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Who is lying? What to do if you deposit 80,000 baht in the bank but they tell you after it was only 40,000....


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People have short memories. One of the reasons why western and advanced Asian region banks went to  e transfers and e payments was to reduce the discrepancies and errors associated with manual transactions. Don't be so quick to  belittle the Thais because of the banking system,  as their approach was the norm as recently as 10 years ago in North America. People still moan and groan in the west when they can't access a teller for all their transactions.


In the good old days of free wheeling money laundering in London, Miami, New York and  Zurich, cash transactions were everywhere. Millions could disappear and reappear. The Swiss  had perfected the system in the 1930's as their banks and unscrupulous  employees  had "absorbed" hundreds of millions of desperate refugees' monetary assets. It was called the Swiss grab for good reason.  Interestingly enough, one  rarely sees Europeans willing to address this sordid  period. And yet we are here,  heaping abuse on Thais because of an alleged uncorroborated  incident. 


Errors happen whenever there are a large number of cash transactions.  Before jumping in to trash the bank, consider who and what the depositor is. A "pet" shop owner. I call such people puppy mill operators. To be blunt, I have yet to  see or hear of an ethical "pet' shop owner. As such, the  complainant is starting from a position of limited trustworthiness. It is the obligation of the complainant to support the claim and so far, there isn't much convincing evidence. I suggest that before judging the bank teller guilty, some actual substantive evidence be provided.

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6 minutes ago, geriatrickid said:

People have short memories. One of the reasons why western and advanced Asian region banks went to  e transfers and e payments was to reduce the discrepancies and errors associated with manual transactions. Don't be so quick to  belittle the Thais because of the banking system,  as their approach was the norm as recently as 10 years ago in North America. People still moan and groan in the west when they can't access a teller for all their transactions.


In the good old days of free wheeling money laundering in London, Miami, New York and  Zurich, cash transactions were everywhere. Millions could disappear and reappear. The Swiss  had perfected the system in the 1930's as their banks and unscrupulous  employees  had "absorbed" hundreds of millions of desperate refugees' monetary assets. It was called the Swiss grab for good reason.  Interestingly enough, one  rarely sees Europeans willing to address this sordid  period. And yet we are here,  heaping abuse on Thais because of an alleged uncorroborated  incident. 


Errors happen whenever there are a large number of cash transactions.  Before jumping in to trash the bank, consider who and what the depositor is. A "pet" shop owner. I call such people puppy mill operators. To be blunt, I have yet to  see or hear of an ethical "pet' shop owner. As such, the  complainant is starting from a position of limited trustworthiness. It is the obligation of the complainant to support the claim and so far, there isn't much convincing evidence. I suggest that before judging the bank teller guilty, some actual substantive evidence be provided.

True. Of course there can be fraud and dishonesty, as anywhere. Being sensible will minimise the risk. I have never had any issues of dishonesty with KBank ( attitude, yes, Byzantine procedures, yes, indifferent products/services, yes...but it's my choice to continue with them and I'm generally satisfied). 


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I have 4 different Kasikorn accounts and never had any problems with depositing. But I always check my account after the deposit before I leave the bank. 



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21 hours ago, ChrisY1 said:

Is this a new scam......don't people check their accounts after deposits are made.....?

Always insist on a counting machine or open, visible manual counting, to check money when large deposits are made......

The machines aren't always correct either, I had a friend that the bank used the machine and it came up with three different amounts each time it counted his money.  We hand counted it before going into the bank and before taking it up to the window. 

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21 hours ago, rkidlad said:

I got called 'a bitter farang' because I said I didn't trust banks (that's all banks by the way). It was just assumed I meant only Thai banks. I just told a couple of newbies to be careful when depositing money. You don't speak Thai and it's probable the teller won't speak English. Under this dynamic the tellers can get nervous and make mistakes. They also make mistakes, because in my personal experience, they aren't trained all that well. So......just be careful. It ain't personal it's business, as they say. 


I usually use the cash deposit machines as it's quicker and easier. But I always check and never take anything for granted. 

You don't trust the banks, but you use their cash machine to deposit. Not very smart.


My GF deposited 27,000 into a machine, but the receipt only showed 11,000 deposited. It was late at night, but days later and still no resolution from the bank for the missing 16,000 and only after she got the police involved was it all fixed and the 16K deposited back into her account.


Moral of the story, never use that form of deposit.

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1 minute ago, Straight8 said:

You don't trust the banks, but you use their cash machine to deposit. Not very smart.


My GF deposited 27,000 into a machine, but the receipt only showed 11,000 deposited. It was late at night, but days later and still no resolution from the bank for the missing 16,000 and only after she got the police involved was it all fixed and the 16K deposited back into her account.


Moral of the story, never use that form of deposit.

Well, I don't really have much choice. Use the deposit machine or go in and do it manually. Up to now I've never had a problem with them. Also, I'm not depositing large amounts. Largest has been maybe 20k. 

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22 hours ago, ChrisY1 said:

Is this a new scam......don't people check their accounts after deposits are made.....?

Always insist on a counting machine or open, visible manual counting, to check money when large deposits are made......


Quite right. Never use ADM's. Always check the passbook and receipt. Use online banking where possible and check check check. Dishonesty is everywhere and everyone by now knows what banks are. And, this is a undeveloped or developing country where the risks are always amplified.

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21 hours ago, scorecard said:



Agreed, and I'm aware  of this. Farang came in to make a payment on his credit card.


The rude loudmouth female teller said, in excellent English, payment system all changed, cannot accept cash that you bring into the bank, you have to take a cash advance against your credit card and use that money to make a payment on your credit card.


This is not how banking works and never will be. Credit cards are high risk for banks, and even higher risk with cards issued to non-Thais, therefore banks will never refuse to take any CC payment at any time. 


Also, if the card is maxed out the customer cannot take a cash advance, therefore no payment possible - no bank would ever set up something like this.


Farang called the bank HO in Bkk and HO called the branch, spoke to the manager and told manager:


- To bring the security guard inside the bank.


- Immediately lock the door and allow no other customers or anybody to enter. or leave.


- Tell the teller to step away from her desk but not leave the room, and security guard now standing at the only internal door other than the customer entry door. 


- Tell the customer trying to make the payment to please wait in the bank with apologies for the situation.


- To count all the cash at the errant tellers desk and do a print out of all transactions up to the time of the problem. 


- Within a few minutes a discrepancy was discovered (I don't know any details).


- Another teller then told to process the customers' card payment with the cash he had brought into the bank. Customer invited to leave but asked to please check all his documents carefully. Many apologies.


- Police called and take the teller away. 


- Next time customer went to this branch, every staff member had changed, and new manager monitoring every detail.

Awesome, could do with some of that ethic with the thieving banks in UK!

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21 hours ago, IMA_FARANG said:

I have 2 Bangkok Bank accounts and I have seen my money counted  by the bank counting machine every time  I deposited my money.

it was always done right in front of me so I could see the results.

In addition, all deposits are always credited by the bank computer and the results printed out in my bankbook.

Human errors are always possible, so I never leave the counter until I verify the bankbook tally.

Once I asked for withdrawal of 4000 Baht and the bank teller accidentally withdrew 40,000 Baht.

Of curse I pointed out the error and returned the extra money.



Teller probably stunned by your hansomety.

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Banks are world's only legal scammers...

One of my customers had to pay 200 USD for a service he received but he didn't have PayPal. He had send me the 200 USD using Western Union. At my bank (also doing WU) I had the 200 USD changed into THB, on my account and transferred what came in to my PayPal account for paying his bill.


The 200 USD was transferred from the USA to Thailand and back to the USA by PayPal. It ended up as having 151,72 USD. So in 2 transfers they stole 48,28 USD on "exchange" rates... That is 24,14 % of the total amount (48,28 / 200 * 100%). And losing 31.8% on the paid bill. (48,28 / 151,72 * 100%) Thieves !!!


Right now that customer is having a PayPal account so he can pay for himself.

Edited by FredNL
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Naming the bank. That's a first. Wonder who KKB will sue?


And '... a few 500 baht notes and could be counted quickly without the necessity of putting it in a counting machine.' is nonsense. They use the machine for double-checking any hand-counted notes.

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29 minutes ago, FredNL said:

Banks are world's only legal scammers...

One of my customers had to pay 200 USD for a service he received but he didn't have PayPal. He had send me the 200 USD using Western Union. At my bank (also doing WU) I had the 200 USD changed into THB, on my account and transferred what came in to my PayPal account for paying his bill.


The 200 USD was transferred from the USA to Thailand and back to the USA by PayPal. It ended up as having 151,72 USD. So in 2 transfers they stole 48,28 USD on "exchange" rates... That is 24,14 % of the total amount (48,28 / 200 * 100%). And losing 31.8% on the paid bill. (48,28 / 151,72 * 100%) Thieves !!!


Right now that customer is having a PayPal account so he can pay for himself.

Well their international TTs - especially of USD, but it can affect other currencies, too - are a major scam; one governments should look at, but most politicians are too busy lining their own nests. With TWO correspondent bank fees deducted, and bugger-all to no detail provided, I've many times before, paid well over $70 for a modest transfer.

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16 hours ago, anto said:

The Teller you got fired ,was she scamming or just lazy about giving a receipt ?


"The teller I got fired"  -  that's totally not true, I asked for a copy of the deposit slip, which is obviously appropriate, and any bank should do this as standard / professional operating practice. Plus I was aware that it's Bank of Thailand policy* that the customer must receive a suitable document for every over the counter transaction. In 30+ years in this country I've seen or been very aware of numerous incidents with banks.


(* A year earlier I gave my MBA students a course project in small teams (30 days to submit): 1). Do regulations and corporate polices support customer satisfaction.  2) What is the actual customer feedback? With structured surveys from at least 50 people from a variety of background and age. Each team had to select 2 industries /professions, banking was one option.)




- She had no recognition of customer / satisfied customer. Why? She said to the supervisor 'the bank records are complete no need for anything more'.  The supervisor explained that the 'customer must also be satisfied and is entitled to have proof of all transactions'. Look on tellers face said it all -  why?, what for? not important! In fact the girl concerned had an overall negative &  surly attitude. No sawasdee kha, etc. 


Was she surly, lazy?


IMHO: Negative attitude to customers and to the appropriate process and no communications with customers . Lazy, well yes. 

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I have been with my bank in Thailand for 13 years and have never had any major problems and generally have received polite and helpful service.


However, for the past 5 years, I have made regular monthly transfers to my ex-wife's Thai account with another bank for maintenance payments for our son.  Recently, I needed proof of the monthly maintenance payments for the UK authorities, so I asked my bank to confirm the account number to which the monthly payments had been transferred, as my pass book showed the payments but no other details.   


The people I saw at the bank claimed that they could not provide any record of the required bank account number, which is ridiculous as that would mean that for the past 5 years they had been transferring monthly amounts to an unknown account.  I finally gave up but managed, as it happens, to get by without that evidence.  By the way, any evidence I could have obtained from my ex-wife's account would not have been willingly forthcoming, so I did not bother going along that route.  I believe it is just a question of the staff not being sufficiently and adequately trained.


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The same bank (for example Bangkok Bank) in each province seems to have, at least to some extent,  its own rules and regulations.


When I first arrived in Thailand I opened an account witn BB in Bangkok but when I moved to Nakhon Sawan province, I was able to use a local branch there for withdrawals and inputs.  However, when my pass book was full and I needed a new one, I was told that I would have to travel to Bangkok to get one.


Needless to say, I withdrew the entire balance from the Bangkok account and opened up a new one with the local BB bank.   It just seems that they go out of their way to present the customer with problems.  

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7 hours ago, stud858 said:

There is an ombudsman office.

I'm sure it will get solved. Cameras don't lie and let's think the ombudsman will do the right thing. 

I contacted the office of consumer protection at CW  over one Bank problem, emailed twice no reply, phoned up told to send all documents in, did so, no reply. Wrote to head office and CEO, no relpy. Bank in the UK contacted bank in Bangkok, no reply. Crooks or just lazy incompetents?

Edited by Orton Rd
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I thought it was a bit unusual when two K bank employees decided to count out my 60.000 deposit by dividing it in half roughly then counting. They told me there was only a total of 50,000 after they counted. Well possibly. Any one can make a mistake.   I had counted it out three times before leaving my condo though. mmmm.   I thought, get suspicious if two decide to count in future,and insist only one counts next time.

That was about ten years ago though, so different staff now

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14 minutes ago, Slain said:

I thought it was a bit unusual when two K bank employees decided to count out my 60.000 deposit by dividing it in half roughly then counting. They told me there was only a total of 50,000 after they counted. Well possibly. Any one can make a mistake.   I had counted it out three times before leaving my condo though. mmmm.   I thought, get suspicious if two decide to count in future,and insist only one counts next time.

That was about ten years ago though, so different staff now

Why didn't you, on the spot, ask those two piles of banknotes to be given back to you by both employees? You just lost 10,000, like that, OK, no prob, have a nice day? Come on! 

Edited by bangrak
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What are all of your opinions about using a CDM and avoiding tellers entirely? They'd have to claim the money was bad later, but guess could do same at the window? I use both but often CDM for 80k+ deposit just out of convenience.


If you like and use CDM please LIKE this post rather than hijacking the thread. 

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The lady invited me into the area where they worked which was large desk placing the money on the desk, which a bit cluttered, and was not really suitable for that purpose. Then sat down, divided the money roughly so two ladies counting.  I recall they were rather cheerful.

They must have slipped some of it aside and then totalled it up. It was all in 1000 bhat notes. So easily done.  The way it was done though, ensured I would be arguing against two instead of one.  So that's why I decided to put it all down to experience.

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I know someone who went to Hong Kong Bank with his wife ( they had a son ) to deposit money in an interest bearing account. The money disappeared ( hired a lawyer and couldn't find out where it went) and he was soon divorced. The ex had a fine spending spree in Europe.
Do not bring money to Thailand.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

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