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Is it because I am a Non-NES Teaching Here?


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Good day everyone. Something baffles me and I can't find an explanation for it. I am a non-NES with a degree in Education, and  I have been working at a school here for two straight years and currently on my third year. I have been on a fixed salary of 25,000 ever since. I would like to assume that the school really likes me, because they told me I can stay for as long as I want. The issue now is, my colleague ( an American) recently left and the school needed a new teacher to fill up the vacancy. My school doesn't like Filipinos and won't employ another person that looks like me (I am Cameroonian). So they brought in an 18 year-old South African with zero degree and no previous experience to teach kids that are almost the same age as him. They pay him 35,000 and I won't lie, I feel disrespected and want to resign but the issue is, I sign another contract before he was brought in. I guess all this is happening because I am a NON-NES plus I am black.

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You can do better. I used to know a Cameroonian who became the head teacher at a government high school in Bangkok. Now I believe he teaches at University. Your school is likely discriminating against you but you can and should move on for a better opportunity.

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1 minute ago, tonray said:

You can do better. I used to know a Cameroonian who became the head teacher at a government high school in Bangkok. Now I believe he teaches at University. Your school is likely discriminating against you but you can and should move on for a better opportunity.

I agree with you.

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My partner is a Filipino teacher 9 years in Thailand. Dual degree maths/English, 25 years teaching experience and only earns same salary as you. Incom petent Western teachers paid 5-10k more. So salary wise you are on average,the Sth. AFRICAN is way overpaid. NON Native speakers are andhave for a long  time been treated poorly here, dare I use the 'r' word.


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The schools couldn't really care less how educated you are. You are just cheap advertising for them generally. A native, white person is easier to sell to parents than a non-native, non-white person. So they will seek them.

The school system (4 schools) I work at used to hire a native person without a degree and thought he was some God. When he left they asked me to find some friends, I said no. The Philippine teachers suggested some experienced friends they had. The suggestion was not even replied to. Very awkward meeting. 

The 'off the record' line I got was that Thai kids are not as excited to see non-white teachers. Also the government doesn't like the accents of non-native speakers. First one I couldn't disagree more with. Second one, depends on the person. One of the Philippine teachers I work with I only catch every few words. The other one is great. 

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13 hours ago, jaymbkk said:

I would tend to agree with you, it's because you're a non-nes. But the fact that you're black have nothing to do with this.

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"But the fact that you're black have nothing to do with this".


Are you sure? I am not racist, but TiT.

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I'm gonna be blunt here. The last week of my TEFL course, we were given some down and dirty real life info. We were told Thai schools tend not to hire black people. I'll go a step further and tell you I know of three hiring officials from different schools who will not hire blacks. Yet another step, a black friend of mine took Thai lessons and to his dismay started to hear the horrible xenophobic comments locals were saying about him. Even after he told these people he could understand what they were saying, it didn't slow them down in the least. I am ABSOLUTELY NOT condoning this behavior, I'm just telling you the ugly truth about Thailand. I imagine it's not 100% throughout the country, but it's prevalent enough to affect your life here. Sorry, but them's the facts.

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As a private teacher of my own school I get to hear comments from parents and students of different levels and schools.


Parents seem to have a hierarchy for what they like.  Unfortunately for the most part they do not know if any teacher has a degree so that to most parents is a non issue.  Remember that most schools seem to teach speaking over writing and reading.


Here is the list from worst to first


Thai teachers

Philippina teachers

Non NES due country of origin

Non NES  white this is mainly due to the fact that most parents see a white teacher and assume that they are NES or European

NES - again this is the belief that NES teachers have spoken the language all their lives.


Is it fair in a lot of cases NOT REALLY  OP I understand your frustration.  The last school I taught at brought in an 18 year old with no experience even in a public American school as a student to teach to Matayom.   


My suggestion is to do some private teaching on the side.  Get some good references from the parents and look for another school to teach at.  Parents will guide you to where you are wanted. 



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Thais have an obsession with white skin, even among themselves. Dark skin is a sign of low social status. Personally, I think the darker skins are beautiful, and I'm a spotty white with moles and freckles..

Don't take it personally. If you think you can earn more elsewhere, go for it. Discreetly.

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I am a Native English speaking teacher in Thailand. I believe it's entirely unfair the pay and treatment of both Philippine and African colleagues. African teachers are loved by students, treated badly by the schools. It is not something you are imagining.

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