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Got email for Joy, at East Coast Real Estate, I was told that I need 2 Month deposit, 1st Month rent, copy of passport okay good but a COPY OF MY VISA CARD!  Red Flag went up is this common for a copy of my VISA CARD, just don't sound right. Please let me know.

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I guess they mean the white paper, so they can make the registration TM30 or TM28... I am always confused which one the owner has to do.


So it sounds correct (if the assumtion they mean the white paper).

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14 hours ago, chopper23 said:


I would guess this means a copy of your current permission-of-stay stamp - which is something I have been asked to show in these circumstances.  Maybe your TM-6 card, as well. 

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Chopper23, in a way you are fortunate if the your real estate agent offers to do the notification of your arrival at your residence (TM.30) but if you plan to stay in Thailand longer than 90 days at a time and plan to travel or if you plan to get an extension of stay you may find it more propitious to do the TM.30 yourself as the "house-master", ie the chief possessor of the residence in your capacity as tenant as defined in section 4 of the Immigration Act, unless your real estate agent has a system in place for you to report your return to your residence to the agent's office every time you have been away for 24 hours or longer if your local immigration office requires the TM.30 upon every such instance.

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2 hours ago, JackThompson said:

I would guess this means a copy of your current permission-of-stay stamp - which is something I have been asked to show in these circumstances.  Maybe your TM-6 card, as well. 

No, that would mean a copy of the actual Visa in his passport that he would have seeing that he's going to be staying in Thailand 6 months or longer. Not his Visa card or Mastercard as was jokingly posted earlier.

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1 hour ago, bbi1 said:

No, that would mean a copy of the actual Visa in his passport that he would have seeing that he's going to be staying in Thailand 6 months or longer. Not his Visa card or Mastercard as was jokingly posted earlier.

Ah, ok - my mind is stuck on "visas" not credit-cards.  Not sure why it was posted here, but, yes - 2 mo security deposit is more than enough.

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