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Thailand’s shocking failures in pursuing its Asean goals


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Thailand’s shocking failures in pursuing its Asean goals
By Kavi Chongkittavorn
The Nation


BANGKOK: -- No Thai government in recent memory has invested so much energy and money into Asean-related projects as the current administration.


Kudos must go to Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha. He understands very well the importance of Thailand’s integration with Asean and its implications for the future and regional leadership, not to mention his own legacy.


However, three years since the power seizure, it is clear that the prime minister has been unable to persuade all the arms of government and networks to come together and execute the necessary steps and measures to make Thailand the centre of the Asean Community (AC). 


If this trajectory continues, it would remain an impossible task. As Asean celebrates its 50th anniversary this year, the government and officials are proudly hailing their country as the home that gave birth to Asean – like a high school chorus.


Truth be told after years of campaigns that have cost about Bt8 billion (2013-2015) or roughly Bt2.7 million a day to increase public awareness about the launch of the Asean Coomunity in 2015, Thailand’s preparedness for Asean integration is still superficial.


A D on the scorecard would still be generous. Government agencies and their officials are still working in silos without proper coordination. Since he took over the country’s helm, Prayut has given top priority to Asean, chairing the country’s numerous committees to oversee relevant policies related to Asean.


Prayut enjoyed attending the Asean summits, read all the documents, asked good questions and proposed some good ideas to his Asean colleagues, which included setting up a cybersecurity centre, better border management and jointly working together for sustainable development. 


The list goes on.


But then, amazingly, during Cabinet and Asean-related meetings at Government House, he somehow did not push hard and go after all the deficiencies and loopholes that have made his Asean dream a perpetual procrastination. It is a pity that Prayut does not have anyone to monitor and keep track of policy implementation. He only has “Yes” men around him.


We all know Prayut is passionate about making a difference on the issues of human trafficking, slave workers and illegal fishing. He often punished those who failed him, especially when it comes to improving Thailand’s rating in the annual Trafficking in Persons report issued by the United States. However, in the case of Asean, most of them got away scot-free.


Equally amazing are the numerous new schemes popping up these days that have diluted his Asean-related plans. Now, the Eastern Economic Corridor and the Thailand 4.0 initiatives have become the new darlings, superseding various special border economic zones and other connectivity initiatives announced as early as last year. Thailand needs to implement existing economic road maps, instead of creating new ones as publicity stunts.


In fact, Thailand must follow through on its Asean action plans related to economic, political and security as well as social and cultural pillars. It is an open secret that there is nothing new in the economic plans proposed by the country’s economic team. 


Existing plans, if well executed and fully enforced, would automatically transform Thailand into a modern country with seamless access and dynamic economic partnership all around.


Therefore, Thailand should follow the 500 plus action plans in the “Asean Vision 2025: Forging Ahead” because they are practical and deliverable. These plans were well thought out by all Asean members. 


What is good for Thailand is also good for the rest of Asean.


Another amazing failure is that all the top economic policymakers seldom paid attention to the Asean vision, otherwise Thailand’s integration would have made much more progress. Malaysia, Vietnam and Cambodia, with less hype and financial backing from their governments, have scored higher in their Asean schemes.


To provide a tangible example of the high tolerance of policy failure and nincompoops in Prayut’s Asean, one needs to examine the on-and-off Asean Lanes at Suvarnabhumi Airport.


It has become the region’s laughing stock. Quite frankly nobody understands what is the purpose of the Asean Lane. To be more specific, on June 16,  at the immigration check-in for arriving passengers, I found the usual three Asean lanes, created in 2012, had disappeared. In its place were two “ACMECs Lanes”.


The acronym stands for the Ayawaddy-Chao Phraya-Mekong Economic Cooperation Strategies, which is a subregional grouping with Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam and Cambodia as members.


When I asked a senior immigration office at the airport why those lanes were taken out, his quick reply was: “Please ask the phuyai upstairs”. In Thai language, “phuyai” means senior officials, meaning armchair executives of the Airport Authority of Thailand (AOT) 

and Immigration Bureau.


They continue to hold that the Asean Lanes are primarily for promoting tourism in Asean. So, they are 

temporary measures. Literally, no one understands that those lanes are either a common effort to create an Asean identity or are parts of the Asean Charter’s must-do list.


In the future, all international airports in Asean must have only “Asean Lanes” and “Non-Asean Lanes”. Just a few metres away at the baggage conveyors, there are imprints of flags from Asean members – such a meaningless manifestation of the Asean spirit by the AOT.


Somehow, the airport authorities gave more substance and importance to the ACMECs Lanes, even though it was just a bilateral visa-free (a single visa, two destinations) arrangement between Thailand and Cambodia since 2012.


Sadly, only Thailand has set up such an exclusive lane. Other AMECS members are not in the scheme. Again when asked why there were only ACMECS Lanes, the answer from the same official was “phuyai wants”.


Thailand will chair Asean in 2019. 


The Foreign Ministry’s Asean Department has already mapped out a set of comprehensive strategies to boost Thailand and its regional profile. It will be an extremely important opportunity to display our true Asean spirit after the 18-month fiasco from June 2009 to December 2010 due to political upheavals.


Therefore, the only real “phuyai” in town – Prayut – should be mindful of the upcoming agenda and allow Asean professional hands to call the shots. Otherwise, he will leave behind a damning legacy on Asean.


Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/news/opinion/kavi/30318435

-- © Copyright The Nation 2017-06-19
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1 hour ago, webfact said:

Malaysia, Vietnam and Cambodia, with less hype and financial backing from their governments, have scored higher in their Asean schemes.

That may have to do with the fact they are better educated and less nationalistic.  These countries all want to be competitive.  You do not get the same feeling in Thailand. 

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Thailand has an inflated sense of its own worth. They are unable to recognise their stupidity and inability to implement anything well.

Thailand is very good at talking the talk, but wholly unable to convert that into walking the walk.

One can only hope they wake up before they become the poor man of Asia, as its neighbours develop.

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To busy boosting the ego with submarines...


Not to mention wringing his hands over scantily clad teenage pop stars.


When the idiot matures and concentrates on what a leader should really be doing then things may start to happen.


Or maybe another general will become frustrated an Prayut wll be down the road...

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4 hours ago, webfact said:

Kudos must go to Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha. He understands very well the importance of Thailand’s integration with Asean... / However, three years since the power seizure, it is clear that the prime minister has been unable to persuade all the arms of government and networks to come together and execute the necessary steps and measures 

Does it mean kudos is given to someone who understands a problem, just to ignore it?

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1 hour ago, darksidedog said:

Thailand has an inflated sense of its own worth. They are unable to recognise their stupidity and inability to implement anything well.

Thailand is very good at talking the talk, but wholly unable to convert that into walking the walk.

One can only hope they wake up before they become the poor man of Asia, as its neighbours develop.

It might be too late for an awakening.  

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I would take the writer to task over this article.

The whole ASEAN hypothesis is not only flawed it is doomed.

Not one of the 10 member countries has embraced as intended & may never as is doomed before it has started.

They all still want the idea but are not prepared to take  smaller slice of  the pie.

Stop wasting money & call it quits as the EU may have to do in 10 years


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7 hours ago, webfact said:

Thailand’s shocking failures in pursuing its Asean goals

What is shocking???

okey we take it again....Thailand’s shocking failures in pursuing its Asean goals

Still don´t get it.....???

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The top brass of Thai governance should start to train the customs officials in the ASEAN trade agreement -


Amongst others, the ASEAN members agreement engages Thailand to use lower tax on stuff bought in from Singaopore for instance....


Currently the Thai Customs seem to shine as much as their golden parachute wings, with their ignorance in correctly applying the tax law for goods from the ASEAN trade zone!

Edited by observer90210
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40 minutes ago, natway09 said:

I would take the writer to task over this article.

The whole ASEAN hypothesis is not only flawed it is doomed.

Not one of the 10 member countries has embraced as intended & may never as is doomed before it has started.

They all still want the idea but are not prepared to take  smaller slice of  the pie.

Stop wasting money & call it quits as the EU may have to do in 10 years


very true what you say for the EU...bound to doom on the long term!...time to dump yer Euros and change them for Swiss Francs!

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9 hours ago, webfact said:

it is clear that the prime minister has been unable to persuade all the arms of government and networks to come together and execute the necessary steps and measures to make Thailand the centre of the Asean Community (AC). 

It  might not be that Prayut has been unable to get government and "networks" to make Thailand the center of ASEAN but rather one of higher priority - how to make instead China the center of Asian enterprise with Thailand as its premier partner. While Prayut resisted applying for membership in the Trans Pacific Partnership despite his own government and Thai private industry recommendations, he went "all in" for China's Silk Road economic scheme. Why bother being the hub of ASEAN when Thailand can be the Master's principal.

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28 minutes ago, Srikcir said:

It  might not be that Prayut has been unable to get government and "networks" to make Thailand the center of ASEAN but rather one of higher priority - how to make instead China the center of Asian enterprise with Thailand as its premier partner. While Prayut resisted applying for membership in the Trans Pacific Partnership despite his own government and Thai private industry recommendations, he went "all in" for China's Silk Road economic scheme. Why bother being the hub of ASEAN when Thailand can be the Master's principal.

very true....but what worth would be any such trade agreement, if Thailand does not respect and apply the basics??....lower tax duty on retail goods from the states being part of the agreement, starting at the Thai airports!!!

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2 hours ago, Get Real said:

What is shocking???

okey we take it again....Thailand’s shocking failures in pursuing its Asean goals

Still don´t get it.....???

I agree, I think the "shocking" bit is a descriptive overreach. I take it the intended message is to convey the seriousness of the uncoordinated and disorganised manner that PM Prayut's military government operates. If the PM can't tie it all together that then surely points to a leadership style problem. Heaven help the country if it had to defend itself.


I suspect part of the reason for the aimless way his government seems to operate is that too many monetary temptations and nepotism stand in the way; and we are well of examples of the latter. It seems almost an impossibility to get the all the departments to unite and go forward in a common direction for the good of the country. Too many selfish distractions and egos to service by those at the top.


As a postscript, I wonder what his ASEAN partners think of his seemingly unhealthy predilection for disciplining lewd dancers. No doubt they would be up to speed with that through the diplomacy gossip network. Not a good look.


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Yeah, but. . . 


As the CEO of Thailand PLC, it's Prayuth's job to ENSURE his lackeys do his bidding - or else.


Helping him pass the buck with this load of fawning journalistic flannel will achieve nothing other than to inflate an ego already buoyant enough to raise a dud Chinese submarine from the depths of the Gulf of Thailand.

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I know Kavi is a well respected journalist, but this piece is shoddy. Rather than mention all important mistakes and setbacks in integrating  ASEAN (academic year, free movement, visa-less employment), he lazily focuses on airport lanes, I guess in hopes of suggesting some pregnant metaphor. He would accomplish more with facts he would by fancy.

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10 hours ago, darksidedog said:

Thailand has an inflated sense of its own worth. They are unable to recognise their stupidity and inability to implement anything well.

Thailand is very good at talking the talk, but wholly unable to convert that into walking the walk.

One can only hope they wake up before they become the poor man of Asia, as its neighbours develop.

Exactly and when you consider that Thailand is the most Xenophobic nation in ASEAN, most probably the entire Asian continent, then that goes someway to explain why they are falling far short on integration within ASEAN.  Basically Thai governments are so inward thinking, so economically ignorant,  full integration will no more happen then the end of corruption in this country until there is a complete, total and long lasting change in the Thai governments and Elitist mind-set.  Meanwhile of course most of the other ASEAN nations will grow and proper.

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On 6/18/2017 at 5:57 PM, darksidedog said:

Thailand has an inflated sense of its own worth. They are unable to recognise their stupidity and inability to implement anything well.

Thailand is very good at talking the talk, but wholly unable to convert that into walking the walk.

One can only hope they wake up before they become the poor man of Asia, as its neighbours develop.


Too late.

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