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New rice mill

Gary A

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My wife has been complaining about the local rice miller for a long time. She says his machine is worn out and that she doesn't trust him. It is a hassle to take a bag of rice to him and wait for him to process it. Then he keeps the rum and she has to buy it back to feed her chickens. If she doesn't watch and wait for her rice, she says he keeps a couple scoops for himself.


I told her to go ahead and buy her own mill. She can do hers, the families and keep the rum for herself. She paid 15,000 baht for this mill. I'll make another post after she gets it hooked up where she wants it.





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1 hour ago, colinneil said:

Gary hope it works ok.

Did you not enquire about the 1 i sent you details of?

The 1 i bought was only 7900 baht and works great.


Yes I did check it out. The wife has been looking for a couple months. She says this one is better. It should be at about double the price. Time will tell. Thanks for the help. She did take about half a bag of sticky paddy rice to test it out. She was happy with the results. She says that sticky rice is more difficult to mill than Jasmin.

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I appears that the wife knew what she wanted and knows what she is doing. It is actually two machines in one. The one side does the rice and the other end makes the feed. The feed end grinds corn, beans or whatever else you put in the hopper. It is mixed with the rum for a more nourishing mixture. It mills the rice much faster than I would have thought and seems to do a very good job. Rather amazing. I should have had her buy a machine like that a long time ago. Better late than never.


I should mention that it is powered with a three HP electric motor, so the electrical cable needs to be fairly heavy.

Edited by Gary A
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