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  • 2 weeks later...

As a teen, TC "acted" in some US gay porn flicks. I was shown these by a friend during the 90s. I know that they exist(ed)...I've seen them...but every effort has been made to wipe them. Of course, it is possible to earn money in porn without being gay.


There is also a website in the UK which probes the very secret lives of the famous. It revealed a lot about the famous Elm guesthouse in S' London where young boys were readily available for pop singers and MPs. One piece I read (on the same website) involved TC inviting boys to the Dorchester Hotel. One lad received a BMW car as a gift. There is more to add, although whether you believe this is up to you. I have no proof, although the stuff I read seemed factual enough. Regarding the Elm, things eventually got very murky. Although some very senior politicians were involved, most have now gone from us. The Elm stuff is certainly true, but huge attempts were made at cover-up. Mrs Thatcher herself knew the details and the people involved. The scandal, had it been made public, would have brought down the government.

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