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Exclusive: Trump targets illegal immigrants who were given reprieves from deportation by Obama


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It's one thing to deport people who have committed serious crimes, but obviously many of these old cases had been shelved for very good reasons. Not having a driving license in a place an immigrant can't actually get one, selling pumpkin seeds without a street vendor permit, cannot be classified as hard core criminal acts. Common sense had dictated that they should be able to stay. Now though, it seems they just want to deport as many people as possible, presumably so Donald has a big number to wave in front of his red neck racist supporters.
People who have been in a country for 12 years, who have children born there and who have committed no serious offence, should be allowed to continue with their lives, especially when their case has already been reviewed and approved once. This seems like a very mean and nasty policy.

Breaking federal law by entering illegally have any merit.

Come to America ill drop you off in some neighbourhoods and you will be chasing my truck to get back in.
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19 minutes ago, USPatriot said:

Breaking federal law by entering illegally have any merit.

Come to America ill drop you off in some neighbourhoods and you will be chasing my truck to get back in.

1. you got how many tens of millions entered illegally over the last 10-20 years? Is that far back enough? I mean if I go back far enough, you are ALL illegal immigrants, apart from the indigenous natives. Did you, personally, ever do anything 20 years ago, you wish now you could have done differently, but were desperate?

2. I suspect I could walk through just about anywhere you want to drop me off, because I been many unfriendly places and never had an issue, because I never appeared to be one. It is when people sense distrust and fear in you, that you will generate the sort of reaction you assume happens to everyone.

Come on. Name me a street anywhere in America, where I will have, at all times of day, less than a 10% chance of getting to the next block still alive?

If you can, your crime is off the wall, and if you can't. your post about chasing your truck is questionable.

Edited by darksidedog
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23 hours ago, Scott said:



There are people who are in the process of attempting to adjust their status who are being deported.  

I'm pretty sure filing adjustment if status stops all removal proceedings until the case is adjudicated.. If the AOS petition is denied then the deportation case resumes.  Even then it takes years. 


Bottom line is they're illegal. If people have a problem with this, there's a process in place to change the law. 


You can't choose to enforce the laws you like and ignore the ones you don't. 

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5 minutes ago, daboyz1 said:

I'm pretty sure filing adjustment if status stops all removal proceedings until the case is adjudicated.. If the AOS petition is denied then the deportation case resumes.  Even then it takes years. 


Bottom line is they're illegal. If people have a problem with this, there's a process in place to change the law. 


You can't choose to enforce the laws you like and ignore the ones you don't. 

Actually, I don't know that a lot of this is covered by the law, per se.   I think it is covered under the rules and regulations as to how ICE enforces it.  


I don't think too many people wish to change the law directly as it relates to illegals.   Anyone who has been involved in legal migration issues knows that there are a number of safeguards about everything from criminal background, education, financial resources and health -- and with illegals the health issue is a big one, since the prevalence of diseases such as tuberculosis is a problem.


Much of the information we see are the situations that make it in the news, such as the mother of two children in AZ who was married to a US citizen, had two daughters who were US citizens and went for her visit to ICE and was deported.  


At about the same time 8 illegal criminals (felons no less) were released from prison/jail because ICE never came to get them and re-arrest them for deportation.   They had been held the maximum amount of time that local law enforcement could hold them.  


Again, these are things in the news, but i think many people are concerned about

the priority of who is going to get deported.  


The 6 officers and the van deporting the mother might have been put to better use driving to the police station about 20 miles away and putting the 8 guys in custody.  

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23 hours ago, Scott said:

Most of these youth did not come to the US of their own volition.   They came as infants with parents.  

Beyond that, many of them were not even born in Cambodia, but rather in border camps in Thailand set up by the UN to assist people fleeing the horrors of Pol Pot and the aftermath of his genocidal regime.

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On 10/06/2017 at 1:34 PM, lovelomsak said:

Illegal immigrants bring their problems upon themselves the Cambodian one you mention would have spoke Khmer if had stayed in Cambodia


Anyone who is an Immigrant or guest (refugee) living in a Nation who commits serious crime should be deported. If as is used to appeal this causes hardship to a family then deport them too. People not born in a Country should always remember it is a privilege not a right to do this. I just wish NZ would harden up an reciprocate deporting unwanted criminals back to their places of origin.

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On 6/10/2017 at 7:22 AM, darksidedog said:

It's one thing to deport people who have committed serious crimes, but obviously many of these old cases had been shelved for very good reasons. Not having a driving license in a place an immigrant can't actually get one, selling pumpkin seeds without a street vendor permit, cannot be classified as hard core criminal acts. Common sense had dictated that they should be able to stay. Now though, it seems they just want to deport as many people as possible, presumably so Donald has a big number to wave in front of his red neck racist supporters.

People who have been in a country for 12 years, who have children born there and who have committed no serious offence, should be allowed to continue with their lives, especially when their case has already been reviewed and approved once. This seems like a very mean and nasty policy.

What part of i-l-l-e-g-a-l don't you understand?  If a bank robber (and, say, family) gets "comfortable" with his heist, do we owe him a reprieve too?  Does he get to just cut the line in front of those who've EARNED the money they had in the bank?  When does "getting away with it long enough" kick in exactly?  I've got a suggestion:  AFTER all of those who've been waiting their turn in line to immigrate LEGALLY have had THEIR chance!  Why are lawbreaking invaders above the law while all the rest who want to come AND are respectful of the law have to go back to the end of the line?  Which of the two do YOU really think likely to make the better citizen?  It's pretty obvious.  It's not about who will make the better citizen. It's about who will make the better liberal wingnut.

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23 hours ago, Foozool said:

California is golden state. Why ?

because of farms and who works at farms ? Many illegal Mexicans. Do you think Americans will work at farms for less than $10 per hour that Mexicans do. 

Prices will adjust with new labor rates and that will be beginning of disaster for all Americans.

last presidents were not stupids nor they were in love with Mexicans.

if Mr Trump thinks by doing this can get a few followers, go ahead you will just make the situation tougher to Americans huge inflation. 

I got it know. The problem is not the illegals but companies that can make easy money but hiring illegals. So the real problem is the not  illegals  but their employers.Maybe the same companies might have to work harder  for less profit if they hired local and paid American wages huh. So lazy greedy companies are holding America at ransom saying let us do this or you will pay. I say do it  run the illegals outand see what happens maybe good honest business 's  could drive these companies out. with smart not lazy business practice.

Edited by lovelomsak
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20 hours ago, sirineou said:

One of the people I have working in my shop in the Us is from Costa Rica 

Best worker I have,

he has being here for twenty years, and has a working permit , but not permanent status. His permit is renewed every year.

His children were born here grew up here and are American citizens, but cant sponsor him until they are of age.

His Father back in Costa Rica is sick and could die.  He cant even go back home to see his father because he is afraid he might nor be able to come back.


 We prospered from his sweat, and now he cant even go see his dying father. 

I repeat OUTRAGEOUS!!!

If he is doing everything legal why should he worry? Just curious to know. I feel people do legal to escape worries such as going back for parents deaths.

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5 minutes ago, lovelomsak said:

The problem is not the illegals but companies that can make easy money but hiring illegals. 

If the illegals weren't there in the first place then companies would have to employ regular staff on statutory wage limits.  So your thinking is back to front.

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1 minute ago, Here It Is said:

If the illegals weren't there in the first place then companies would have to employ regular staff on statutory wage limits.  So your thinking is back to front.

read the whole posr please it is in reply Foozool. 


9 minutes ago, lovelomsak said:

California is golden state. Why ?

because of farms and who works at farms ? Many illegal Mexicans. Do you think Americans will work at farms for less than $10 per hour that Mexicans do. 

Prices will adjust with new labor rates and that will be beginning of disaster for all Americans.

last presidents were not stupids nor they were in love with Mexicans.

if Mr Trump thinks by doing this can get a few followers, go ahead you will just make the situation tougher to Americans huge inflation.

And just for the sake of arquement. If the work wasnot there for them they would not come huh.

Edited by lovelomsak
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Both parties have a vested interest in keeping the flow of illegals coming in to the US.

The right to serve their corporate masters and supply them with cheap labor

The left needs the Hispanic vote to survive. They can't count on the unions any more because they basically are a shell of their former selves. Michigan went from Trump in the last election which speaks volumes.

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5 minutes ago, lovelomsak said:

read the whole posr please it is in reply Foozool. 


And just for the sake of arquement. If the work wasnot there for them they would not come huh.

Apologies, but your quotes are all over the place so made it difficult to understand. 

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46 minutes ago, lovelomsak said:

If he is doing everything legal why should he worry? Just curious to know. I feel people do legal to escape worries such as going back for parents deaths.

 because the goal posts are changing

Apparently he got here illegally,  with in the process of his case he achieved temporary status I would assume until his case is resolved This temporary status needs to be renewed every year ,

renewal subject to review.

Such temporary status can be revoked at any time for reasons such as committing a crime .

What constitute a crime worthy of suspension of temporary status is open to interpretation by ICE.

Put your self in his situation. would you take a chance with your wife and kids? What if he was detained? Even if he won, who would take care of his family in the mean time? who would pay his rent?

This situation has created a class of venerable people who not only will not act in fear of upsetting the apple-cart, BUT , many unscrupulous people are willing to take advantage of such venerability.

Before he came to work with me he told me that his last employer where he worked in demolition did not pay him for his last two weeks of pay, When he complained,his previous employer tall him to call the cops.

Tell me , in his situation and under current conditions, what would you do?

If your status were precarious and your boyfriend beat you up. would you call the cops? 

Would reluctance to involve the Authorities embolden those who would exploit the situation.   

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