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How to Seal Cinder Block wall

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Since i do not intent to color pain, I am looking for a Clear sealer (water and mold repellent ).

At the moment i am looking at TOA 213, 214 and 113 but it is a bit expensive to do all my project

Advice from experienced users in Thailand, Would be Appreciated 

Thanks a Lot 


Before you do that you must eliminate the source of water. If you seal cinder block without fixing the underlying problem or providing and alternate place for the water to drain, you may compromise the structural integrity of the wall.


The cheap cinder blocks are not very strong. Wouldn't the best way to seal them, first rendering them?

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I have had good luck with Jotun Jotafloor sealer.  I think it comes in clear.  Should be less than the equivalent TOA products.  It's a two part epoxy, not a waterproofing product so maybe not what you're looking for.


The best products for this type of work IMHO are made by Sika,  but that's on the more expensive side.


Good luck with your project,


If it's a basement wall and you have earth mounded against the other side then you would need a bitumen membrane applied to the wall(tanking, ) to seal it, then a coat of render with some sort of waterproof additive mixed into to it, to help the render stick cover the area in a gauze of thin metal mesh.


We finished 140 metres of cinder block wall garden wall in February. Not having the money to render, I mixed in proportion of 1 sand, 2 cement and lots of water and painted it on. It has withstood the 6 months since then very well and it will be receiving a conventional primer /  paint job when the rainy season is finished.

This mixture, called a cement wash, is more or less impervious to water but isn't preventing the wall from 'breathing'. and I wonder why it went out of fashion. An old guy told me about it 50 years ago, they used to use it just as you would use whitewash but of course it was much more expensive at the time.

Important: both sides of the wall need to be done, whatever solution you go for.


I haven't done this yet, so I'm just anticipating this will work.
Have rendered the walls already, then apply SikaTop Seal, for waterproofing and sealing, then paint, or in my case tile.

Sent from my SM-J700F using Tapatalk

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