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Share Tip !! UK Aim market

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You the man! I took your tip only a few days ago at 5p! I owe you a beer [emoji3] how you think this will do? I don't want to get attached to this as I have done to others in the past. Tempted to cash out if it's a 3 bagged at around 15p. Last big one I had like this was GKP. Cheers again for the tip!

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What a day......!!  Peaked at 11.05p after rising 2p in literally 2 minutes pulled my trailing stops with it and promptly reversed all the way back to 7.80p close. Trailing stops did their job activating at just over 10p and 9.65p so ended the day out of the share but with a 9 plus bagger.....paid for all trips to Thailand plus general living expenses for the next 18 months so well happy.....hopefully one or two following tipped their toes in....Auf Wiedersehen

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1 hour ago, richy2201 said:

You the man! I took your tip only a few days ago at 5p! I owe you a beer emoji3.png how you think this will do? I don't want to get attached to this as I have done to others in the past. Tempted to cash out if it's a 3 bagged at around 15p. Last big one I had like this was GKP. Cheers again for the tip!

I posted previous post before seeing yours. Hold your shares dont sell.....mine have gone but only because I used the system to my advantage. Nothing has changed re fundamentals and oil in the ground. Depending where we go tomorrow/friday I may buy back in at lower price.....

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Been reveiwing all the news  these last 2 hours.....If I can get back in at current price (which moved up after hours as trades settled to 7.9p) then I will stick £5000 back in and let it ride (which was original aim !)  Thats a lot harder to do when you have somewhat huge numbers in front of you 2 taps on a laptop away from your bank account !

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""UK Oil & Gas Investments PLC (London AIM and ISDX: UKOG) announces that the Oil and Gas Authority ("OGA") has GRANTED FINAL CONSENT for the Company's forthcoming extended flow test programme at its 100% owned Broadford Bridge-1 ("BB-1") oil exploration well. As previously reported, given the multiple positive indications of oil-filled fractures throughout a vertical Kimmeridge section of more than 1100 vertical ft, the planned flow test programme has now been substantially increased. The programme will now test around 900 feet of naturally-fractured Kimmeridge section over multiple zones and is designed to establish if oil can flow at commercial rates and in commercial quantities from BB-1""


Currently 8.63 mid price

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Was all over the shop yesterday as high as 9.13p and as low as 5.95p ended the day down at 6.60p....

Have put the £5000 I bought yesterday in bottom drawer and there they are staying !

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18 hours ago, richy2201 said:

Yea seems to be stabilising around 7.8 ish. Just have to hold on. Fortune favours the brace and all that.

Theres an inkling today via twitter that an oil crew from Housten want in, CEO has been twattering last couple hours.....dont hold me to it  !!

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Bit more flesh on the bones re above......


" he posted a link to youtube which showed a webcast from a company called EFN, Energy Flow News bringing Americans up to speed on the last UKOG RNS details"


Theres more but along similar lines

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3 hours ago, richy2201 said:

Yea I seen cheers. SP is hoovering around 5-6p. If it drops around 4 I might top up a bit

I bought a tranche at 5.81 and set HL to crystalize the holding at 6.30......in a 60 second burst it went from 5.90 to 6.35 obviously hitting the trigger and promptly back down to 6 dead !!  Thank you very much UKOG !!  Another excellent week !!

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Finished at 6.13 mid Monday and RNS landed 40 minutes after close.....trying to dissect it and appears French industrialist stake building and has exceeded notification level of 5% on AIM.....expect it to gap up on reopening tuesday

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1 hour ago, JamJar said:

Was a good tip. What platform do you use to invest? It's not something that has caught my interest before. 

So a reliable platform might be a good place to begin.


Hargreaves landsdown for outright purchase, LCG for spreads

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There was a double RNS last night (i mentioned the first one) quite likely this will take a sharp leg up between 8am-8.30am tuesday beware of this rising sharply people piling in and a rapid reverse as happened last Wednesday. News was excellent though...

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You think a quick sell would be recommended? I think I might do that. As they say some profit is better than none. Having said that this has massive potential. Decisions....decisions. By the way Chivas, anymore tips? Lol. You hit this one bang on the money. Ironically I sold AST to buy into this and of course a day or so after it went up. The joys of the AIM casino. Cheers.

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7 hours ago, richy2201 said:

You think a quick sell would be recommended? I think I might do that. As they say some profit is better than none. Having said that this has massive potential. Decisions....decisions. By the way Chivas, anymore tips? Lol. You hit this one bang on the money. Ironically I sold AST to buy into this and of course a day or so after it went up. The joys of the AIM casino. Cheers.

Well on opening it shot to 9p dead on the bid.....as I already had my profits from before am just holding the £5000 worth I reinvested.....not surprisingly it dropped to 7.05p but its edged up all day and currently 7.70 mid price at time of post.....if you havent sold already I would say hold but as you say any profit is a good profit

Apologies late response

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Sanderson the CEO and Chairman has played a blinder securing ongoing flow testing for 12 months whilst selling the oil at the same time.....now its highly likely the SP will take off as the flow rates become known over next 2 weeks......bear in mind the current price is 8 times higher than where I originally invested so multi baggers will be lower. Its an AIM share so pump and dump tactics are not unheard of. In this case I'd say no chance but perhaps not a share for widows and oprhans

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There is another share out there in the semi conductor industry called Cap-XX (CPX)......still in its infancy I have been "in and out" 5 times scalping profits.......if the offer drops to 7.5p or below have a nibble. Its currently 9.3p but it keeps rollercoasting.  It was 7.7p couple weeks ago and I was about to shout it out but it took off again before I had a chance.....keep an eye on it again dont bet your shirt

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RE ukog


" London Evening Standard 1/8/17

On AIM, UK Oil & Gas, the largest investor in the “Gatwick Gusher” oil discovery, recovered from falls last week as it put on 1.25p, or 21%, to 7.3p.

It came after an update following the market close yesterday, which revealed it had secured all the permits needed to flow-test its Broadford Bridge-1 well. It also revealed French oil firm SCDM Energy has taken a 5% stake."


(it closed actually at 7.6p)

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I'll stick my neck on the block re this one and I say within 8 weeks this will be 15-20p......the "risk" is the one item on the following list lifted from lse chat forum today......




" Brexit - nope;
HSE incident - nope, unless it drowns a chunk of the SE (south east england) in an oily pond 6ft deep;
Flow rates - yup, particularly if related to poor long term recovery rate out of the reservoir;
Oil price - nope, cheap as chips to develop onshore field;
Planning - nope, a short term delay at worst of a year or two;
Gov policy - nope, forget your car for a second, oil products go into everything in modern life;
Takeover - won't tank the share but will give us £s when it could've been £££s;
Cashflow - nope, fundraising in May has stuffed the coffers, flow tests if good will also produce an income, and with proof of scale of find fundraising, if required, will be a simple chat: "we have a billion barrel oil find, lend us a few million quid "


DYOR (my comment)


Flow testing is underway covering 5 levels and would expect an RNS as each level is anaylsed.....(my comment)

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