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2 hours ago, RichCor said:
2 hours ago, carlyai said:

Thanks RichCor. I thought I was responding to a large back yard pool.

Can't imaging many people having a 100,000 L back yard pool,

well except maybe @Naam and his is in his living room. 



for the record Rich... our pool has 43,000 liters, is rather small because it is deeper than regular pools and is not located in our living room. the pool area is our alternate living room.

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3 hours ago, sappersrest said:

A manager or condo committee do have a duty of care to the staff they employ contractor or otherwise

the manager or condo committee who let dirt and grime in an overflow tank accumulate up to a depth of 30cm should go to prison and the pool builder who installed the suction point that high should build hen houses! using the tank functioning to accumulate dangerous shít instead of filtering it out is beyond my grasp.

1 hour ago, Naam said:



for the record Rich... our pool has 43,000 liters, is rather small because it is deeper than regular pools and is not located in our living room. the pool area is our alternate living room.


1 hour ago, Naam said:

the manager or condo committee who let dirt and grime in an overflow tank accumulate up to a depth of 30cm should go to prison and the pool builder who installed the suction point that high should build hen houses! using the tank functioning to accumulate dangerous shít instead of filtering it out is beyond my grasp.


1 hour ago, Naam said:

the manager or condo committee who let dirt and grime in an overflow tank accumulate up to a depth of 30cm should go to prison and the pool builder who installed the suction point that high should build hen houses! using the tank functioning to accumulate dangerous shít instead of filtering it out is beyond my grasp.


I 200% agree but maybe you forgot that we are in Thailand?

7 minutes ago, zappalot said:

I 200% agree but maybe you forgot that we are in Thailand?


even in Thailand there is a limit what is acceptable. that goes especially for a communal pool which might be frequented by many people who carry and possibly add a variety of potentially dangerous bacteria, bugs and what not to the water which requires special attention as far as sanitation is concerned. 

15 minutes ago, Naam said:


even in Thailand there is a limit what is acceptable. that goes especially for a communal pool which might be frequented by many people who carry and possibly add a variety of potentially dangerous bacteria, bugs and what not to the water which requires special attention as far as sanitation is concerned. 

Ok, I am ready to sue them. Or should I file a complaint at the land department? We want to sue the juristic person anyway as they fail to do their duty actually everywhere in the building.

Any additional information on how I can do that is highly appreciated. Or what is the best approach? I'm serious, one other co-owner already has lawyers on a few other issues concerning this management/juristic person. But actually all this is, as we figured out already, a very slow process.

2 hours ago, zappalot said:

Ok, I am ready to sue them. Or should I file a complaint at the land department?

threaten to sue them and try in that context that something has to be done to rectify the situation. don't waste time and nerves with an actual law suit. regrouting the pool is secondary but filtering and sanitation has to work properly. and that starts with cleaning out the overflow tank, cleaning and recharging the filter as well as pump running. none of this is rocket science even though Sappersrest has painted a picture as if it's a voyage to outer space and a landing on Mars.   :smile:


1 minute ago, Naam said:

threaten to sue them and try in that context that something has to be done to rectify the situation. don't waste time and nerves with an actual law suit. regrouting the pool is secondary but filtering and sanitation has to work properly. and that starts with cleaning out the overflow tank, cleaning and recharging the filter as well as pump running. none of that is rocket science even though Sappersrest is painting a picture as if it's a voyage to outer space and a landing on Mars :smile:


It is not rocket science just a simple understanding of the inherent dangers of working in a confined space.

If you don't understand what is involved hire an expert to do a survey and produce recommendations. the choice is yours.

But then perhaps I have wasted most of my working life in the UK commercial pool sector, my posts on here are to impart the knowledge I have and to prevent people making terrible mistakes. You may agree or not but unless  someone with 30 years plus experience of design  building and maintaining  pool hydraulic systems including chemical dosing  can discuss the issues in an adult fashion don't bother I  am all to ready to open discussions with my peers but not some one who has built a pool and thinks he knows it all, think before you post.

Peoples health and welfare are at stake this is no is no pissing contest.


From the picture you posted previously you indeed have an overflow pool.



It is indeed  essential to have skimmers with an over flow pool when you have a freeboard abutting the pool i.e. a feature  wall. or raised  walkway 

more photos please.

What is the reason for the skimmers?

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7 hours ago, sappersrest said:

It is not rocket science just a simple understanding of the inherent dangers of working in a confined space.

you are assuming Sappersrest because of your experience with commercial pools. i haven't seen too many overflow tanks but the few i saw in my moo baan don't have any confined space once the cover is lifted. most of the homes (not mine) are build by the same developer who used one specific pool contractor who built standard tank sizes of 3x2x1.8m, id est Somchai does not need a space suit with oxygen supply that protects from dangerous gases generated by "undiluted" chemicals and killer bacteria when cleaning.


The tank is only required if the pool is a level deck pool.  If the pool sides have been built up and skimmers fitted the tank is no longer needed.

21 hours ago, zappalot said:

Ok, I am ready to sue them. Or should I file a complaint at the land department? We want to sue the juristic person anyway as they fail to do their duty actually everywhere in the building.

Any additional information on how I can do that is highly appreciated. Or what is the best approach? I'm serious, one other co-owner already has lawyers on a few other issues concerning this management/juristic person. But actually all this is, as we figured out already, a very slow process.

It is possible to get the current management kicked out and a resident committee take over.


Somewhere on the real estate forum not so long ago one chap posted how.


Sorry, can't find it but try posting a topic there and I'm sure it'll surface.


PS: Chaps, this is a very informative forum but has recently descended into insult.


Sometimes we don't get enough or clear info, sometimes we are wrong and sometimes we are right.


It would be nice for people to:


Disagree with explanation


Post informative links backing up advice


Back off and acknowledge corrected info


Not use caps lock :smile:


I'll cease the :coffee1: comments


Everyone's pool is different and everyone has their own experiences and expertise.





4 hours ago, Thaimike370 said:

The tank is only required if the pool is a level deck pool.  If the pool sides have been built up and skimmers fitted the tank is no longer needed.

@zappalot needs to clarify his set up but I understand he has a bit of both and the channel is still in use so it is both and the tank is still needed.

10 hours ago, Naam said:

you are assuming Sappersrest because of your experience with commercial pools. i haven't seen too many overflow tanks but the few i saw in my moo baan don't have any confined space once the cover is lifted. most of the homes (not mine) are build by the same developer who used one specific pool contractor who built standard tank sizes of 3x2x1.8m, id est Somchai does not need a space suit with oxygen supply that protects from dangerous gases generated by "undiluted" chemicals and killer bacteria when cleaning.

@Naam,  @sappersrest is correct.


You'd be surprised in developed countries what qualifies as a confined space.


A 3x2x1.8m tank with lid certainly does. You'd be a fool to lift the lid and jump straight in.


Forced air venting would be required. In the UK it'd be sample of atmosphere and escape set and top man in attendance.


But TIT so ventilation as a minimum and someone watching.


My experience based on working on VLCC tankers and oil & gas construction sites.

1 hour ago, grollies said:

A 3x2x1.8m tank with lid certainly does. You'd be a fool to lift the lid and jump straight in.

another one who assumes :saai: the tanks i referred to can be completely uncovered. when this is done then only an insane mind would talk about a confined space.

1 hour ago, Naam said:

another one who assumes :saai: the tanks i referred to can be completely uncovered


I do not understand what you are trying to say here. Are you saying the tanks you've seen cannot be completely uncovered?


1 hour ago, Naam said:

when this is done then only an insane mind would talk about a confined space.

When what is done?


Your post makes no sense.


Ok guys and gals this topic has really degenerated into a bit of a peeing contest , with perhaps myself being one of the guilty parties.

This is not how ever helping the OP judging from previous posts he has made he  has very little knowledge about pools.

He is relying on a forum whom he believes contributors have  some sort of  constructive input into a problem that concerns a public facility ( Not in a private dwelling i.e. a house, not trying to legally define but you get the meaning condo being multiple dwellings)

I am sure that the op is not alone in his predicament there must be loads of people out there who have bought into developments whose pools are either dead or dying. They should also feel free to ask questions on this forum without fear of being ridiculed or embarrassed to pose questions.


To the OP of this topic you have really not provided enough information for  participants on this forum to give an informed opinion  on your problems.

If you want to sue anyone over the mismanagement of your condo facilities it is of no importance or interest to participants of this forum.

If you are trying to garner information to build a case against your condo management you have come to the wrong place.


The purpose of this forum is to exchange technical knowledge and help from people through out their  walks of life who have either build a wall pool in their back yard,  to others who's engineering skills how ever gained can make a fruitful contribution to this forum.

If  things get a bit contentious  please if possible try and back  up your information with reference technical papers or links to websites.

 To use  a phrase I have used many times for home pools we are not building nuclear reactors, but never the less good engineering  practices should prevail


How ever for pools in condos, resorts and shared pools in moobahns different standards should be applied more rigorously.


With the mods permission I will start a new thread on this and related problems.



1 hour ago, sappersrest said:

To the OP of this topic you have really not provided enough information for  participants on this forum to give an informed opinion  on your problems.

If you want to sue anyone over the mismanagement of your condo facilities it is of no importance or interest to participants of this forum.

If you are trying to garner information to build a case against your condo management you have come to the wrong place.



1 hour ago, sappersrest said:

the OP judging from previous posts he has made he  has very little knowledge about pools.

He is relying on a forum whom he believes contributors have  some sort of  constructive input into a problem that concerns a public facility ( Not in a private dwelling i.e. a house, not trying to legally define but you get the meaning condo being multiple dwellings)

Yeah, when you're discussing a Condo's pool the Do-It-Yourself approach needs to take a huge step back and applicable regulations, safety and liability concerns need to be addressed. 


I think it's great that the OP has stepped up and is trying to get the issues resolved. I'm not sure the OP realizes just what personal liability he's assuming by doing so.


I think it's fine to involve the Swimming Pool Forum in helping to identify pool system type, issues, and potential courses of action, but the 'how to proceed' suggestions need to be returned to the 'governing body' that has the authority, and accepts the liability, for any such action -- hopefully one that involves finding a professional pool maintenance company to assess, recommend, and carry out repairs and adjustments, write procedures, train staff on upkeep, and do scheduled checks.


Still, a great thread. I'll be quiet now.  

8 hours ago, grollies said:
10 hours ago, Naam said:

another one who assumes :saai:the tanks i referred to can be completely uncovered


another one who assumes emoji bored = period.

new sentence:

the tanks i referred to can be completely uncovered period





3 hours ago, Naam said:


another one who assumes emoji bored = period.

new sentence:

the tanks i referred to can be completely uncovered period





Try some proper grammar instead of using emoticons. A comma, some full stops and capital letters would have made things clear.



2 hours ago, grollies said:

Try some proper grammar instead of using emoticons. A comma, some full stops and capital letters would have made things clear.


try to bore your mother-in-law with good advice :saai: but watch out for confined spaces which might be dangerous no matter whether she lives in a civilised or uncivilised country.

On 13/06/2017 at 0:43 PM, Naam said:

try to bore your mother-in-law with good advice :saai: but watch out for confined spaces which might be dangerous no matter whether she lives in a civilised or uncivilised country.

Yes like decaying sediment producing lethal H2S gas.

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