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‘My Mate Nate’ fined Bt5,000 for railway coin stunt


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18 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

There are some rather hypocritical dual standards in play here... 


Does it not occur to those in positions of power that those at Maeklong Market are not in far greater breech of the regulations 'Nate' has broken,  but more consistently so and placing more people in danger ?


I think everyone agrees that this guy is a bit of a d!ck and had this coming, however, the hypocrisy and attitude somewhat stinks when a far greater degree of trespassing occurs daily elsewhere on the railways...  


In fact, this comes across as highly childish and xenophobic of the authorities to even pay attention to this...


The response really should be "Big deal, we have greater issues to be dealing with" !!!!... 

couldnt agree  more, far more crap on any highway in Thailand than a miniscule coin on the track

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6 hours ago, baboon said:

You can't really blame the court for that.

Personally I salute their action in this instance. He was sentenced in accordance with the offence committed in spite of the media frenzy, Next case please. This is how justice should be carried out, not by an angry rabble with torches and pitchforks. 

And swiftly too boot.... unlike many examples of worse crimes.


hes been given the maximum fine..... I agree 100% with baboon.... this is how justice should be carried out

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3 hours ago, Foozool said:

He will make a bad face for all farang in Thai media. 

He must be blacklisted and kicked out of Thailand. 

I think that there are plenty of farangs making a bad face in Thai media, apart from Nate


eg... German man murdering his gf in Phuket. (Etc etc), which are far far worse, wouldn't you agree?


heres another, just for laughs... a great example of respecting the modesty of the Thai culture 



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3 hours ago, 1024 said:





Lmao.... if this is a post by my mate Nate... per the suggestive avatar.... he's already running at a very high approval rate, right here on this forum, despite the Nate hating posts

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7 hours ago, mtls2005 said:


It was well-documented that he avoided using Thai coins, for the reason you mention (lese majeste).


I'm still trying to figure out how he got a non-imm b visa (which I think I saw mentioned in an article?)? Is he a teacher, or a "digital nomad"? I saw some articles where the "authorities" were interested in his income and tax situation.

It's also well documented that you can be charged with lese majeste for using currency from a Thai friendly country. (I emphasise "can" because I don't believe it has ever happened)


Yes, no doubt the authorities will be interested in his income and tax situation, and wondering how they can get their hands on some of his estimated millions of baht! 

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5000 baht fine? He made 50,000 just off all the extra free publicity. 


I wouldnt be be surprised if he was out tomorrow taping cats to railroad tracks. 


They could fine him 50k and he'd still have a 10 x ROI. 

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The American IRS will be delighted to learn about Bartlings alleged wealth! 


After he has met Utubes demand for 45% of any income generated the IRS will want their share of the alleged wealth no matter where in the world the "wealth" was generated or where it is stashed. I am told IRS penalties can be severe and include the ability to cancel a passport so enforcing a return to the States ! 



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"he's already running at a very high approval rate, right here on this forum, despite the Nate hating posts"


Anyone could make some followers, but what kind of followers they could be❓

Same as him of course. ☠️

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5 hours ago, nasanews said:

This guy is a blunt fool and he will be forgotten soon because of his reckless behavior.

Nope. He's doing alright. You'll be home before he's forgotten.You're feeding him.555 you honestly think that you'll be here longer than him? Really?. Ok. No you won't. Blunt fool.555. Ok watch. I'll Give you a Year or two max ; ) not protecting just saying 

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5000 baht is a joke.   He earns $30000 monthly on Youtube clicks , so he will get the money back within a few hours. 

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