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Pattaya tunnel being repaired before it's even open


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So now that all the migrant workers have gone home due to the (and I use the term loosely) governments well thought out policies, that any repair work on the tunnel, the roadworks on SSCC and the new road from route 7 or wherever will now come to a grinding halt for an interminable amount of time.


It's a good job they are not party planners, they couldn't organise a piss up in a brewery. Shakes head in bewilderment and shuffles off to find some intelligent people :smile:

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On 7/5/2017 at 8:42 AM, NanLaew said:

That 'rogue underground water' has been creating a wet spot there for months. Even in the hottest and driest spells leading up to and through April, it was always wet.


2 hours ago, janclaes47 said:

They noticed a water damage that has been there for almost a year?


See what you miss when you put someone on ignore?

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2 hours ago, Anythingleft? said:


Surely the money would have been allocated and all proceedings approved beforehand, how would the change stall the work? Genuinely interested not trolling... surely it would be in everyones best interests to get the projects completed

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Maybe the Khunplome administration were drip-feeding the contractors? Not sure of the precise chronology but maybe someone can work out the time between the elected administration being sidelined and when all work ceased on SSCC?

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2 hours ago, Golden Triangle said:

So now that all the migrant workers have gone home due to the (and I use the term loosely) governments well thought out policies, that any repair work on the tunnel, the roadworks on SSCC and the new road from route 7 or wherever will now come to a grinding halt for an interminable amount of time.


It's a good job they are not party planners, they couldn't organise a piss up in a brewery. Shakes head in bewilderment and shuffles off to find some intelligent people :smile:

Highway 7 extensions are on track for completion next year. That's all on the national agenda and won't change.


SSCC renovations are probably 80% complete OUTSIDE of Pattaya City; the bit from the market (almost) all the way to the new motorway and the lake. The bit between the market and Sukhumvit was under Pattaya City's jurisdiction and I reckon that contract was pulled by the new guys in City Hall.


The tunnel, although in Pattaya City's jurisdiction is very high profile so I can't see the new administration pulling the pin on that one. There's some reason why the opening has been delayed and it's a bit of a stretch but maybe someone advised caution just in case there was some serious engineering issues? If it had been signed off and opened in March, who would be paying for the tearing up the north end to fix the wet spot? Or would they even bother?

Edited by NanLaew
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6 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

Highway 7 extensions are on track for completion next year. That's all on the national agenda and won't change.


SSCC renovations are probably 80% complete OUTSIDE of Pattaya City; the bit from the market (almost) all the way to the new motorway and the lake. The bit between the market and Sukhumvit was under Pattaya City's jurisdiction and I reckon that contract was pulled by the new guys in City Hall.


The tunnel, although in Pattaya City's jurisdiction is very high profile so I can't see the new administration pulling the pin on that one. There's some reason why the opening has been delayed and it's a bit of a stretch but maybe someone advised caution just in case there was some serious engineering issues? If it had been signed off and opened in March, who would be paying for the tearing up the north end to fix the wet spot?

I agree in part to what you are saying, but this migrant worker ban has had a massive effect on construction, the fishing industry etc etc,  If the workers have gone home and can't afford the fees for Work Permits etc then major infrastructure programs are going to be seriously delayed.


I shall be going passed the highway 7 extension in about an hour or so as I head to my favourite watering hole, and will check as to how its going, as for the tunnel, I just looked at the video again, not one worker in sight, the only thing blowing around there was Pattayas own version of Tumbleweed - plastic bags :smile: as for SSCC, well gawd knows how long that debacle is gonna continue, they have so much more to do yet.

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The authorities blamed some "rogue" underground water. 

This sentence just made my day. I blame the totally corrupt and incompetent clowns, officially call "authorities" for total ignorance - in most other countries they would have been locked up and the keys thrown away. 

What a disaster and the worse thing is, that all these Thai citizen just sit idle and do bloody nothing about it! 

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The authorities blamed some "rogue" underground water. 

What a disaster and the worse thing is, that all these Thai citizen just sit idle and do bloody nothing about it! 

Well they can't really protest much against the "nice men in green"
can they ?
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  • 5 months later...
On 7/5/2017 at 8:58 AM, darksidedog said:

I am going to watch with great interest to see what happens when it REALLY rains. I suspect more pesky underground water will mysteriously appear.



OK, now that you've watched throughout the rainy season, please inform us of your findings. And did your deep, dark suspicions about the "bodge job" that seems to have won approval around here prove founded after all?

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