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Trump tweets mock video of himself tackling, punching CNN logo


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17 minutes ago, ELVIS123456 said:

CNN has blackmailed a 15 year old to apologise and delete the original meme, under threat of his personal details being publicly announced. #CNNBlackmail is the highest trending issue on the internet. Even the BBC is across it:


Broadcaster CNN has been accused of "blackmail" following its investigation into the identity of the creator of a controversial gif shared by President Donald Trump.



Wikileaks founder Julian Assange accused CNN of "blackmailing a private citizen" and tweeted: "When Trump goes low CNN goes lower: threatens to dox artist behind 'CNN head' video if he makes fun of them again".


CNN or the Clinton News Network as we called them during the election, and FNN (Fake News Network) as we call it now, has yet again shown itself to be a biased arrogant vindictive bunch. But just like all their other anti-Trump fake news, this one is going to bite them back big time:




They're failing... therefore they run anything for ratings.

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20 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

If Trump acts like a human being at the G20 meeting instead of talking down to the other Prime Minsters and not pushing anyone- he might actually get some positive press.

I doubt he cares much about whether or not he gets "positive press" as you put it. I'll settle for actual factual reporting and not the usual fake news.

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13 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

Age is irrelevant. If someone has published something which defames any organisation (and this went to hundreds of millions of people), then any organization has the right to defend itself and demand whatever type of remedial action it wants. Lucky the 15 year old doesn't have to ask his parents to sell their house to pay for this one.


This is NOT CNN's fault and their action is exactly the same type of action that Trump is so well known for.


The only one 'vindictive' in all of this is the King of Vindictiveness himself - Trump.

Unbelieveable - you think it is OK for a global news network  to threaten someone with public shaming on their news network, because that person did one of the many mems mocking them. Clearly liberals are the new fascists. Was it not Goebbels who made this 'suppression' a standard technique of the Nazis.


How does that mirror look ? 


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I doubt he cares much about whether or not he gets "positive press" as you put it. I'll settle for actual factual reporting and not the usual fake news.

Good source for factual reporting is the Washington Post.
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7 minutes ago, ELVIS123456 said:

Unbelieveable - you think it is OK for a global news network  to threaten someone with public shaming on their news network, because that person did one of the many mems mocking them. Clearly liberals are the new fascists. Was it not Goebbels who made this 'suppression' a standard technique of the Nazis.


How does that mirror look ? 


Everything is perfect in my mirror, what about yours?


Trump the most litigious man in the USA. Perhaps HE should have checked the provenance of the work he was using before he uploaded it to his twitter account. I am more shocked that the POTUS would upload the work of a 15 year old. Trump is responsible for it going viral, and save your fascist Geobbels comments for the two Chief Fascists in the USA at the moment - Trump and Bannon.

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3 minutes ago, Skywalker69 said:

Fair enough - but one moment of praise in the 'heat' of the election victory was his 'hen's teeth' moment.

Van Jones has made a living as a left-wing 'social warrior', and was an Obama appointee in his administration, and once claimed Bush allowed 9/11 to happen.

Sure that one time he showed 'unity' - but before and after he shows his true colors more often than not.

Most CNN 'journalists' have similar backgrounds - left-wing or socialists.


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9 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

Everything is perfect in my mirror, what about yours?


Trump the most litigious man in the USA. Perhaps HE should have checked the provenance of the work he was using before he uploaded it to his twitter account. I am more shocked that the POTUS would upload the work of a 15 year old. Trump is responsible for it going viral, and save your fascist Geobbels comments for the two Chief Fascists in the USA at the moment - Trump and Bannon.

Try looking again - have a good long slow look.


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1 minute ago, ELVIS123456 said:


14 minutes ago, Skywalker69 said:

Fair enough - but one moment of praise in the 'heat' of the election victory was his 'hen's teeth' moment.

Van Jones has made a living as a left-wing 'social warrior', and was an Obama appointee in his administration, and once claimed Bush allowed 9/11 to happen.

Sure that one time he showed 'unity' - but before and after he shows his true colors more often than not.

Most CNN 'journalists' have similar backgrounds - left-wing or socialists.



But but but but but but but but.



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25 minutes ago, ELVIS123456 said:

Most CNN 'journalists' have similar backgrounds - left-wing or socialists

It is a tired old canard that the press is "Left" because it reports actual facts such as:

*Higher progressive taxes are generally good for economies.

*Universal healthcare is more effective, both in terms of delivering needed services and saving costs than any alternative America has tried so far.

*Equal rights, whether for minorities, women, or people of different sexual orientations is the basis for a decent society.


These "leftist" ideas also happen to be the correct ideas for a better, more economically and socially vibrant world.


Some conservatives like to use "socialist" as an insult. People who know better, take it as a compliment. Conservatives are only circle-jerking with such insults.




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Trump’s Pants on Fire claim that CNN ratings are ‘way down’


Days before President Donald Trump tweeted a video of him assaulting a CNN logo, Trump took aim at another place he said CNN was hurting: its ratings.

"Fake News CNN is looking at big management changes now that they got caught falsely pushing their phony Russian stories," Trump tweeted June 27, before adding: "Ratings way down!"



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7 hours ago, NanLaew said:

Without mentioning anyone running as the Democrat candidate for POTUS, why was he elected?

I've explained this many times already. It's getting exhausting having to keep explaining this over and over.

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12 minutes ago, Rigby40 said:

I've explained this many times already. It's getting exhausting having to keep explaining this over and over.

Explained what? who? where? when? did we miss it? Go on please explain again.

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1 hour ago, ELVIS123456 said:

Fair enough - but one moment of praise in the 'heat' of the election victory was his 'hen's teeth' moment.

Van Jones has made a living as a left-wing 'social warrior', and was an Obama appointee in his administration, and once claimed Bush allowed 9/11 to happen.

Sure that one time he showed 'unity' - but before and after he shows his true colors more often than not.

Most CNN 'journalists' have similar backgrounds - left-wing or socialists.




CNN host Fareed Zakaria, who has been slamming the President on air for months, exclaimed this morning that Donald Trump ‘became the President of The United States’ last night after launching missiles into Syria.



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3 minutes ago, Skywalker69 said:



CNN host Fareed Zakaria, who has been slamming the President on air for months, exclaimed this morning that Donald Trump ‘became the President of The United States’ last night after launching missiles into Syria.



AT LAST - a news source that CutiePi will be happy with as an unbiased truthful bit of journalism.     :wink:

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Bizarre. Absurd. Ridiculous. Embarrassing. Trump.


Never during that time or since have I ever worried that a president’s behavior would embarrass the country on the world stage. Trump’s most unpardonable offense isn’t his implied threat to members of the fourth estate but his minimizing of the nation’s stature in the world. Our allies must shudder while our enemies devise new ways to celebrate. Trump may crack himself up, but he also shatters any pretense of our seriousness as a nation. So much for that shining city on the hill, not to mention the president as leader of the free world.



This situation is apparently just fine with trumpists. 

It's like we're from different planets.

Have Americans been this divided since the civil war?

I don't think so.

We were very divided during the Vietnam war era, but I think this is much worse.





Edited by Jingthing
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Can the clown really inflict his severe mental problems on the USA and world for his full term, or even two?


It's quite hard to imagine.







The vulgar tweets of a madman president


But no major nation on earth has suffered the daily indignity of the world’s most powerful human communicating like a psychotic D-grade pro wrestler threatening to maim his neighbor's cat in a trailer park. Trump is an embarrassment inside a humiliation wrapped in a charade that, as history will record, brought the country – and the world – only shame and devastation. And we keep getting the tweets, sadly, to prove it.



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2 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

AT LAST - a news source that CutiePi will be happy with as an unbiased truthful bit of journalism.     :wink:

But, but, Alex Jones revealed 'The Obama Deception' and the secret army he was raising to stay in power forever to destroy America. Without him shouting and pointing fingers everywhere the entire world would be under Obama's totalitarian yoke by now.


Was Obama even born in America? Was he? Then why the silence of the Egyptian, Swedish and Chinese governments on the issue?

Edited by baboon
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12 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

Age is irrelevant. If someone has published something which defames any organisation (and this went to hundreds of millions of people), then any organization has the right to defend itself and demand whatever type of remedial action it wants. Lucky the 15 year old doesn't have to ask his parents to sell their house to pay for this one.


This is NOT CNN's fault and their action is exactly the same type of action that Trump is so well known for.


The only one 'vindictive' in all of this is the King of Vindictiveness himself - Trump.

WOW you think it's OK for CNN to go after a 15 year old for a meme.

Showing your true fascist colors there.

How about the never ending defamation of the Trump brand by the media?


Or your defamation of me?


On 7/4/2017 at 8:11 PM, PattayaJames said:
On 7/4/2017 at 4:37 PM, Andaman Al said:

And just because someone thinks Trump is a lying a**hole does not make them a 'libtard', 'snowflake' or 'crybaby loser' because 'their' person lost (generally said to people that didn't even have a vote in any US election). So how about YOU start applying YOUR standard.

Please quote where I have used any of the words you have in quotation marks, or you should withdraw this statement. Thanks.

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16 minutes ago, PattayaJames said:

WOW you think it's OK for CNN to go after a 15 year old for a meme.

Showing your true fascist colors there.

How about the never ending defamation of the Trump brand by the media?


Or your defamation of me?


CNN didn't "go after" a 15 year old.  They tried to find the identity of the author of that video.  Who was also posting some nasty stuff.  Luckily, that person has apologized for the rude posts.




On Reddit, "HanA**holeSolo" took credit for inspiring the tweet. Soon after, "HanA**holeSolo's" other posts on Reddit, some of which included racist and anti-Semitic imagery, quickly circulated on social media.


CNN is not publishing "HanA**holeSolo's" name because he is a private citizen who has issued an extensive statement of apology, showed his remorse by saying he has taken down all his offending posts, and because he said he is not going to repeat this ugly behavior on social media again.

Lovely username for a 15 year old. LOL. 


As far as the "never ending defamation of the Trump brand by the media"?  It's up to Trump to stop that.  He's the one causing the stir.  Get off Twitter, as recommended by his peers.

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31 minutes ago, PattayaJames said:

WOW you think it's OK for CNN to go after a 15 year old for a meme.

Showing your true fascist colors there.

How about the never ending defamation of the Trump brand by the media?


Or your defamation of me?


P.S. the user is an adult male, not a 15 year old.





The man, described by CNN as middle-age despite assertions on social media that he is 15, posted the apology and then contacted Kaczynski by telephone.


“Any assertion that the network blackmailed or coerced him is false,” the statement said. “The user, who is an adult male not a 15-year-old boy, apologized and deleted his account before ever speaking with our reporter.


What a loser.  An adult male posing as a 15 year old.

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23 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

CNN didn't "go after" a 15 year old.  They tried to find the identity of the author of that video.  Who was also posting some nasty stuff.  Luckily, that person has apologized for the rude posts.




On Reddit, "HanA**holeSolo" took credit for inspiring the tweet. Soon after, "HanA**holeSolo's" other posts on Reddit, some of which included racist and anti-Semitic imagery, quickly circulated on social media.


CNN is not publishing "HanA**holeSolo's" name because he is a private citizen who has issued an extensive statement of apology, showed his remorse by saying he has taken down all his offending posts, and because he said he is not going to repeat this ugly behavior on social media again.

You seem to have accidentally failed to quote the part where they threaten him. 


"CNN reserves the right to publish his identity should any of that change."


Edited by PattayaJames
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1 hour ago, PattayaJames said:


You seem to have accidentally failed to quote the part where they threaten him. 


"CNN reserves the right to publish his identity should any of that change."


Is that a threat?  Doesn't seem like that to me.  As I posted before, most non-MSM would have published the details of this adult pretending to be a 15 year old and posting racist nonsense.  Not a bad thing to do, actually.

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