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Trump acknowledges he is under investigation in Russia probe


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10 hours ago, Trouble said:

I would not call it entirely baseless.  Seems like all we have been told is that the Russians possibly "attempted" to influence the election and that the Russians "possibly" hacked the DNC computers. That's all we have been told officially by the government at this point. I find it difficult to understand why the government can't release some credible evidence that this occurred.  The report issued by the government from the intelligence agencies offered little in the way of information to put the matter to rest.


There is no evidence to date that Trump or his political campaign "colluded" with the Russians to steal the election from Hillary. Further, if asking Comey to let the Flynn investigation go  has something to do with the Russian interference in the election please enlighten.  We don't even know that was the case or what the context of the supposed statement was. But also the Flynn investigation was a completely separate investigation. Additionally if firing Comey could somehow influence the FBI investigation into the Russians, please also enlighten me.  The FBI investigation is still on going.  Sessions testified before Congress that the investigation continues on with ample resources and agents continuing to do their job.  We now have another investigation by Mueller and already have leaks about this and that, nothing that gives us anything but innuendos feeding the news frenzy.  With all the leaks to date nothing has been the smoking gun.  So it would seem that with two congressional investigations, the FBI investigation, all having been in process for months and months there is nothing we can point to indicating that there was collusion. The obstruction of justice is relatively new and it will go no where.  Even Comey testified basically that he did not know what to make of Trump's supposed remarks.  Where is anyone going to go with that.  Mueller will have no better luck than the FBI finding collusion.

This is the ongoing, incessant, and now monotonous demand from the trumpettes...that the investigators immediately release any conclusive evidence pertaining to Trump's guilt. Sorry, little powder puffs, it ain't gonna happen. As I noted on another thread, this is just prosecutorial strategy. Never tip your hand until you absolutely have to. Why give the suspect ample time to fabricate a bogus explanation for the evidence you have gathered? As I pointed out, in the U. S. legal system, we have something called  disclosure,  which means that both sides must reveal all that they have, even down to their anticipated courtroom strategy. This is to permit both sides to enter the courtroom on an even playing field. However, disclosure does not take place until the suspect/accused is headed to trial. You can whine and cry all you want...Mueller, the FBI, and the Congressional committees are not going to reveal anything until after all has been wrapped up and a decision as to whether or not to impeach has been arrived at. In the meantime, leaks will continue, unidentified/unconfirmed sources will still be quoted, and the trumpettes will continue to insist that there's no "there, there". Except they are wrong. Were there no "there, there" at this point, the Republican led investigations would have been wrapped up and Trump and his GOP pals would be gloating. Instead, Trump continues to flail about like the proverbial decapitated fowl, howling about how "unfair" it all is, and continuing to spin lies upon lies. Like how he's being investigated for firing Comey by the guy who "told me to fire Comey". Except that's a lie. Trump had already decided to fire Comey. He instructed Sessions and Rosenstein to come up with a justification for firing Comey. Then he threw Rosenstein under the bus. And Rosenstein retaliated by designating a Special Counsel. Who is now expanding the investigation into Trump and Kushner's financial dealings. Which has got to have the orange one in massive panic mode. Trump...just not all that smart.


Guess his sycophants will just have to wait...and whine.

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Trump’s silence on Russian hacking hands Democrats new weapon

Democrats say Trump has yet to express public concern about the underlying issue with striking implications for America's democracy. (sub-title)


"Democrats are uniting behind a simple message about Russian hacking during the 2016 election: Donald Trump doesn't care."


"Even as the president lashes out at the series of Russia-related probes besieging his administration, Democrats say Trump has yet to express public concern about the underlying issue with striking implications for America's democracy — the digital interference campaign that upended last year’s presidential race."


"The president missed a self-imposed 90-day deadline for developing a plan to “aggressively combat and stop cyberattacks,” stayed silent after Moscow-linked hackers went after the French election and publicly renewed his own skepticism about the Kremlin’s role in the digital theft of Democratic Party emails during the presidential race."

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2 hours ago, iReason said:

"The president missed a self-imposed 90-day deadline for developing a plan to “aggressively combat and stop cyberattacks,” 


To be fair, Banon was busy finishing off his school term. 

He's a whiz at those computer things. Now that he's in the WH, he'll be right on it, believe me.



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22 minutes ago, alanrchase said:

This is amusing.

On May 21st Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey® gave its last "The Greatest Show On Earth®"

Thankfully we have Ringmaster Trump to carry on the tradition.

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only 2 posts with "Trump" showing in the queue this morning.  that's amazing.

yesterday I caught a few minutes of Mannie Pangilinan, the mega mega Filipino mogul....... it's real obvious....  there can be all kinds of this and that about how MVP rose to be such a big man in ASEAN.. and well deserved....

but his story is the same as Trump....

but the polar opposite.  and REAL simple.

MVP reads stuff.  and not just tweets.  and TV.


Trump will be vomited out for two reasons. not just one.  yes, he's an "outsider" not insider like Hillary or Bush or... Bernie Sanders....

but he's also deeply ignorant. we're not talking about not being "intellectual".... we're talking about someone who doesn't read books or memos... unless they have lots of charts and pictures. 

that leaves him with only a "cut and paste" mentality.... that lives in a Zero Sum Game world where people (i.e. Trump) have nothing to offer this world.... except money but only if they were born into it and.... born in the USA. 

otherwise he would just be another drunk on the street.....or working at the Post Office.


Edited by maewang99
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 6/17/2017 at 11:53 PM, Trouble said:

I would not call it entirely baseless.  Seems like all we have been told is that the Russians possibly "attempted" to influence the election and that the Russians "possibly" hacked the DNC computers. That's all we have been told officially by the government at this point. I find it difficult to understand why the government can't release some credible evidence that this occurred.  The report issued by the government from the intelligence agencies offered little in the way of information to put the matter to rest.


There is no evidence to date that Trump or his political campaign "colluded" with the Russians to steal the election from Hillary. Further, if asking Comey to let the Flynn investigation go  has something to do with the Russian interference in the election please enlighten.  We don't even know that was the case or what the context of the supposed statement was. But also the Flynn investigation was a completely separate investigation. Additionally if firing Comey could somehow influence the FBI investigation into the Russians, please also enlighten me.  The FBI investigation is still on going.  Sessions testified before Congress that the investigation continues on with ample resources and agents continuing to do their job.  We now have another investigation by Mueller and already have leaks about this and that, nothing that gives us anything but innuendos feeding the news frenzy.  With all the leaks to date nothing has been the smoking gun.  So it would seem that with two congressional investigations, the FBI investigation, all having been in process for months and months there is nothing we can point to indicating that there was collusion. The obstruction of justice is relatively new and it will go no where.  Even Comey testified basically that he did not know what to make of Trump's supposed remarks.  Where is anyone going to go with that.  Mueller will have no better luck than the FBI finding collusion.

You don't think this investigation will be restricted to collusion do you? Every rock is going to be looked under. Same thing happened to Clinton and the stained dress. Paybacks a b~}<h! Rumours of pen time are in the air.




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