in 3 Para in Yemen and Borneo and when he came home, he could keep us kids enthralled for days with his stories of derring do. Now he's in his 80's, it's getting hard to shut the old bugger up.

What's your excuse then? Suspect post.


17 hours ago, spiderorchid said:

The thing about coating weapon rounds with pig fat is silly.

How is the coroner to explain in court that a bank robber of Anglo Saxon birth had his autopsy contaminated by pig fat.

I suppose the next thing is to coat 155mm artillery rounds with pig fat. That will defeat the terrorists. lol

Exactly. It didn't end well for the Raj in 1857 so no reason to think it's a 'silver bullet' now.

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  • 3 months later...
1 hour ago, katana said:

Another attack today, this time in Marseille:
Two people [women] have been killed in a knife attack at Marseille's Saint Charles train station.
An unnamed official told France's Le Monde newspaper that the assailant had cried "Allahu Akbar" (God is greatest).
Continued http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-41461107


Have you all noticed that recently many  Islamist terror atttacks have been very much 'underreported' and given very little air time ?! For example, I am now watching the France 24 channel on TV; and the first thing they have covered in the news bulletin was the Catalonia referendum ! And, this is a French channel.


A terror attack in which 2 people have been killed in the middle of a major European city is NOT  a minor attack at all.


Maybe, this 'underreporting' is intentional, so as not to cause panic and worry ?!  Anyway, I find it baffling.



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21 minutes ago, JemJem said:


Have you all noticed that recently many  Islamist terror atttacks have been very much 'underreported' and given very little air time ?! For example, I am now watching the France 24 channel on TV; and the first thing they have covered in the news bulletin was the Catalonia referendum ! And, this is a French channel.


A terror attack in which 2 people have been killed in the middle of a major European city is NOT  a minor attack at all.


Maybe, this 'underreporting' is intentional, so as not to cause panic and worry ?!  Anyway, I find it baffling.



Jem, this is a very good observation!


I doubt the liberal press is concerned about "worry and panic". It's more likely they are concerned about nationalistic trends breading more Brexits.

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44 minutes ago, JemJem said:


Have you all noticed that recently many  Islamist terror atttacks have been very much 'underreported' and given very little air time ?! For example, I am now watching the France 24 channel on TV; and the first thing they have covered in the news bulletin was the Catalonia referendum ! And, this is a French channel.


A terror attack in which 2 people have been killed in the middle of a major European city is NOT  a minor attack at all.


Maybe, this 'underreporting' is intentional, so as not to cause panic and worry ?!  Anyway, I find it baffling.




Reported in MSM, including France 24.



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55 minutes ago, simple1 said:

Yes, of course it has been reported. But what I meant was there was very little time given to it on France 24 on TV. The Catalonian referendum got like about ten times more time than it on France 24. And, that is a French channel !


And, of course, it will sadly be totally forgotten in about two days' time.

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2 hours ago, JemJem said:


Have you all noticed that recently many  Islamist terror atttacks have been very much 'underreported' and given very little air time ?! For example, I am now watching the France 24 channel on TV; and the first thing they have covered in the news bulletin was the Catalonia referendum ! And, this is a French channel.


A terror attack in which 2 people have been killed in the middle of a major European city is NOT  a minor attack at all.


Maybe, this 'underreporting' is intentional, so as not to cause panic and worry ?!  Anyway, I find it baffling.



Yes, unfortunately they're becoming kind of routine now.

Another attack in Edmonton, Canada today, not being given much coverage. Five injured. ISIS flag found in attacker's car.


Edited by katana
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1 hour ago, JemJem said:

Yes, of course it has been reported. But what I meant was there was very little time given to it on France 24 on TV. The Catalonian referendum got like about ten times more time than it on France 24. And, that is a French channel !


And, of course, it will sadly be totally forgotten in about two days' time.


If you're that concerned, contact the news editorial team at France24 for an explanation. Who knows could well be at the time you watched the coverage not enough info for a lengthier report. Now covered on all the news channels in Australia, including the incident in Canada.


Personally I do not believe Islamist terror, as a news topic, will be forgotten in a few days. It seems that there is a talking head every day in the media, most of whom are just indulging in speculation. In my home country security agencies have warned the public that the threat of Islamist terror acts will be ongoing for many years in Western countries.

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Police are treating this as a terrorist attack, but there are plenty of question marks about the man and his motivation.





I got some news for the BBC:


Wahabbism and Saudi Arabia don't represent Islam

Iran doesn't represent Islam

ISIS doesn't represent Islam

the Muslim Broherhood doesn't represent Islam

salafists don't represent Islam

islamists don't represent Islam

Al Azhar doesn't represent Islam

Boko Haram doesn't represent Islam

Al-Qaeda doesn't represent Islam

Coranists don't represent Islam

terrorists don't represent Islam

... (the list goes on) ...


apparently, we cannot find anything that represents Islam...

maybe NASA needs to launch a mission to search in space for what represents Islam!!!

Edited by manarak
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