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Sediment filters from Thai Watsadu - one has a wire mesh screen and the other has a stack of plastic washers that the water passes through. Does anyone know the idea behind these - is the ring type a course filter and the screen type a finer filter? The screen doesn't look very fine so maybe it's the other way round?


I asked the sales girl but my Thai language skill hasn't made it much past 'cor beer sing court nung cup'. She said they were 'same same' which I guess means 'please go away and don't bother me with your stupid questions'.


In the meantime I continue trying to fix my plumbing - got a burst pipe under the driveway that doesn't appear to be connected to any other pipes in the entire system but leaks anyway when the water is turned on...


Cheers   John




Hi cant help on the filters. Pipe under drive we had the same couldnt figure it out at all. Dug up the affected area to find pipe and see what was going on. Turns out (my fault should have remembered) when building house we used next doors water and electric untill ours was put in ( with there consent of course and payment.) Anyway to solve a problem we ran a water pipe from theres to nearer house for ease. When our water came in i capped the pipe from theres and then forgot it. Got covered over with hard core then concrete whoops. If i would have remembered i could have easily cut the T from there pipe and problem solved. But after digging to find pipe ended up having to re concrete. Theres no fool like an old fool.  Im usualy so meticulous i have plans of every pipe around the house and exactly were they are.


It's a disc filter. Should be finer than the screen filter.



We use one as the pre-filter before a cartridge filter on the feed water for our koi pond, our water comes from the canal and is, er, somewhat, muddy.


It takes out the crunchy bits so the cartridge lasts longer before needing a clean.


We also have screen filters on the inlet side (yes, I know) of our irrigation pumps. Their main purpose in life is to keep the snails that inhabit our water tank out of the pumps. The snails moved in despite there being a screen filter on the tank feed, evidently snail eggs are smaller than the mesh :sad:


What's your application? Water source?




"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


Thanks Crossy, that makes sense. The stacked filter doesn't looks as well engineered as the one in the video - it's just a stack of plain washers, but good enough for 500 baht. My water comes from the public supply, hence the need for filters!!! 


Jeab. Yes, frustrating as. I had a leak a year ago and got someone in to fix it. His solution was to run a new pipe around the outside of the house and isolate the buried pipe. It looks awful and now some other buried pipe is leaking. Time for me to re-run the pipes myself.


Thanks for your help.

1 minute ago, jj1000 said:

My water comes from the public supply, hence the need for filters!!! 


If you're cleaning up city water (unless it's really, really horrible) I would go for one of the paper or polyester filters in the specialist area of the shop, those you show are really for irrigation systems.


We have a polyester filter on our incoming supply, change it when it is the colour of stewed tea. Drinking water then goes through a reverse-osmosis thingy.



"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


The  Black ones contain a  stainless wire mesh filter which runs  the depth of  the cylinder you see, I use these on the land to filter out large debris that may block sprinklers, they simply unscrew and you then wash them out, they are sealed by a large O  ring, they stock various sizes some even have a clear bottom unscrewable  part so you can chek how dirty they are



The disc filters can be disassembled and cleaned, then reassembled....in theory.

I have never been able to compress the discs enough get the nut to start without leaving half a dozen discs out.

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