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The poisonous Brother in Law


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3 hours ago, owl sees all said:

What was I thinking; 4/5 days of normality smashed by this evening's tantrum.


Why the tantrum?? Some insurance money had arrived in the post for the daughter (not the 7 year). I asked the the wife if she would ask her daughter to return some of the money she stole from me (yes stole not borrowed).


WW3 has started.



I have a deja vu.

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23 minutes ago, Odysseus123 said:

Here is a nice story for the morning.*


*spoiler alert-it involves supposed white colonial masters.


From time to time parents in this village have approached me asking if I could teach either their sons or daughters English.My response is always the same."No, I can't teach them but they are more than welcome to come and converse in English and watch some movies...."


The last boy who turned up was a sheer delight to converse with and possesses a thinking brain that functions both in an inquiring and abstract manner.


Anyway,last week I casually mentioned to an American professor friend of mine who resides in California, that this is one boy who could really benefit from talking to his peers in either America or Australia.


With typical Yankee "Can Do" spirit he searched amongst his colleagues and now a boy from Kansas is happily chatting with a 16 year old boy from Nakhon Nowhere.


May their friendship prosper.

Good news, but can he teach logic, common sense and respect for those with less money?

I really hope so..



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1 hour ago, George FmplesdaCosteedback said:

You are right, but not very sympathetic.

A break up like this is ......

 Women: the devil in a dress!




I hope no 'libbers see this and work out who you are George. :smile:

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44 minutes ago, The Dark Lord said:

A journey of a thousand miles starts with the first step.


indeed Ody old chum you are a man of many talents. An unplumbed depth of kindness even to those who have mistreated you (generalasion), an ability to turn even the most challenging of adversities into "a lesson in life's journey" , the ability to turn a story of suffering into "an amusing anecdote" .


you are a diamond in the rough old chum ( shall I get the room or will you?)


by helping that one guy broaden his horizons even by just just a small amount, you have made a difference.


just imagine if this exploded and the local boy spoke to his mates ( I make the assumption here that he is wise enough to chose his chums carefully) who also picked up the same concept  and started doing the same. They in turn told their mates.......


in a small but potentially significant way, you may have started the march to enlightenment that many here are so desperately in need of. 

Count D'Arco

re..the local boy speaking to his mates.


I sincerely hope that he doesn't do this but develops the friendship by himself and sees where it takes him.


I am too realistic about the nature of this country and the vested interests by which families,schools,religion and Gov't keep youngsters at his level-at any level really- unthinking drones.


Actually I was conversing with one of these unthinking,self entitled drones (17 years old) two years ago.He was just about to depart for the US on a 6 months student exchange arranged by his parents and he had absolutely no interest in the matter whatsoever.


My last words to him were "You are going to get the shock of your life when you get to Ohio"-and indeed he did.

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On 05/07/2017 at 10:46 AM, The Dark Lord said:

Was my post not clear or are you just you just trying to piss me off?

He does, but like so many here his true motivations are to be found in that he shares, knowingly or not, all the shit we have to deal with here...

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2 hours ago, Odysseus123 said:



Short,sharp and,as usual,to the point.


Always hoping for change-three good days and you think it's pure bliss.Madness.


I will get my head back together in my own country instead of being on the "qui vive?" all the time.

Hang in there Ody. Hopefully not too long now and you will be sampling a nice full bodied Margret River red that will send beautiful bouquets of life to lift your sharp brain to a new level. And while there will always be great memories of Thailand to savour, there are a few benefits of going back home.

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