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Trump tweets mock video of himself tackling, punching CNN logo


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8 hours ago, PattayaJames said:

WOW you think it's OK for CNN to go after a 15 year old for a meme.

Showing your true fascist colors there.

How about the never ending defamation of the Trump brand by the media?


Or your defamation of me?


Some things you need to learn. The person that CNN tracked down was not a 15 year old, they were an adult. You are spreading fake news. If Trump was defamed he would sue. If CNN are defamed they have the right to sue and calling them the FNN is defamation.


You at no point have been defamed, you are like a barrack room lawyer - clueless.


4 hours ago, PattayaJames said:

Did CNN commit a crime? Cruz suggests warning to Reddit user poses legal problem



No CNN did not commit any crime. Here is how it really is on the internet. You cannot say anything that is defamation or harassing or bullying, even though people do. No forum or board like this or reddit is anonymous. There are now an army of lawyers that will offer their services for internet prosecutions, and invariably they will win. If for example you write something particularly bad about another member, that member if he really wishes could spend about 3-5K USD and start a process that you would be unable to stop. It would result in a legal letter going to the owners of this  site demanding all private, personal, IP and registration information that you use. The letter would clearly state why the information was being demanded  and the lawyers on this or any other site would comply in a heartbeat, or they themselves become complicit in any crime proved further down the line. The lawyers will use various tools available to get all your details and then they will prosecute, just as they easily tracked down the guy claiming CNN were FNN. The threat as you call it given by CNN was not a threat, technically it was 'arbitration'. "Either you retract and apologise or we will make public the information that is available to the public and we will sue you for the very shirt of your back". The result is a no brainer. CNN did nothing wrong, your little urban hero did the wrongdoing and I feel was directly encouraged to do so by the constant incorrect claims by the POTUS that CNN are a fake news establishment.


So whats your next move Karpov? How about you retire from this one. Check mate.

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3 hours ago, ELVIS123456 said:

yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap 


ISDP 11.jpg

Funny, but I am not a liberal. A career military right winger who happens to consider that integrity is one of the most valuable inherent qualities an individual can possess. Unfortunately as far as I am concerned, Trump is a lying, sociopath who is selfish in every respect and a fake individual in every respect, he is corrupt and crooked and would not know what 'integrity' was if you slapped him in the face with it. He stinks, he is a pos. If you want to support him then remember you will be judged on the company that you supported. Show me once where I have written anything that could be considered liberal or of liberal ideology. You can't. So you go back and keep company with your fellow 'supporters' who act as enablers to this excuse of a man that we have as POTUS (all 'experts and witnesses say that Melania is in an abusive relationship - I guess that is also OK with your moral compass that wives should be given a good slap now and then, maybe raped? It is good enough for Trump so it is normally ok with his supporters). I just pray that while your super hero is at the G20 the vid is released of the Russian urinating hookers. Karmic retribution at its best.

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9 hours ago, PattayaJames said:
21 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

Lucky the 15 year old doesn't have to ask his parents to sell their house to pay for this one.

WOW you think it's OK for CNN to go after a 15 year old for a meme.

Showing your true fascist colors there.

How about the never ending defamation of the Trump brand by the media?

8 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

Lovely username for a 15 year old. LOL. 

45 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

Some things you need to learn. The person that CNN tracked down was not a 15 year old, they were an adult. You are spreading fake news.

Oh how you love to condescend, at the time ALL, including you were referring to a 15 year old, as that was what had been reported.

And now it is reported he was an adult, you go back and quote my earlier post, and accuse me of spreading fake news.



I won't hold my breath for an apology, as you still have not had the decency to respond to the following.  You are the fake here!


9 hours ago, PattayaJames said:
  On 7/4/2017 at 8:11 PM, PattayaJames said:
On 7/4/2017 at 4:37 PM, Andaman Al said:

And just because someone thinks Trump is a lying a**hole does not make them a 'libtard', 'snowflake' or 'crybaby loser' because 'their' person lost (generally said to people that didn't even have a vote in any US election). So how about YOU start applying YOUR standard.

Please quote where I have used any of the words you have in quotation marks, or you should withdraw this statement. Thanks.

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7 minutes ago, PattayaJames said:

Oh how you love to condescend, at the time ALL, including you were referring to a 15 year old, as that was what had been reported.

And now it is reported he was an adult, you go back and quote my earlier post, and accuse me of spreading fake news.



I won't hold my breath for an apology, as you still have not had the decency to respond to the following.  You are the fake here!


I am under no obligation to respond to anything you or anybody else posts, especially when it deserves to be in the bin. No, don't hold your breath, it will be a long wait. Is your poor little ego bruised? poor little Trumpy Trumpeteer. Exactly the same as Trump, you like to give it but can't take it. Man up.

Edited by Andaman Al
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7 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

I am under no obligation to respond to anything you or anybody else posts, especially when it deserves to be in the bin. No, don't hold your breath, it will be a long wait. Is your poor little ego bruised? poor little Trumpy Trumpeteer. Man up.

You can continue to post lies, up to you I don't care, just makes you look like an idiot.

But post lies about me as you have twice above, and expect me to call you up on it.

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4 minutes ago, PattayaJames said:

You can continue to post lies, up to you I don't care, just makes you look like an idiot.

But post lies about me as you have twice above, and expect me to call you up on it.

:coffee1: Sigh! Fragile butterfly. Read what you wrote, read how I responded then read your totally skewed reply. There were no lies. Now go and get a hug from somebody. Do we need CNN to track you down to see if you are 15? It seems like it.

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1 minute ago, Andaman Al said:

:coffee1: Sigh! Fragile butterfly. Read what you wrote, read how I responded then read your totally skewed reply. There were no lies. Now go and get a hug from somebody. Do we need CNN to track you down to see if you are 15? It seems like it.

You are just making yourself look like an idiot.

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It really is an incredible thing to behold - witnessing the blind rage & foaming at the mouth vengeance the liberals are showing towards a small fry gif maker nobody that CNN threatened. All in the name of revenge. 


1 hour ago, Andaman Al said:

Here is how it really is on the internet. You cannot say anything that is defamation or harassing or bullying, even though people do.


This is straight-up fake news. 

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1 minute ago, PattayaJames said:

You are just making yourself look like an idiot.

Whatever! You imagine I am going to lose sleep over what YOU think. You hold yourself in very high esteem. Oops that's another characteristic of Trump and his supporters. Now be a good boy and go and stomp on your keyboard at someone else. Back to your beer and fags.

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4 minutes ago, UncleTouchyFingers said:

It really is an incredible thing to behold - witnessing the blind rage & foaming at the mouth vengeance the liberals are showing towards a small fry gif maker nobody that CNN threatened. All in the name of revenge. 



This is straight-up fake news. 

So which recently banned member are you 'Uncletouchyfingers' ? - The name sounds like that belonging to a Rock Spider. Ugh!

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22 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

Lucky the 15 year old doesn't have to ask his parents to sell their house to pay for this one.

1 hour ago, Andaman Al said:

Some things you need to learn. The person that CNN tracked down was not a 15 year old, they were an adult. You are spreading fake news.

Edited by PattayaJames
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^^^ I made a comment based on an article and an OP as the story had broke. YOU are taking aim at a news organization for having the temerity to attack a 15 year old, a story which has been proven to be incorrect, yet you still continue pushing your Trump hate filled agenda only a few hours ago. You are becoming very boring now as requested before, please take your keyboard stomping elsewhere, your arguments and comments are past their sell by date now.

Edited by Andaman Al
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6 minutes ago, UncleTouchyFingers said:


So this is how it works over here? You don't like someone's post or point so you reply to it talking a bunch of lies & fake news - then tell them to stop talking to you?  


Snowflake much?

I think you need to read the posts properly or are you just another account of PattayaJames? Use of the term 'snowflake' on here is a derogatory term which must not be used. You may need to find another forum to stalk on, and I am sure there is no one here with your 'interests'. Good luck, good bye.

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5 minutes ago, RobFord said:


'Uncletouchyfingers'. Creepy. Like 'UncleSmellyFingers'. Ugh!

Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app


I encouraged my kids to shower before bedtime and did so with a line that made them howl with laughter. Then they just got older and groaned that it was silly dad joke: "Go to bed with itchy butt, wake up with smelly fingers".

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2 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

Funny, but I am not a liberal. A career military right winger who happens to consider that integrity is one of the most valuable inherent qualities an individual can possess. Unfortunately as far as I am concerned, Trump is a lying, sociopath who is selfish in every respect and a fake individual in every respect, he is corrupt and crooked and would not know what 'integrity' was if you slapped him in the face with it. He stinks, he is a pos. If you want to support him then remember you will be judged on the company that you supported. Show me once where I have written anything that could be considered liberal or of liberal ideology. You can't. So you go back and keep company with your fellow 'supporters' who act as enablers to this excuse of a man that we have as POTUS (all 'experts and witnesses say that Melania is in an abusive relationship - I guess that is also OK with your moral compass that wives should be given a good slap now and then, maybe raped? It is good enough for Trump so it is normally ok with his supporters). I just pray that while your super hero is at the G20 the vid is released of the Russian urinating hookers. Karmic retribution at its best.

You need to take a Bex and have a lie down mate.

Your logic is like someone arguing over the existence of unicorns - irrational and all over the place.

Maybe have a beer and cigarette with that Bex.

Call me Betty if you like.

Dont worry if you dont get it - I dont really expect you too.

Surprise me??


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I avoid fox news if at all possible.  And Cruz as well. LOL.  Both are too political for me.
Reddit took it down...obviously for good reasons.  Did that video commit a crime?  Perhaps creates a legal problem for Reddit? LOL
Perhaps the focus should be on the violence against the media this video supports?  And the nasty stuff posted by that Reddit user.  Right?  Even the Reddit user is now saying CNN has every right to expose his identity.  Why don't Trump supporters agree with this?  Strange....

Hint: professional wrestling is not real. No threat.

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5 minutes ago, ELVIS123456 said:

You need to take a Bex and have a lie down mate.

Your logic is like someone arguing over the existence of unicorns - irrational and all over the place.

Maybe have a beer and cigarette with that Bex.

Call me Betty if you like.

Dont worry if you dont get it - I dont really expect you too.

Surprise me??


Don't smoke, don't drink and Elvis has left the building.


Now you and our new 'UncleTouchyFingers'  :sick: and PattayaJames run along now, and have fun talking to like minded people.

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You need to take a Bex and have a lie down mate.
Your logic is like someone arguing over the existence of unicorns - irrational and all over the place.
Maybe have a beer and cigarette with that Bex.
Call me Betty if you like.
Dont worry if you dont get it - I dont really expect you too.
Surprise me??

Completely vacuous response. Next time try saying something.

Surprise us.

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14 minutes ago, ELVIS123456 said:

Didnt get it - as expected.  


No more crayons left today.


Why not duck back down the alley with some roly-poly little bat-faced girl and leave us in peace, Betty.


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13 minutes ago, mesquite said:

Yes, Obama was a threat, but we made it through.

History will remember President Obama as being one of the best.  But to a few redneck Trump supporters, Obama will always be guilty of the ultimate sin.  That is, being black while President. 

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9 minutes ago, Berkshire said:

History will remember President Obama as being one of the best.  But to a few redneck Trump supporters, Obama will always be guilty of the ultimate sin.  That is, being black while President. 


Also, quite disappointing that he wasn't an uncouth, foul-mouthed two-timing, child-neglecting Angry Black Man.


So, they voted one in—except the black part.




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3 minutes ago, Thakkar said:


Also, quite disappointing that he wasn't an uncouth, foul-mouthed two-timing, child-neglecting Angry Black Man.


So, they voted one in—except the black part.




The "Man" is debateable too.

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