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U.S. isolated on climate at summit of world leaders


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8 hours ago, dunroaming said:

I think the Australian broadcaster Uhlmann got it right in his scathing reporting of Trump at the G20. 

A lot of commentary today in Oz media by those to the political 'right' that Trump failed to lead at the G20 summit & was outclassed by Putin and Xi who have years of experience in putting their respective countries "First". Mocked Trump's claim of a wonderful success. Shock that Trump did not bother to co-ordinate a G20 communique to censure N.K. Not looking good for the Trump Administration.

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Nice to see that the young protesters still are following world events and are willing to risk arrest to highlight the corruption in high places. I had lost faith in youth but with their support for Corbyn and the demonstrations in Hamburg have restored my faith in our youth.

These 'youth' know nothing, have read nothing, and the idea that they might have anything pertinent to say about G20 discussions is laughable.


It's just a parade of vapid self-aggrandisement and virtue signalling, and perhaps a chance for some beta males to grab a rare opportunity to get laid.


They'd be better off at home cleaning their rooms, and then learning some things that might enable them to turn themselves into useful citizens, rather than being a noisy burden on everyone else.

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3 hours ago, hawker9000 said:

If China had had to reduce THEIR carbon emissions NOW (instead of 13 years from now...), they'd have never gone along.  But for America-haters, THAT would have been understandable...   Few realize that China only signed up because they extorted everybody else into giving in to their demands.  And now that THEIR demands have been met, it's perfectly OK to hammer away at the U.S. for unexpectedly failing to pick up the tab for everybody else, as they've always done.


But the funny part is the title of this article.  LOL.  OK, the U.S. is "isolating" itself.   55555555555   Maybe these idiots would like to "isolate" themselves from U.S. markets...   You know; really show their commitment, and put THEIR workers where their MOUTH is.  What?   No?   I didn't think so.    Meanwhile, Chinese workers just keep pumping up their exports (not to mention emissions) while their leaders roll their eyes at the stupidity of western leaders.




Except, of course, that China and India are already way ahead of where they agreed to be at this point as regards CO2 emissions.

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100% on topic...... why are we reading about hundreds of fires in British Columbia... and California.....

on the front page of the South China Morning Post.....

but not the New York Times????????

there's an answer to that. even for the New York Times there is. 
and it's 100% on the topic. this one.


Edited by maewang99
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1 hour ago, RickBradford said:

These 'youth' know nothing, have read nothing, and the idea that they might have anything pertinent to say about G20 discussions is laughable.


It's just a parade of vapid self-aggrandisement and virtue signalling, and perhaps a chance for some beta males to grab a rare opportunity to get laid.


They'd be better off at home cleaning their rooms, and then learning some things that might enable them to turn themselves into useful citizens, rather than being a noisy burden on everyone else.

Were you never young?



Good morning! Coffee anyone?

Edited by Grouse
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20 hours ago, dunroaming said:

In a way that is what I think the Trump supporters voted for. However the middle of the road voters who voted against Clinton and therefore voted for Trump by default certainly didn't.


Inside the USA Trump is POTUS and there are enough people around him to condone his peacocking.  In the outside world (now more than ever) he is seen as a complete moron and all he get's is the ridicule he deserves.  So isolation is obviously attractive to Donald even though it will do overwhelming damage to his country.

"His country" lol what country is that? I feel strongly he doesn't care a/b America or the office he holds. He is more PRO Russia/Putin than America/democracy.


He is a disgrace and history will not be kind to him. 

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