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Thailand import taxes on food


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Have looked at a few UK based online food shops (dry, and tinned foods)   but no mention on sites about import tax 


Has anyone ordered from these sites or have knowledge  of rates of import taxes to Thailand  ??  is delivery cost taxed as well ?/

       cant buy the foods here  I'm looking for   thanks

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I import Dutch cheese once in a while, sometimes it gets though without taxes other times I pay around 500 bt (for around 5kg). Hope it helps I will look for the tax tarif, but you have to understand they set the value of the product you import so its not like you can calculate it easy.


Also they tax over the value of the products plus shipping then the tax tarif.. and on top of that 7 percent vat.

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Suggest you keep the packages small and low value and they should get through OK. I have received 4 packages from IHerb in the US all with no problems. 2 of the packages contained cocoa and cocoa tips. Prices less than 1000 baht and weight about 1 kg.

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I worked for 711 hq in my home country and I'll give you a tip that not many know. 


711 will be happy to stock their stores with any reasonable requests if enough people ask and it only takes 10 requests. All it takes is an email through to their human resource dept. 


Thailand 711 head office email.

[email protected]


711 will then note that enough are asking for lets say Branston pickles , in a certain area and stock the stores in that area. Being a global player they have the buying power to keep prices down. Our local 711 out near Khon Kaen now stocks Marmite and Newcastle Brown Ale with Vegemite arriving shortly.

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14 hours ago, ajnamoon said:

0k so do they sell Grants tinned Haggis    in Pattaya stores ??????????

Not that I know much about Haggis, but I don't thnk it would fit in a can.

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7 hours ago, upside said:

I worked for 711 hq in my home country and I'll give you a tip that not many know. 


711 will be happy to stock their stores with any reasonable requests if enough people ask and it only takes 10 requests. All it takes is an email through to their human resource dept. 


Thailand 711 head office email.

[email protected]


711 will then note that enough are asking for lets say Branston pickles , in a certain area and stock the stores in that area. Being a global player they have the buying power to keep prices down. Our local 711 out near Khon Kaen now stocks Marmite and Newcastle Brown Ale with Vegemite arriving shortly.

I like the idea and have sent off an email asking for picilli. Please if you like this join med and send an email

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