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Please clear up my confusion!

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Hi all,

I have just been told by the ECC website that despite getting my CELTA, I need a degree to get a work permit in Thailand. This confused me, as it was the first I heard of it. I did some asking around and now I'm even more confused! I have been told:

a) Get a degree to work or you'll end up in Bangkwan.

B) You don't need a degree, just a TEFL and a letter from your employer saying why an expat needs to do the job (obviously easy for an English teacher)

c) You do need a degree but in Thailand these things can be worked around, with maybe just a fine if you are caught out.

d) Dishonest individuals can easily get fake degree certificates in Bagkok (not something I would really consider)

Can anybody tell me which of these is true? I really want to work in Thailand but I dont have a degree.



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you need a degree to teach in a thai state school, private language schools do not require it, I have taken the TEFl here in Thailand myself & also have many freinds working WITH work permits in private schools or for themselves without a degree. your best bet is to contact one of the tefl teaching schools here in Thailand & they may also be able to help you with a job too. Good luck
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