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MS money cannot open the .mny file anymore. Also the backups are corrupted. Neither money's internal repair tool nor Recovery for Money can fix it. Tried to import it into Quicken...nada.

It must have happened when the synchronisation between my laptop and the server kicked in while ms money was open - the program does not seem to like it...

Any advise?




You could try a recovery program and select it to recover the file extension.

I’ve had very good success with EasyRecovery.Pro


thanks for the advise! Seems to be a great program that can fix almost any M$ file format...but not .mny......

Any other suggestions?


You don't have more than one version of Money on your computer? If old version tries to open new version file it will fail.

To import into Quicken the file would have to be older I suspect; so that may not prove the file is bad.

Are you following the correct procedure to open a backup file.

Do you have backup on a CD that you could try to open? Or an older backup than the one you can not open?

Can you open the sample file?

If unable open anything I would remove and re install and hope for the best.


Thanks for advise!

I have two mny files, one private and one for business. The private file still works, the one for business not.

I tried it with the 2004 version first, then upgraded to 2007 and still nada....

What makes me wonder is that the .mbf file is also corrupt.

Now as it seems that I have to start all over again...what would you rather recommend, Quicken or Money? Or any other software. I run a small business and use the software for my internal accounting - the "real" one.


Have never had a business so can not recommend. For home use I prefer Money (but have not used Quicken for a number of years). I also do not use sync functions and just download monthly in Quicken format and use that file to update Money accounts (for some reason Quicken file from my bank works better). Had problems with the sync putting information into wrong account and as don't have that much activity prefer the lower tech approach.

One problem with the auto backup function is that it is very easy to copy over a good backup with the current bad data when you close Money I believe. I always copy another backup to CD each week for added protection.


thanks for advice again!

The sync is not between me and the bank (I doubt it works with Thai banks anyways...) but between laptop and server.

Anyways, something strange hapened: I gave it another try yesterday with the .mbf file and after money crashed again trying to recover it, I re-opened money and voila: The file was open. Interestingly it was no longer called mycompany.mny but mbf123.tmp and stored in some obscure tmp folder. Backed it up, opened the back up and now everything seems to be normal.

money 2007 makes a separate .mbf everytime you close it with date and time mentioned in the file name. And as we learned a lesson, I save it now on an external HDD.

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