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Why is Thailand still such a dangerous place?


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8 minutes ago, Jimbo2014 said:

No I dont feel safe - The only country I saw (far) more accidents in was Nigeria.  Thailand has the second highest per capita (recorded) road fatalities of any country at 36 per 100,000.  WHO estimate that 70% of deaths are motorbike related.  OK so 30% car doesnt sound like much, until you realise that this is still twice as high as most western countries, assuming western countries road fatalities are 100% car which is not a good assumption.  The ratio is probably more like 4 times higher. Thats not counting your likelihood of hitting a person on a motorbike which would be much higher and will also cause you grief.  I see people do idiotic things here like rapid blind inside lane changes every few minutes.  Not good.

If that's how you feel about it, that's fine.  I'm just saying that when I get behind the wheel of a car in Thailand--every single day--I don't give it a second thought.  I've been in a couple of serious accidents in the USA, none in Thailand, and I've driven here 10+ years.  But whatever....

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On 6/13/2017 at 1:54 PM, possum1931 said:

You cannot stop everyone who is carrying a bag or rucksack, and start searching through it, otherwise you are going to have queues right outside the BTS and MRT and right up the street. and the trains will soon be redundant, 


If you go to some of the big tourist attractions in London they search every bag and very thoroughly.


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7 hours ago, Jimbo2014 said:

No I dont feel safe - The only country I saw (far) more accidents in was Nigeria.  Thailand has the second highest per capita (recorded) road fatalities of any country at 36 per 100,000.  WHO estimate that 70% of deaths are motorbike related.  OK so 30% car doesnt sound like much, until you realise that this is still twice as high as most western countries, assuming western countries road fatalities are 100% car which is not a good assumption.  The ratio is probably more like 4 times higher. Thats not counting your likelihood of hitting a person on a motorbike which would be much higher and will also cause you grief.  I see people do idiotic things here like rapid blind inside lane changes every few minutes.  Not good.

They say that there is a direct connection between, how corrupt a country is. And road deaths?

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On 6/14/2017 at 4:29 PM, Berkshire said:

You don't feel safe on the highways?  This is what I find perplexing, expats constantly complaining about driving on these roads.  I drive every single day in Thailand, no issues.  So I'm not sure what to make of you guys having constant problems on these same roads.   

Perhaps you have come accustomed to Thai road users...But for most of us the death/accident rate on Thai roads really does tell all....Doesn't it...?

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8 hours ago, Berkshire said:

You sure are taking things personal.  And talk about brainless hyperbole.  War zones?  Guns?  Sex within families?  Your hatred of the Thais do not blind us

Surely it is you and your thin skin that "take things personal" . You always cry Thai bash,  hatred of Thais, racist when ever you read one negative word. If a thread is too negative for you, avoid it. Even the Thais dont try to defend the road death toll, so why should a Thai apologist from the USA ?

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53 minutes ago, MichaelJohn said:

If you go to some of the big tourist attractions in London they search every bag and very thoroughly.


But is Bangkok BTS and MRT not much busier than London? If not, then is their not very big queues at Londons transport systems?

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1 hour ago, MichaelJohn said:

If you go to some of the big tourist attractions in London they search every bag and very thoroughly.


They do not even check at tubes at all but thailand does. Of course when your visiting the palace they check but the checks at high traffic areas like tubes where normal folk are. Are not checked at all.

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A lot of 'top ten dangerous places for tourists' include Thailand.


From my experience 'dangerous for tourists' reads something like this:


Hoards of sheltered youngsters travel to a country where there's limited resources to scrape intoxicated people off the pavements and beaches and return them safely to their beds to sleep it off (unlike their home towns). 


Amongst the hoards are the many huge and hunky men with big biceps and rippling six packs (the norm these days) blissfully unaware that all their protein guzzling has made them far too heavy to be carried to a place of safety by the well-meaning, but small, Thai volunteers (usually female) at events like the full moon party, the giant Viking's huge frames littering the beaches like drift wood, oblivious to any attacks due to 5-too-many buckets.


The tourists forget that the bar staff and humongous bouncers of their home countries are not there to refuse serving them that one more drink and escort them safely from the premises.


To top it all off, The 'hard men' who are feared in their local towns back home make the mistake of fighting a Thai guy who either swiftly kicks the living daylights out of the 'hard man' because the 'hard man' is intoxicated, struggling with the heat, jet-lagged and not used to dodging swift, accurate and deadly volleys of kicks to his face... or alternatively he does ok in the fight, but then faces an entire army of locals.






etc etc etc.... 


tldr: Idiots and man-children die and get robbed quicker and easier in Thailand than in Europe.

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3 hours ago, transam said:

Perhaps you have come accustomed to Thai road users...But for most of us the death/accident rate on Thai roads really does tell all....Doesn't it...?

We've been over the death rates and how it's predominately motorcycles.  Regardless, do you drive?  I would think actual testimony from people who are out there every day would carry more weight than a bunch of numbers. 

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3 hours ago, brling said:

Surely it is you and your thin skin that "take things personal" . You always cry Thai bash,  hatred of Thais, racist when ever you read one negative word. If a thread is too negative for you, avoid it. Even the Thais dont try to defend the road death toll, so why should a Thai apologist from the USA ?

The post I was responding to had more than one negative word, so you're being dishonest.  But that's ok, liars will lie.  I'll bet you can't even take your own advice:  If my posts bothers you that much, avoid it. 

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On 2017-06-14 at 0:49 AM, Keesters said:

Should be:


Why has Thailand become such a dangerous place?


because it never used to be. And the same could be said for most places around the world.

so thailand has never been dangerous? 


in 2003 thailand had 6000+ murders and top 10 in terms off terrorism the murders have declined but it is not dangerous as in southamerica but it is not safe as in europe.


and to all the people from uk you say you feel safer in thailand than there 


population off the 2 countries is similar but the murder amount in thailand is triple the amount of uk's or even more.

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15 hours ago, ta158 said:

so thailand has never been dangerous? 


in 2003 thailand had 6000+ murders and top 10 in terms off terrorism the murders have declined but it is not dangerous as in southamerica but it is not safe as in europe.


and to all the people from uk you say you feel safer in thailand than there 


population off the 2 countries is similar but the murder amount in thailand is triple the amount of uk's or even more.

You need to go back more than 14 years. Try 33 years. Never said I feel safer. Please learn to read. Never mentioned UK either. Read everything again before making response.

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12 hours ago, Keesters said:

You need to go back more than 14 years. Try 33 years. Never said I feel safer. Please learn to read. Never mentioned UK either. Read everything again before making response.

does it matter how long ago it was you said that thailand never been dangerous, hahahaha loves it when people that is not  born here think they know everything.

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On 14/06/2017 at 1:53 AM, madusa said:

The world is a dangerous place you say? How can i get off? -you say?  Easy, in Pattaya nearly every month people get off - from the balcony of their condominium. 

Wear a parachute pack in case you change your mind last minute you could still pull on the cord.

They say, "Guns and knives don't kill people , people kill people"

Well really it's the bullets that kill people :shock1: :sorry:

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On 15/06/2017 at 4:39 PM, transam said:

Perhaps you have come accustomed to Thai road users...But for most of us the death/accident rate on Thai roads really does tell all....Doesn't it...?

No I think what he is saying is that he feels safe on the roads, regardless of what statistics might otherwise imply. "His" opinion, pretty simple really.

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On 6/12/2017 at 8:10 PM, LomSak27 said:

Great Work! No statistics, no never use those, just hit it with the  … What about … What about …. The “what-aboutery” defense. You have done you job gentle poster. You banged up the first post, used an emotional opinion rant; a classic, if well worn, deflection. The usual suspects have sprouted like mushrooms after a monsoon rain around your post and popped ‘likes’.  A job well done

I agree. I got punched in the throat recently by a young Thai transportation thug for no good reason. There was nothing I could do; in the US I could at least fight back, in fact no one would get that close to me in the US. I don't think we have a bigger gun problem than in Thailand, and in the US I can and do carry at times. 


I then spent 3 weeks on Koh Tao being very careful any time I interacted with the local gentlemen lest I end up beat down or worse.


As a white male who doesn't dress poor (nice watch etc) I'm a constant target, for the many corrupt police as well.


Nowadays as big a chance of terrorism in Thailand as in the US, not that I consider either threat very serious, more worried on the roads lol.


So there's always a threat of violence or at least danger in Thailand and as visitors we have little to no ability to defend ourselves either before or after the fact.

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More on the comparison, violent crime in the US is mostly either between friends and family (as elsewhere in the world) or in certain areas (parts of cities and towns) where most people know not to go. Yes there are mass shootings, but my point is that this situation, getting caught up in violence anyplace, anywhere, is for a farang more likely in Thailand though it will be as the sole victim, and this is what gives me personally feelings of insecurity in Thailand. You have to be on the watch or at least aware that someone can come after you at any moment, probably just for relatively small amounts of money (including bent cops), but possibly for more, maybe even your life.


It's only a smallish percentage of Thai men one has to worry about, but you can't blend in and avoid them.

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9 hours ago, ta158 said:

does it matter how long ago it was you said that thailand never been dangerous, hahahaha loves it when people that is not  born here think they know everything.

Didn't say that Thailand had never been a dangerous place. Said "never had been SUCH a dangerous place." Pity that people who don't read are allowed to post here thinking they know everything. hahahaha

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4 hours ago, gk10002000 said:

with no steady consistent government in charge, there is no follow through, no organization, no rule of law.  It is at best, controlled chaos.  Thailand may come to have some nickname similar to the way "banana republics" came to be used

How about "Chili republic". That always repeats on me ending with the same mess.


Or "Coconut republic" a hard nut to crack.



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1 hour ago, macgver said:

My wife told me that there are more news in suicides, murders and crimes when she read the news. I received too much drugs news from BangkokPost SMS. It's sound true.

yes in thai news there is more murders and other crimes.

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19 minutes ago, funandsuninbangkok said:

Thailand's great. 


Just stay off motorcycles and don't jump off the balcony, you'll be fine.


Oh, and let someone else fix the electrics. 

And don't criticize You Know Who.

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2 hours ago, funandsuninbangkok said:

Thailand's great. 


Just stay off motorcycles and don't jump off the balcony, you'll be fine.


Oh, and let someone else fix the electrics. 

and  please allow me to add


to use imported, tested and reliable condoms during willy-willy servicing by a chesty 22 year old in Pattaya!!


always have a decent supply of 50 and 100 THB notes for tea money when immigration or police start to racket or blackmail you...


the worst drug you should use, should be the cigarettes bought at the local 7/11..


never bring back home the chesty 22 year old female who cost a fortune in a bar fine...rent a place nearby instead !!


never talk with the same arrogance/honesty in public places, as you would do in TV forums and above all...never speak ill against any...any of the boys with golden wings!!


try to hoop up with a sexy young chesty female immigration officer...it would help doing your 60 or 90 day reporting without leaving your pool!!...and maybe she is making more in tea money then you in a month's pension


never have sex with your maid!!


remember, you could purchase a sealed bottle of water that contains no water and be told later at the store that you did not ask for water included in the bottle....consider it as Thai logic...


don't get involved with drunk, body built tatooed types who mix steroid injections to booze, or cherish their bikes more then their gals, as they could be gay looking for straight fellows!!


consult a shrink if you start to hate Thailand, criticize it all day long on forums, but still do not move  back home...


never have sex with your maid (reminder)


regularly consult for STD proportionately to the decent amount of tongue twerking you may indulge...


don't service and meditate on porn websites, as most are banned or monitored by the honorable authorities


never take a regular taxi in Bangkok airport, use Uber or Grab instead...


get your teeth serviced regularly as it is considered as a social status sign and good against bad breath...and you won't get busted by the nose sniffing detectives, recently on duty in Thai metropoles


never trust construction workers, real estate developpers, local or farang...always be around when they are around your place...


do not finance the girly's family roof or believe the story of the sick bull back in the village...


make her also pay for the food and drinks here and there....


keep a set of old school, outdated, pathetic and shabby clothes at hand....very useful when bargaining....


rather they feel sorry for you then envy, on money issues....


stop displaying or taking those selfies in public with your latest pineapple iPhone costing perhaps 2 months salary for a local...


dont buy top level, grade "A" Rolex watches....it would be a pity to get hammered for a fake now would it not?


never have sex with your maid (another reminder)


smile and act stupid when you deal with (some of) the locals....


use google translator, as it helps if you negotiate a bar fine in Thai language!!!!


do not hesitate to do your act on young/older farang tourist girlies....they enjoy it as much as you do!!....and gives you the latest uncensored news from farang land's


shopping malls are better  and do not charge a bar fine on take away or home delivery!!!


thanks for reading to this point....have fun and stay safe!





















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