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Halt migrant recruitment ads, radio stations told

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The Ministry of Information has sent a letter to radio stations ordering them to immediately cease advertisements from recruitment agencies looking to send migrant workers abroad. The order follows a suggestion sent to the ministry by the Labour Ministry last month.


In it, the Labour Ministry suggested that nefarious recruitment agencies that exploit workers were airing ads for their businesses over the radio. Minister of Information Khieu Kanharith said in a letter to radio station owners last week that they must stop airing the ads because some are coming from criminal enterprises.


“Those firms are broadcasting without honesty and are using tricks to cheat people,” he said. “They especially cheat workers who hear the advertisements in the provinces and are then approached by brokers to go and work illegally abroad. They then face serious obstacles if they take the job offer.” Mr Kanharith said that in order to ensure workers’ safety, the stations must cease broadcasting the advertisements, unless the Labour Ministry pre-approves the ad.


read more http://www.khmertimeskh.com/5074021/halt-migrant-recruitment-ads-radio-stations-told/

-- © Copyright Khmer Times 20/07

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