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Trump still standing, but damaged by Comey's testimony


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3 hours ago, Briggsy said:

I don't understand this. Trump is known to be vindictive and unforgiving.


Why would he appoint the spouse of a critic? Sounds wrong.


Theories :

1. Cindy McCain won't be appointed. Trump is doing a "Kerry", pretending to consider somebody for a position, inflating their ego and muting their attacks on him. And he gets the last laugh by saying they did not make the cut. (It's The Apprentice again)

2. Trump is seriously worried about Senator defections. McCain is the prime suspect for leading any rebellion. He needs to get McCain on side.

3. It's a poisoned chalice. Trump needs a fall guy (gal?) in the State Department. Trump kills two birds with one stone by also getting revenge on McCain. Remember Trump never forgets any slight.


I'm puzzled as well. 

In understanding Trumpian behavior, normal geopolitical analysis might need to be discarded. 


On the other hand, it could be any of the reasons you stated. 


Trump supporters will claim all this confusion and "apparent" buffoonery is because Trump is engaging in some brilliant 3-D chess. 


But the more likely reality is :

He's a 

1 self-absorbed imbecilic grifter




2 *just might* be doing Putin's bidding. 


While the latter is speculative, the former is a given. 


If we don't understand him, it's less likely because we're too dumb to understand and more likely because he's too dumb to be understood.




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2 hours ago, Thakkar said:



But the more likely reality is :

He's a 

1 self-absorbed imbecilic grifter




2 *just might* be doing Putin's bidding. 


While the latter is speculative, the former is a given. 


If we don't understand him, it's less likely because we're too dumb to understand and more likely because he's too dumb to be understood.




What I don't understand by all the posts like yours is what is the point of posting such over and over and over?

It's not like you and the other anti Trumpers are going to change anyone's mind with repeated anti posts. Most of us that don't hate Trump just stop posting on such threads, so you are posting anti Trump stuff that hardly anyone else is reading.

Seriously, what is the point you are trying to make?


Calling the president of the US a self-absorbed imbecilic grafter doesn't actually convince anyone that he is, unless already anti Trump.

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29 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

What I don't understand by all the posts like yours is what is the point of posting such over and over and over?

It's not like you and the other anti Trumpers are going to change anyone's mind with repeated anti posts. Most of us that don't hate Trump just stop posting on such threads, so you are posting anti Trump stuff that hardly anyone else is reading.

Seriously, what is the point you are trying to make?


Calling the president of the US a self-absorbed imbecilic grafter doesn't actually convince anyone that he is, unless already anti Trump.

What is the point?

I love the sound of my own voice in written form.


What is the point of anything? We'll all be six feet under in the long run anyway.



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3 hours ago, Thakkar said:
3 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

What I don't understand by all the posts like yours is what is the point of posting such over and over and over?

It's not like you and the other anti Trumpers are going to change anyone's mind with repeated anti posts. Most of us that don't hate Trump just stop posting on such threads, so you are posting anti Trump stuff that hardly anyone else is reading.

Seriously, what is the point you are trying to make?


Calling the president of the US a self-absorbed imbecilic grafter doesn't actually convince anyone that he is, unless already anti Trump.

What is the point?

I love the sound of my own voice in written form.


What is the point of anything? We'll all be six feet under in the long run anyway.



OK, I was flippant.

I scanned some your older posts and now see that this is a long-running gripe of yours. With reason.


I used to feel that way during Obama's presidency when there were many unfounded attacks on a man I considered as—while flawed at times—almost always well-meaning and a selfless public servant who believed (perhaps too much) on the power of government to do public good.


The thing I did when faced with attacks on Obama was defend him or his policies when they were worth defending, agreed with attacks where the attacks were warranted and ignored vitriolic attacks that were over the top.


Posters rarely come to these threads with an open mind, so there is little hope of ever changing anyone's mind. It is worth trying anyway, if only to hone one's debating and writing skills (in my case, spelling and punctuation skills as well). Sometimes I even end up questioning my own position, and any day that that happens, I consider a pretty good day.


In the specific case of Trump, you might want to question *all* reasons for your frustrations. When my children make stupid life choices and someone tells me about it, I instinctively want to defend my kids, but am also frustrated because deep down I know that, while the criticism seems harsh, it is partly warranted and my kids have brought it on themselves.


Granted, that's a bad analogy, but it's late and I've had some wine with dinner.


Criticism of Trump is harsh, relentless, and at times unfair. Now that everyone has a platform, slung mud, fair or unfair, is the price of being in the public eye. Trump should know that better than anyone. He has been decades in the limelight and also been a high profile, prolific mud slinger himself. 


Much of the ridicule Trump receives is brought on by himself, his actions, tweets and incoherent ramblings during speeches and interviews. He has taken both sides of many issues, quoting himself as appropriate to the occasion and forgetting that there are videos of him saying the exact opposite. That begs to be made fun of.


All presidents work under intense pressure, scrutiny, constant criticism and competing interests. No matter what they do, someone is bound to be unhappy, and, in a free society, will say so as loudly as they can. But they (the presidents) all get things done. Even with a majority in both houses, Trump has been utterly unproductive. Since his proposed policies (such as they are) are policies I disagree with, that's actually a good thing. I doubt though that being unproductive is his intention.


Well I went from flippant to verbose! Actually, I'm not done, but I'm tired now and will stop here. I felt I owed you a more considered response and wish I had the time to say more.


We don't have to agree, but we *can* all try to be a little more agreeable. I hope I've made a small effort to be that.



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20 hours ago, Thakkar said:

I'm puzzled as well. 

In understanding Trumpian behavior, normal geopolitical analysis might need to be discarded. 


Robert E Kelly (@Robert_E_Kelly)

16/6/17, 02:02

Trump, Rodman,& the N Koreans together. Surreal; bizarre.What's the point of studying political science when this is what ur dealing with...



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