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Stopping for pedestrians at zebra crossings - Can Thai Rath change Thai driving habits?


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1 hour ago, Bastos60 said:

You can only enforce this in areas where you have a maximum speed of 50 km/h. 
If the maximum speed is any higher, a driver wouldn't have enough road to quickly come to a halt if a pedestrian decides 
to just cross the zebrapath. 


As to the article, if you have multiple zebrapaths on that road, you will lose far more time if you had to stop at each one and you are sure you will get 
traffic congestion purely because of this. In my country, in 50km/h areas, pedestrians have always right of way when they are crossing a zebrapath and
at 2 places it can become a real pain when you have continuesly people crossing. 


Usually there's some signs like 100-200 metres before the pedestrian crossing, basically a yellow version of the normally blue pedestrian crossing sign. This sign means "slow down - pedestrian crossing ahead" .. Ofcourse... nobody reads signs in Thailand... Stop signs my Thai driving teacher said "never stop for stop signs in thailand, you will get hit from behind! dangerous!" :D

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7 hours ago, Just1Voice said:

Can't speak for the rest of Thailand, but I've noticed that in Chiang Mai, in many cases, drivers actually do stop for people to cross the road at the designated areas.  Many of the crossings have the temporary red light to stop traffic, and in most cases it is observed.  


Maybe the Lanna Thai of the north are more considerate than the Siam Thai of the south. lol


Also in Chiang mai.


Monitored crossings (the ones with red light) are almost always respected.

Unmonitored almost never.


The worst ones are on hang dong road ... unmonitored crossings... In weekday mornings.. The cars are going between 40-60km/h unless there is a bad traffic jam.

The motorbikes are doing like 80-90km/h between cars ... I decided to stop for pedestrians to cross once... Motorbike lost control and hit me in the side... pedestrians didnt cross :D 

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Good God. I had to watch the DLT video last week. They didn't even bother with banning phones in the room. The result was obvious. 


Until the government realises that producing even half-competent drivers requires competent instructing, competent and meaningful testing, and proper enforcement, nothing will change.

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Very few traffic light controlled pedestrian crossing here, other than at major junctions.

Many zebra crossings have no signing or flashing lights just faded white markings on the road that drivers of cars etc even without tinted windows cannot see. One of the biggest problems is cars, bikes and trucks will cut inside/outside if they don't know why a vehicle has stopped supposedly in the middle of the road for no reason.

I was caught out as a novice driver in the UK many years ago when the car in front stopped sharp at a zebra crossing with no pedestrian anywhere near it (or dogs or anything else). Neither car was speeding, and I was alert and far enough behind to stop under normal circumstances, but taken by complete surprise. Since then I always leave a couple of extra yards for the unexpected.

I say hurrah for Thai Rath, but it will take far more than this to educate Thais how to drive, and stop all their other bad driving habits.

Real policing would be a start, not just using it as an excuse to line their pockets...


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17 hours ago, YetAnother said:

the roots of the current awful state of thai drivers is social; complete disregard for anyone but themselves

And you take great pleasure in seeing that no doubt as it gives you further ammo to hate on Thais.

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Whenever I go back to Oz,- and have to use a Cebra-Crossing, I am ALWAYS utterly amazed that ALL Traffic stops .... immediately!!! However, I have been so "conditioned" spending so much time in LOS, that I still wait at the side of the Road & look ... to make sure that the traffic has stopped.....LOL


Maybe if "observance" at such Crossings here would really happen - it would be EASY TEA-MONEY for the Boys in Brown?? Much easier that stopping Farangs on Motorbikes - just to check if they have an International Licence?

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There is only one crossing I use regularly. It is directly outside Tukcom on South Pattaya Road. Thai nationals will often wait for me to start crossing before they do. While many cars and motorbikes attempt to sneak across in front of me a raised hand and a glare makes them think twice. They know they are supposed to stop but they also know that they don't have to unless forced. Nobody is around to enforce the law and the law means nothing to them. Other people also mean nothing to them, and that is the biggest crime of all. I have NEVER witnessed any vehicle EVER bump into another. I believe that to be a myth made up by those who just DON'T WANT TO STOP. It is also a poor excuse as any vehicle that hits you from behind when you make a legal stop at a crossing would be at fault. Break a law so that somebody else won't break a law. Unbelievable.


I often see people crossing just a few meters up or down the road. They do not see the crossing or ignore it considering it nothing more than a paint job.


What would be best is pedestrian controlled lights and the observance of them. They give proper time sharing of the road to vehicles and pedestrians alike. Pedestrians further up the road can see where there is a crossing and make their way to it .Traffic is not constantly held up by a continual flow of pedestrians crossing the road. They are a WIN WIN.


Oh! Pattaya tried that. Spent billions on it. Failed to make it work. Just put it down to corruption.


I come from a town in UK where Panda crossings were first introduced in 1962. We had police visit us at school and instructed us on there usage. I have to say they were a great success, especially the one outside our school on the A3.


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Last week saw a truck stop at a zebra only for a bike to smack right into the back as he expected the truck to carry straight on. I try not to cross at zebras as they are too dangerous, some stop some just carry on. My mrs was amazed at the driving in NZ and Japan, they stop even before pedestrians get on the crossing!

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37 minutes ago, Keesters said:

There is only one crossing I use regularly. It is directly outside Tukcom on South Pattaya Road. Thai nationals will often wait for me to start crossing before they do. While many cars and motorbikes attempt to sneak across in front of me a raised hand and a glare makes them think twice. They know they are supposed to stop but they also know that they don't have to unless forced. Nobody is around to enforce the law and the law means nothing to them. Other people also mean nothing to them, and that is the biggest crime of all. I have NEVER witnessed any vehicle EVER bump into another. I believe that to be a myth made up by those who just DON'T WANT TO STOP. It is also a poor excuse as any vehicle that hits you from behind when you make a legal stop at a crossing would be at fault. Break a law so that somebody else won't break a law. Unbelievable.



Its not a myth.

I've seen it twice. 

1. Im driving motorbike. I stop for pedestrians,, two motorbikes behind me collide with each other as they are not prepared to break. I was not hit. Pedestrians didnt cross.


2. Im driving car. I stop for pedestrian. Motorbike behind me loses control and hits me on the side. Pedestrians didnt cross. It was motorbikes fault. He was ok. Didnt even have to go to hospital. Insurance covers damage to my car. Dont have to spend a satang.vHave to give car to honda for 6 working days. Dont get a replacement car. 6 days without car.


Will not stop again

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On 6/15/2017 at 1:26 PM, richard_smith237 said:

IMO it is a sign or an indication of how uncivilized Thailand can be sometimes. 


I've often heard that the true measure of a country is in its driving standards and consideration for others on the roads. 


The 'me first' attitudes here and what I call the '<deleted> switch' which people turn on when they enter a vehicle is in stark contrast with the advertised relaxed 'jai-yen' way of life people like to portray of Thai's. 


What I see... this Jai-Yen and Kraeng-Jai is especially strong within the circle of those known, but once people step outside of this 'circle of those known' people stop caring, they stop respecting, they stop having any concern for consequence, they start thinking me, me me... 


I see this as a fundamental flaw in the culture here, an underlying current of moral questionability which is ultimately devastating when combined with isolation when traveling in vehicles - People ultimately die because of this self centered attitude where people and society forget their humanity as the lowest common denominator 'selfishness' takes over. 



Chapter 2356 of the book of thainess.

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3 hours ago, hobz said:

Its not a myth.

I've seen it twice. 

1. Im driving motorbike. I stop for pedestrians,, two motorbikes behind me collide with each other as they are not prepared to break. I was not hit. Pedestrians didnt cross.


2. Im driving car. I stop for pedestrian. Motorbike behind me loses control and hits me on the side. Pedestrians didnt cross. It was motorbikes fault. He was ok. Didnt even have to go to hospital. Insurance covers damage to my car. Dont have to spend a satang.vHave to give car to honda for 6 working days. Dont get a replacement car. 6 days without car.


Will not stop again


Bet those people will NOT be so close again. A few thousand more and maybe things could change. You are part of the problem not the solution.


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On 6/15/2017 at 1:54 PM, ukrules said:


This is the reason why I never stop to let people cross, there's always going to be someone in the other lane who will drive right through them.

Welcome to Thailand and break the law. You are part of the problem. Leave or drive properly.



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Surprised that Thai Rath doesn't seem to understand the impact status in Thailand. 


People who walk on the streets in Thailand have no value.


And anyone who's tried riding a bicycle in Bangkok will know your life has minimal value. 


Motorcycle riders only have a little value.


Truck drivers are the next step up in the value chain. 


Drivers of locally built cars are almost worth some consideration. 


Drivers of imported cars deserve respect, even if tbe car is stolen. 


Drivers of supercars are untouchable. 







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"What I see... this Jai-Yen and Kraeng-Jai is especially strong within the circle of those known, but once people step outside of this 'circle of those known' people stop caring, they stop respecting, they stop having any concern for consequence, they start thinking me, me me... "


You're exactly right. If a Thai feels he has a personal relationship of some sort, or if they think you are wealthy (and by implication think you can hurt them) then they are wonderfully (perhaps excessively) courteous and respectful. How much of that is genuine and how much is given in the hope that you can benefit them or fear that you can hurt them is a moot question.


If they don't think they have a personal relationship, or they think they are superior to you in some way, then you are chaff in the wind, sh|t on the pavement - write your own simile etc etc.

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3 hours ago, Keesters said:


Bet those people will NOT be so close again. A few thousand more and maybe things could change. You are part of the problem not the solution.


I agree that i am part of the problem not the solution. But i would rather be part of the problem than being without a car for 6 working days (8 days) again. Call me selfish... But the pedestrians didnt even cross... So its soooo not worth it.


But despite these 2 incidents and a few close calls and a few people honking horns behind me.. I still try to stop fpr pedestrians when conditions are perfect.. Eg, no vehicles close behind me. I truly enjoy the reaction of the pedestrians.

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Ha ha Zebra crossings are just for show Nobody stops for them If the Thais had to learn how to drive properly they would know that zebra crossings are for people to walk across the road and for cars to stop They know but its the me me first attitude so they dont Keystone cops wont enforce it so lets change subject  move onto more important issues like buying military hardware

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1 hour ago, Puccini said:

What section of what Thai law says that vehicle drivers must stop at a pedestrian crossing to allow pedestrians to cross?

Good question, I've researched this before after getting a thai driving license and the videos /  teacher saying that pedestrians have right of way ... 


I'm using this document,, it's a translation of "Land Traffic Act" from 1979. 



It doesn't directly state that pedestrians have right of way on unmonitored pedestrian crossings. (unmonitored = those without lights)

BUT. It does say this about pedestrians in other contexts:

Section 22, point #4


(4) for green arrow light traffic signal pointing to turn or to go ahead, or red light traffic signal shown at the same time with green arrow light traffic signal pointing to turn or to go ahead, the driver shall turn or go ahead following the direction pointed by the arrow, and must drive with care and give privilege to the pedestrian crossing the road or the conveyance coming from right hand side before; 

I know, I know, it's out of context. It's for when cars get a green light to go... think about that... Pedestrians have the right of way even if the cars have a green light?!

It's not a bad translation either as i've found several sources that all translate it in a similar way.


Let's move on...


Chapter 3, Part I .. "Driving" ...

The second section in that chapter/part .. Section 32



Section 32. In using the road the driver shall be careful in avoiding the conveyance not to hit or graze a pedestrian, notwithstanding at any part of the path, and must give warning signal for the pedestrian to be aware when it is necessary, in particular, a child, elder person, or the disabled using the road, the driver must take special care in controlling his or her conveyance.


So drivers shall avoid hitting pedestrians in general,,, kind of giving pedestrians right of way in general ... in general, if you hit a pedestrian and the pedestrian wasn't RUNNING or JUMPING out in front of you,, you are likely guilty of reckless driving,, according to this section.... Now,, to be honest,, there's rules for pedestrians as well,,, they are not allowed to walk around on the middle of the road etc... 




(1) in case of turning left:


(2) in case of turning right:


In the case under (1) or (2), the driver shall be careful and must stop and let the pedestrian who is crossing the road pass, and let the conveyance which is passing the junction from the other side pass first; provided that in case there are conveyances wishing to turn left and turn right at the same time, the one wishing to turn left shall give way to the one wishing to turn right first.




Again its out of context,, it's for when turning... so at least pedestrians have right of way for turning vehicles... even if there is no pedestrian crossing i guess.




Section 70. The driver who drives a conveyance reaching a junction, pedestrian crossing, stopping line, or roundabout must slow down.

Slow down... but not stop..... so let's say that pedestrians dont have right of way ,, but you didnt even slow down before hitting them.. then again guilty for reckless driving right?



This is from Section 145... 


Section 145. As for all the offences under this Act other than the offences punishable under section 157/1, section 159, section 160, section 160 bis and section 160 ter, the investigation officer having the power of investigation under the Criminal Code shall have power to determine the amount of penalty fine and to reprimand the offender.


In the case where a driver has hit or grazed a pedestrian crossing the path outside the pedestrian crossing and being amid the pedestrian crossing and the traffic sign indicating pedestrian crossing area, or crossing the path outside the pedestrian crossing by passing under, over or through the barrier or traffic barrier installed by the traffic officer or competent official or existing on the pavement or in the middle of the road, upon reasonable ground to believe that the driver, who is accused, has duly taken special care under section 32, the investigation officer has the power to release the accused provisionally without bail when requested by the accused or the interested person.

This one is hard to make much of for me ... but it does refer to section 32 ... and it does refer to areas around pedestrian crossing.... The way I read it is that if you hit a pedestrian outside pedestrian crossing and you drove carefully,, then you may be let go ... otherwise you are in deep shit .. so you would be in deep shit if you hit a pedestrian in a pedestrian crossing area (100 meters before and after zebra stripes)




The chapter about pedestrians doesn't mention unmonitored pedestrian crossings at all... And the ones that have lights are not interesting because every simply obeys the lights... 



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1 hour ago, Keesters said:

The death trap is people like you who don't stop. Crossings work in many places in the world. Crossings are not the problem. Idiot drivers like you are.

It's not that simple... Some people want to stop, but it's too dangerous because it's easy to get hit from vehicles behind ... And even if you stop in one lane it doesn't mean the vehicles in the other lane will stop... so the pedestrians get stuck waiting or get hit ... there's a couple of horrible videos on youtube ... 

Am i saying that I like it? Hell no.. But dont blame the drivers...Blame the police for their complete failure and letting it degrade to this point where it looks pretty hard to make a change...



Here's an example 


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On 6/15/2017 at 0:53 PM, Moonmoon said:

While we should obey traffic rules and signs, Zebra crossings should not be placed like that on roads. This is poor planning. Instead, It should have been a Traffic light crossing 

which  they  have  in  Hua  hin and  many especially bikes  still ignore

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5 hours ago, Happyman58 said:

Ha ha Zebra crossings are just for show Nobody stops for them If the Thais had to learn how to drive properly they would know that zebra crossings are for people to walk across the road and for cars to stop They know but its the me me first attitude so they dont Keystone cops wont enforce it so lets change subject  move onto more important issues like buying military hardware


Thais know well what their police are. They know well, that whatever stupidity they perpetrate on the road, they have about a 15% charge of seeing the inside of a courtroom for it. When there's no effective sheriff, the cowboys will always run riot.

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