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Turkey's Erdogan says Arab demands on Qatar unlawful


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3 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


I do think that Qatar invited the Turkish military presence. In the same way you will find a French military presence in the UAE, including FFL and American and British in Bahrain.


However, Turkish troops entering Syria and Iraq uninvited is a violation of sovereignty. But they ain't the only ones.

Qatar invited both the US and Turkey.


George Friedman in his book 'The Next 100 Years' makes good reading as to why the US buddy up with Turkey.

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4 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

The irony of this whole situation is that the primary accusers, are the filthiest people on earth, when it comes to the ongoing support of worldwide terrorism. And that is the house of Saud. They have spent over 100 billion US, and they continue to support those nasty Madrasas, and the propagation of the most hateful faith on the planet, Wahhabism. This faith has no connection with the creator. Nothing. No spiritual value, whatsoever. It is the practice of infidels, contrary to what this silly faith preaches. It has nothing to do with spiritual growth, and looking within. It is all about the propagation of hatred against non Sharia practicing people. Even Muslims. It does not matter. It is the essence of mindless dogma. Unless, and until those Madrasas are completely wiped out, and eliminated from the face of the earth, this terror will continue. We see it happening all across Europe, Pakistan, and all of the other places, that are unfortunate to host these extremist training academies, run by Imans that have no idea of what the Prophet's teachings were all about, who twist the doctrine to meet the objectives of their hate filled hearts, and their black souls.


I have said it before and I will continue to say it until I die, Saudi Arabia is enemy number one, on planet earth. 

I have to say that this is one of the very best posts that I have ever read in Visa forum. The Wahhabi ideological filth has invaded so many countries around the world, being responsible in particular for turning Pakistan into essentially a failed state. The deal the house of Saud did to stay in  power with the support of these twisted Mullahs was a case of the devil dealing with the devil. Destroying them and their Madrassas would be the greatest contribution to civilisation that the world could make right now. However as a devout atheist I see little value in any of the Abrahamic religions, based as they are on the exploitation of the guilt and fear of simple people. Add in the protestant ethic (The PE and the rise of capitalism) and you put greed justified by religion into that mix also. Even IS would have been stunned at the ingenuity the Christians of the middle ages devoted to torture.

Not wishing to drift of topic too much here, so I would say that it is surprising that Erdogan is broadly right for once, you can't bully and blackmail other countries as they are trying to do with Qatar. Meanwhile having denied the Armenian genocide he is surely planning a Kurdish one right now. 

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4 hours ago, tigermoth said:

Agreed. Al Jazeera was the only news channel worth watch between British and American channels. Unfortunately Thailand has stoppoed it and all I have left is BBC. The USA channels just keep emitting garbage.

ON TMN Cable Pattaya, Al Jazeera is still available. I would like to see RT, CCTV intl. and CNBC as well.

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Erdogan views of sovereignty seem to be somewhat different when these touch on electioneering among Turks in Europe, or sending troops (without invitation) to a neighboring country (Syria). Considering how he muzzled media in his own country, wonder how he really feels about silencing al Jazeera, but guess the latter would have less criticism in store, at least for the next few weeks.

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