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Naked man flees police at Bangkok condo - falls to his death from sixth floor balcony


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1 minute ago, ben2talk said:

People who smoke marijuana should be told to have a designated driver, or wait at least 3 hours before driving - it's particularly risky for monotonous or prolonged driving. Multiply with alchohol (not additive) in terms of bad effects.


It's tricky - whilst you can't say that dope and alchohol users are impulsive risk-takers, you can say that impulsive risk-takers are more likely to smoke dope and drink alchohol and maybe drive.


I'm confident that more than half of my personal accidents have been caused by my nature as a risk taker - they arose from me calculating risks and getting the shorter end of the payout.


I never had any accidents when drink or drug driving mostly because I was extremely aware of the risks and took more care driving then when sober.


Thanks Ben, intelligent comments, much appreciated.


All my accidents have been due to what in retrospect was bad judgement (risk taking too) and lack of concentration. Not had that many! 


I drink, not much now, but used to drink a lot like many young people. Never drink and drive though.

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2 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


Alcohol, as you probably know, is a depressive which works by depressing the central nervous system.


As a diagnosed depressive you would be wise to avoid it.


You said you live near the sea - get out there girl, and get into exercise and physical activity! 

yes, i know only too well its depressive proclivities, and my vulnerability thereof-

re exercise, i ride my bike daily, walk on the beach 1 km or so most days  at sunset, seldom drink (once a week if that)

but the green stuff???  :stoner:

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8 hours ago, Hi kwai fun said:


   Ignorant .

The United Nations have met in the past year to discuss an end to the War On Drugs . Smart people have observed what has been done in the name of the War On Drugs and realise its a waste of time and money .




The UN is a waste of time and money.  It's a worthless organization controlled by you know whose.

Edited by thaiman
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3 minutes ago, jenifer d said:

yes, i know only too well its depressive proclivities, and my vulnerability thereof-

re exercise, i ride my bike daily, walk on the beach 1 km or so most days  at sunset, seldom drink (once a week if that)

but the green stuff???  :stoner:


Good for you!


I have to watch alcohol very carefully. I seldom drink it because it can affect me differently. I learned that a long time ago.


Be careful, stay safe. I'm very aware of how depression can affect physical and mental well being. 

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2 minutes ago, thaiman said:

The UN is a waste of time and money.  It's a worthless organization controlled by you know whose.


I don't know who. Who? 

I'm sure you must be someone who know what they're talking about, because, you know, the UN is such a homogenous entity. Do share your vast experience.

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Just now, Baerboxer said:


Good for you!


I have to watch alcohol very carefully. I seldom drink it because it can affect me differently. I learned that a long time ago.


Be careful, stay safe. I'm very aware of how depression can affect physical and mental well being. 

thank you

-as am i  very aware of it, all too obviously!!!

ironically, wasn't diagnosed until 2003 (when i was 47!!!)

sure wish i'd known earlier, sure made things make a lot more sense in hindsight...

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6 hours ago, steven100 said:

If you enjoy drugs and want to take them freely, then move to Amsterdam. Enough said, drugs are a scourge and druggos need to be eradicated. Don't try the alcohol is a drug ..bla ..bla .. ...  alcohol doesn't make people run around naked and end up crazy ... drugs do.

Neither does weed!  But many have been found running around ( Thailand) naked and drunk. Have you ever read TVF?? Weed is not to be lumped together with Chrystal meth or alchohol dude! Amsterdam has no drugs legal either maybe try google. Pot even is not legal in Amsterdam. 

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6 hours ago, steven100 said:

If you enjoy drugs and want to take them freely, then move to Amsterdam. Enough said, drugs are a scourge and druggos need to be eradicated. Don't try the alcohol is a drug ..bla ..bla .. ...  alcohol doesn't make people run around naked and end up crazy ... drugs do.

Hehe have to laff at that one I have seen a few drunk naked people in my life doing really crazy stuff. What illusion of the world do you live in

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6 hours ago, steven100 said:

If you enjoy drugs and want to take them freely, then move to Amsterdam. Enough said, drugs are a scourge and druggos need to be eradicated. Don't try the alcohol is a drug ..bla ..bla .. ...  alcohol doesn't make people run around naked and end up crazy ... drugs do.

Alcohol is a drug. It just happen to be a legal one in most countries. About alcohol and if it makes people naked and crazy. Yeah it does! You just can´t be more wrong there.

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4 minutes ago, alex8912 said:

Neither does weed!  But many have been found running around ( Thailand) naked and drunk. Have you ever read TVF?? Weed is not to be lumped together with Chrystal meth or alchohol dude! Amsterdam has no drugs legal either maybe try google. Pot even is not legal in Amsterdam. 

Anyway, we disagree on drugs. hey thats ok, we have different opinions. Enjoy.

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1 hour ago, Baerboxer said:


I agree with your last sentence. And the affects aren't always pleasant.


But by your logic the way to reduce crimes is to legalize them. Now that would make the please KPI's look good. "My house has been burgaled - ok sir, not a crime so don't call us".

They do that in the UK anyway, just give you a reference number for insurance.


If you look at one of my earlier posts, it seems that the crime related to drugs is the crime people do to get the money to buy them, not the drugs themselves. I'm not sure if legalisation would bring prices down though.


As someone else pointed out, prohibition didn't stop people drinking, and helped the Mafia become wealthy.

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Just now, Andrew65 said:

They do that in the UK anyway, just give you a reference number for insurance.


If you look at one of my earlier posts, it seems that the crime related to drugs is the crime people do to get the money to buy them, not the drugs themselves. I'm not sure if legalisation would bring prices down though.


As someone else pointed out, prohibition didn't stop people drinking, and helped the Mafia become wealthy.


Indeed. A neighbor had very expensive fishing gear stolen off his boat in the UK. The police gave him a number and told him to be more careful where he left it in future!


Two aspects. One, people need money to feed their drug addiction and result to theft, be that burgling homes or muggings; with or without violence. The more they crave the more desperate they become. The other is their behavior once high on a particular drug. And some drugs do cause some people to act very violently, including murder for no apparent reason other than the drugs. 


Prohibition didn't stop people drinking and made smugglers and gangsters very wealthy. What the social affects of widespread relaxation of all drugs would be, on price, availability and the social behavioral affects would be speculative.

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1 hour ago, Baerboxer said:


But you wrote that the war on drugs isn't working, so we should legalize drugs. 


So the "wars' on other crimes which aren't working, should we legalize those too?

Not sure where I said we should legalise drugs. I said other options should be tried.  but if drugs were legalised and distribution controlled, the crime rate would be automatically lowered, as it wouldn't be necessary for crimes like burglary and robbery to support drug habits, plus all the murders and violence that go with their very lucrative distribution. What's the alternative, keep on trying to eradicate something that is so entrenched in our culture and controlled by crime syndicates that are never going to be eliminated. Time to think outside the box. It seems you are arguing against yourself, you already admitted that prohibition didn't work, what makes you think the war on drugs will?

Edited by giddyup
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10 hours ago, Andrew65 said:

I think most drugs should be legalised, the war on drugs has been lost.


I think the jury is still out on the "gateway drug" thing with cannabis though.


I had a cousin and a friend who died from heroin & methadone use, they both got started on cannabis. Then again, I've had a smoke maybe 7 times in my life and never tried anything else.


I think drugs are like booze (my poison), they affect different people in different ways.

Let's be clear about this.

Most druggies start with that vile drug Nicotine and then have the drug Alcohol as well. 

Forget that silly and debunked path....." he started (his drug dependency) with Cannabis." 


It is NOT Cannabis that is the problem...it is the individual.


I don't smoke weed anymore (30 years?) as it would put me to sleep! Anyway the THC content today is around 22% and climbing. In my day in the 60/70's, it was 3-4%.

Dangerous stuff today.


As for Meth? Vile, evil, obnoxious filthy drug created to cause a short lifetime of utter misery and destitution for those unfortunates. By the way seemingly originally created by motorbike gangs in the US as an instantly dependent drug. Life....nothing shorter for the big Meth pushers.

Edited by harleyclarkey
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7 hours ago, giddyup said:

  alcohol doesn't make people run around naked and end up crazy


Are you for real?

I disagree, i was stabbed in the shoulder, by a drunk crazy woman. She was a complete stranger. She was a known drunk, so i was told later. and when she was pissed, she went through a whole different personality change.This was in a pub and in full view of the public.She came at me from behind and put a 4 inch kitchen devil straight into the shoulder from above.I didnt want to press charges, as i was told that she came from a pikey family. I was married with a daughter at the time.  It was reduced to assault with a deadly weapon, due to diminished responsibility.At the hearing, she couldn't even explain why she had done it, Her brief told the tale that she suffered from depression blah blah blah. She got 2 years suspended and had  to attend an alcohol depression unit.She was <deleted> lucky.So was i.And the strange thing is, it didnt hurt at the time, it was like someone had punched me.I didnt realise what she had done until a mate came over with a tea towel and told me..I never saw her again.

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2 hours ago, ben2talk said:

It seems everyone answers on their own agenda.

Nobody considers that 'drugs' and 'ganga' are not the same word.

Steve100 saying 'alchohol is fine if you can handle it'.


Strange world we live in.


This guy was intoxicated. There was Meth in his room - maybe he was drunk, maybe they didn't even test him to find out.


I remember people who used amphetamines who were very scary (moreso when they got drunk).


I remember many more weekends out that were ruined by idiots who never took drugs, only alchohol.


So what's the point?


Let's say that alchohol and drugs are all fine as long as you can handle them.


Let's not try to confuse the issue by targeting dope smokers with arguments against heroin abuse or stupid arguments that simply 'say no to drugs' for the uneducated masses.


The key phrase is how you handle them. Drink beer, shoot up, smoke meth - do whatever you like as long as you can handle it.


Crystal Meth is something nobody can 'handle'. It is not good to simply classify it as a 'drug' because it is clearly very different.


I tested several flavours of 'drugs'. Some deemed addictive - but were fine with single use (ignoring people saying you need to take a second hit to feel the benefit...).


The main issue perhaps being the temptation to abuse combined with factors such as (with Meth) chemical addiction.


Crystal meth also brings on dangerous delusional paranoid and hallucinogenic psychotic symptoms.


Short term use can help curb appetite, lose weight... but that also comes with disruptive sleep, mood swings and unpredictable behaviour. Your choice.




yes, but what you say should be obvious

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12 hours ago, steven100 said:

If you enjoy drugs and want to take them freely, then move to Amsterdam. Enough said, drugs are a scourge and druggos need to be eradicated. Don't try the alcohol is a drug ..bla ..bla .. ...  alcohol doesn't make people run around naked and end up crazy ... drugs do.


Steven, it is always best if you think before you write.

Alcohol causes mayhem in the world ....in nearly every single country.

Yes...alcohol causes death to many, many innocents, unlike illegal hard drugs which in nearly every case affects only the unfortunate user and abuser. 


Drunks attacking innocent passerby, drunk drivers, drunk abusers, drunk thieves, drunks who batter their partners, drunks who abuse children.....every judge has heard the excuse..." I had a lot of drink Judge and wasn't aware of what I was doing". Dipsomaniacs, alcoholics cause a lot of damage and destruction. 


Nothing wrong with Alcohol, I like and can enjoy my odd beer or wine, once it is not abused. Once abused it is a hellish drug. Asks any alcoholic....

Hard drugs? No....not my cup of tea. The scourge from the big dealers should be wiped out by whatever means...... society does not need the crime wave associated with drugs. 


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6 hours ago, giddyup said:

Drugs have also been used for thousands of years. Next you will be telling me that no one does anything stupid, violent or dangerous when drunk, or kills innocent people when behind the wheel of a car.

Apparently drunk people don't fall from balconies either lol. 

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1 hour ago, harleyclarkey said:


As for Meth? Vile, evil, obnoxious filthy drug created to cause a short lifetime of utter misery and destitution for those unfortunates. By the way seemingly originally created by motorbike gangs in the US as an instantly dependent drug. Life....nothing shorter for the big Meth pushers.

What twaddle. Methamphetamine was discovered in 1893 and was used extensively in WW2 by both German and British fighter pilots. The Nazis, in fact, discovered a quick and dirty method of making the stuff (which is still used today and is known as the Nazi Method).


And now, here is a list of miserable destitutes who have been caught with meth  http://uk.complex.com/pop-culture/2013/09/celebrities-caught-with-meth/

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12 hours ago, steven100 said:

oh yeah ...  legalize it so we can have more like this nutter running around  :shock1:


9 hours ago, giddyup said:

  alcohol doesn't make people run around naked and end up crazy


Are you for real?



you guys..... so funny sometimes. Knowing nothing but try to be part of the conversation.

Both coments are basically just some thrown sentances without having the littlest amount possible to say about it. 

To the first one, in the article they talk about Ice. And the guy talked about Mariuhana. If you think the 2 things have even a little to do with each other, think again or do a little info first. Noone will be ever running around from something, doing crazy things from  Mariuhana alone. Noone, if the person not has anything like a sickness before already, like epileptic stuff. And then they dont run around because they are so drunk, they do it for other reasons, same as if they have the epileptic seizure.

There are 2 other possibilities basically, where one can suffert from Mariuhana. One is if start smoking too young. Then the brain may or may not be affected by the consume. Noone can say for sure, even after years of watching it. The other is if one smokes so much that he put Mariuhana to his number one thing in his life. Then he may get unhappy if he cannot get it, or may unable to sleep. Such things. Or he may let important things slip and go on a downhill way somewhat. Maybe he will sit alone in his room without friends after 2 decades. Its stuff like this that Mariuhana does, and then only if too much or too early or mixed with Alcohol (again, Alcohol...)

A normal healthy person would have to smoke amounts that are not possible, to get any symtoms that are bad for health or visible for outsiders. Maybe someone has a bit red eays. Its stuff like this.

NOOONE can be so drunk from smoking Mariuhana that he doesnt know what he does if there are not some very wiered things come together. Like Very first consume, small body, other illnesses or mix with other things. NEVER alone on a normal healthy person that is not a child or whatever. Probably you guys dont know that a very big part of the world smokes without telling you guys, right? Because they know how stupid ppl can be. But be sure, if you want to put everyone away who somkes Mariuhana, the world will be empty and only a handful ppl like you are left, sitting there with the beer or whiskey in the hand and drink lol.

To the second .... this tops the first one by far tbh. 

Noone on this earth will be able to make drunk from smoking like you can be drunk from Alcohol. Its not possible ok? Why people talk if they dont know anything about it? 

If you never saw drunk people that do crazy things, ok,  good for you, probably you live your life in your living room. But everywhere else, especially in Thailand, are drunk people that do crazy things. 

I have many people as collegues, friends or whatever, they smokle since decades without having anything. They have a job, they have a life, they have eveything. But i also know 3 Person from my friends that are alcoholic. And guess what.,... They have far bigger problems as a smoker can ever have.

And please...... understand what is Mariuhana. And finally start to make differences. Not sure why Alcohol is ok for everyone if its the badest drug on the whole world. 


Edited by Saenchai
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12 hours ago, steven100 said:

oh yeah ...  legalize it so we can have more like this nutter running around  :shock1:

I've never done drugs but been around plenty of people who have and legalising canabis is no big deal. This guy went nuts doing crystal meth and Ive seen vids of guys on it that were not fazed by Tazers and took like 5--6 police to control them. Canabis users rarely get aggressive unlike meth or even alcohol. Met plenty of drunk guys who were quite timid but after a few drinks thought they were invincible (they weren't ) Those on Canabis just like to chill out/eat say "heyyyy mannn how you doing" And your post about druggies are criminal steal break into homes for money if the drugs are legal the cost is low and no need to steal to get funds for the drugs.

The only problem I see with canabis is those with addictive personalities will just keep smoking chilling out and not really try to make anything of thier lives just want to stay stoned , an unproductive life.

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2 hours ago, harleyclarkey said:

Let's be clear about this.

Most druggies start with that vile drug Nicotine and then have the drug Alcohol as well. 

Forget that silly and debunked path....." he started (his drug dependency) with Cannabis." 


It is NOT Cannabis that is the problem...it is the individual.


I don't smoke weed anymore (30 years?) as it would put me to sleep! Anyway the THC content today is around 22% and climbing. In my day in the 60/70's, it was 3-4%.

Dangerous stuff today.


As for Meth? Vile, evil, obnoxious filthy drug created to cause a short lifetime of utter misery and destitution for those unfortunates. By the way seemingly originally created by motorbike gangs in the US as an instantly dependent drug. Life....nothing shorter for the big Meth pushers.

actually, meth was invented by Hitler's people and used to fuel his soldiers

however, the US biker gangs did indeed up the production and usage and sales big time;

now, however, in the US, La Eme (Mexican Mafia) has muscled in to the racket in a big way

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8 hours ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

I agree with Steven 100, Alcohol has been drunk for hundreds of years, but the drug users feel

that their drugs should be legal, well dream on drug users. This guy just shows what happens

when you are high on your drug, and the cops come to take you away. Go out on a balcony and

fall to your death. That is what happened. RIP to another drug user. Guess he did not overdose at least


People fall off of things whether they're sober, drunk, or doing some other drug. 


8 hours ago, Get Real said:

The question is not how to deal with drugs. It´s how to get back the upgrade common intelligence, so it will once again be a part of the standard package at birth.

"how to get back the upgrade common intelligence,....."

I haven't heard that phrase b4.  Are you saying that humans, as a species, are not as intelligent as they should/could be?   Perish the thought.  I live in a country where 99.8% are scared of hocus pocus (made-up things which don't exist, except in the person's mind).   I once went with 3 Thai men to explore a large cave.   One stayed at the car.  One stayed where the trail narrowed, and the 3rd guy made the easy 3 minute trek to the cave entrance, but was too spooked to go in - even though we had flashlights and the cave is cavernous and lit with natural skylights.   The bravest of the 3 kept blabbering on about ghosts and giant scorpions and other such pap.  We didn't go in.

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1 hour ago, boomerangutang said:

People fall off of things whether they're sober, drunk, or doing some other drug. 


"how to get back the upgrade common intelligence,....."

I haven't heard that phrase b4.  Are you saying that humans, as a species, are not as intelligent as they should/could be?   Perish the thought.  I live in a country where 99.8% are scared of hocus pocus (made-up things which don't exist, except in the person's mind).   I once went with 3 Thai men to explore a large cave.   One stayed at the car.  One stayed where the trail narrowed, and the 3rd guy made the easy 3 minute trek to the cave entrance, but was too spooked to go in - even though we had flashlights and the cave is cavernous and lit with natural skylights.   The bravest of the 3 kept blabbering on about ghosts and giant scorpions and other such pap.  We didn't go in.

Your choice! 

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16 hours ago, giddyup said:

You are never going to eradicate hard drugs, that's a fact, there's too much money involved. The American government (and others) have been fighting that losing war for more than 50 years. It's time to try a different approach.

   And reaping the benefits courtesy of Air America



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7 hours ago, jenifer d said:

actually, meth was invented by Hitler's people and used to fuel his soldiers

however, the US biker gangs did indeed up the production and usage and sales big time;

now, however, in the US, La Eme (Mexican Mafia) has muscled in to the racket in a big way


No no no. Methamphetamine was actually invented in 1887 rather than the 1893 I suggested earlier. 1893 was when it was synthesised using ephedrine and that is way before the Nazis which were created in 1920. It was widely used in the 50s and 60s as the slimming pill of choice. The bikers only found it in the 70s after it was made illegal in the US.


A lot of the chemical recreational drugs are considerably older than people think. MDMA was patented in 1913, LSD discovered in 1938, Ketamine 1962 and PCP 1952.


History lesson over.

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21 hours ago, Andrew65 said:

I think most drugs should be legalised, the war on drugs has been lost.

Nonsense, typical reply from a drug user.  Legalize it and we will have more people who think they can fly and fall off balconies.


 Hard drugs will never be legalized in Thailand and not in most western countries, deal with it. 




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