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visa exemptions by land

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I know what the rules say about visa exemptions by land


"Those who enter the Kingdom temporarily for tourism in accordance with Paragraphs 3 by crossing Immigration check points at land borders are entitled to enter the Kingdom in this way no more than two times per calendar year, except for
Malaysian citizens or citizens of other countries, as specified by the minister.”


On the face of it things should therefore be straight forward the wording is clear BUT I can not obtain a straight answer to this question from the Thai embasy /tourist people


I entered Thailand by land at the Hat Lec border crossing on 9th January 2017 and again on 29th April 2017
my question is will I be allowed to enter Thailand again at this border by land on 6th January 2018 and obtain a visa exemption or would it be necessary to either obtain a visa in advance or return to Thailand by plane
The answer should be yes I can enter but the Thai consulate here told me
However, a few months ago, we did ask a higher authority if it was possible for someone to enter Thailand under the 30-day Visa Exemption Rule in November and again in December followed by further two further 30-day stays in January and February of the next year.The answer was a firm ‘NO’ which must mean that it is based on a ‘rolling year’.
Does anyone have any information about just how the rule is being interpreted is it on the rolling year or not.?
Edited by amnicoll
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Even if there is an official rule on this, knowing Thailand, you can expect some immigration officials to misinterpret the rules, with nothing you can do about it. It is prudent to assume that the most unfavorable interpretation will be used, unless you can be sure otherwise. Anyway, I think the rolling 12 month period makes sense.

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I too think the rolling 12 months makes sense (if one is looking at the intention behind it) and hence my concerns that this is perhaps caught up by language issues or just simply a badly worded law.



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14 minutes ago, amnicoll said:

I too think the rolling 12 months makes sense (if one is looking at the intention behind it) and hence my concerns that this is perhaps caught up by language issues or just simply a badly worded law.



It is per calendar year. That is why they delayed the rule going into effect from May when it was approved to the 1st of January.

Edit: See the date it was posted in the royal gazette and article 1 that states if would go into effect 30 days from that date.  Visa Exempt Rules Dec 2016.pdf

Edited by ubonjoe
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Thanks I have the document already but see my original post and the advice of the Thai consul - now that could be at the extreme of playing the rules but it still concerns me if I am turned back at the border

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1 minute ago, amnicoll said:

Thanks I have the document already but see my original post and the advice of the Thai consul - now that could be at the extreme of playing the rules but it still concerns me if I am turned back at the border

See an edit I did of my last post.

Asking a Thai embassy about immigration rules will not always get a correct answer. You also do not mention who the purported higher authority was.

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