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"Remove these parasites" - Russian "beg-packers" move their con to Chiang Mai


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9 minutes ago, tonray said:

They can start a Youtube channel called "My Comrade Vlad" and do things like put coins on tracks and insult Thais.

If only that wasn't restricted to Native English speakers

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I think it's hardly fair to criticise the way people choose to live. All that judgement based on how some people feel things should be done, how one should lead ones life is very small and narrow minded. I don't see how a bit of adventure could possibly harm a child. They don't offend anyone, they don't hurt anyone nor do they affect anyone.I have met a nice Russian  guy who has travelled from Moscow all the way to bangkok via alternative means ( including the oh so popular selling of actually pretty decent travel photos). I have and still admire him for his sense of adventure and the fact that he is living a dream that would be impossible to reach for him otherwise. I find it ridiculous to single out people based on their skincolour and or ethnic origin, this is not America. Xenophobia is a poison that spreads like a wildfire, I am disgusted by this way of thinking, white people are neither richer nor better nor more developed. Especially the expat community should keep their mouths shout, since we are also just visitors and depend on the kindness of our hosts. Raging on about a family living a lifestyle that is different from what some people apparently consider the "norm" is just very ignorant. This is 2017 

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6 hours ago, worgeordie said:

Criticism is a bit strong,they are trying to sell photos of the kids,not forcing anyone to buy,

who knows their circumstances,it seems Farangs are more against them than Thai people ,

they are not harming anyone.there but for the grace of God ,go I.

regards Worgeordie

If there was no " do-gooders " like you on this planet this would never happen....

Why don't they go and beg in their own flaming country  in front of the Kremlin !!!

And see how long they are going to be allowed to be there.


Last year in Bkk airport one fat Rusky came to me and asked me 20 000 bahts to participate 

in him buying a return ticket to Russia....


They are all over Europe big cities begging in the street making a better living than you and

me laughing all the way to the bank....


Tick on a cow , parasites of society and thanks to the  do-gooders who are happy to help useless oxygen

wasters with someone else's money of course never their own........


Vomiting comes to mind .....



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1 hour ago, alex8912 said:

I live in Thailand half the year I am not a moron but a moron would make a statement like yours. 

I'm with four full blooded Thai people right now all of them don't agree with what you just said. Also when you quote someone on TVF you have to include the quote. How a couple people could have liked your post without even seeing my quote is just lovely.  So I guess all the Thais at Lebuas roof top last night thought I must have been " Mr Hi so respectable " because I was enjoying expensive cocktails with a view so with your theory they would think all white foreigners are the same so how could those same Thais think all whites are low life's as well?  I think where and who you spend your time  in Thailand with may reflect on your ignorant comments. 

Very much agree with you! All that nonsense and generalizing about thai people is much more offensive than selling a few post cards. All my thai friends are very educated, smart and successful, they can easily tell the difference between a Russian, French or German or whatever, just as well as i can easily distinguish between asian nationalities. It seems many people are so caught up in their cliches and outdated ways 

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i have been hit on by beggars in every country I have been in they tend to be a pain in the ass. Someone said they do not steal how do you know this are you with them 24/7. People offered them help and they said no, they were never looking for help just some baht. 

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2 hours ago, Just1Voice said:

It's not "narrow minded".  Thai see all white skinned farang as the same.  They don't discern nationality in the least.  So if they see a white skinned foreigner begging like this, in their minds these people are "trash", and "must" be the same as all white skinned foreigners.  If that has to be explained to you, then you either don't live in Thailand, or you do, but are a total moron. 

absolute crap.

utter twaddle, 


i pity you your insecurities.

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10 minutes ago, HooHaa said:

absolute crap.

utter twaddle, 


i pity you your insecurities.

Thoughtful comments.


Truth is your av Thai does see all white skin people with big noses as farangs full stop.  They then have their preferred farangs and, from what I understand, Ruskies rate pretty low on the list.






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2 hours ago, alex8912 said:

I live in Thailand half the year I am not a moron but a moron would make a statement like yours. 

I'm with four full blooded Thai people right now all of them don't agree with what you just said. Also when you quote someone on TVF you have to include the quote. How a couple people could have liked your post without even seeing my quote is just lovely.  So I guess all the Thais at Lebuas roof top last night thought I must have been " Mr Hi so respectable " because I was enjoying expensive cocktails with a view so with your theory they would think all white foreigners are the same so how could those same Thais think all whites are low life's as well?  I think where and who you spend your time  in Thailand with may reflect on your ignorant comments. 

indeed, you know this, i know this,  but the camel trophy cargo-pant and egg-stained chang vest crew are having much more difficulty hanging onto credibility than they are holding on to the bar.

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I come from San Francisco, a very tolerant and diverse city. If I meet a Russian in SF, I think nothing of it. If I meet a Russian in Thailand, I will admit, I check to make sure my pockets have not been picked. 

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If they are selling photos they are not begging so this puts them way above the western beggars that just sit down with some BS story and expect people to give them money. They get the photos printed for for 3 baht and sell them for 20 or whatever. That's business. 

         If Banksy was doing this under cover as backpacker it would make the news all over the world. Everybody would be rushing round to buy them. That would be cool. But these guys aren't famous and they are Russian so everyone is raging!

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2 hours ago, Just1Voice said:

Trust me, I have absolutely no feelings of guilt whatsoever.  But I have lived here for over 9 years, married to a good Thai woman, and I know how they think.  If they see one drunk foreigner, then in their minds, all foreigners are drunks.  If they see one stupid foreigner, in their minds all foreigners are stupid.  Is that to difficult for you to understand and comprehend? 


I have lived here four times as long as you. Trust me, you need to see a doctor.

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3 hours ago, Just1Voice said:

Trust me, I have absolutely no feelings of guilt whatsoever.  But I have lived here for over 9 years, married to a good Thai woman, and I know how they think.  If they see one drunk foreigner, then in their minds, all foreigners are drunks.  If they see one stupid foreigner, in their minds all foreigners are stupid.  Is that to difficult for you to understand and comprehend? 

What happens if they see a farang doing a good thing?



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7 hours ago, Jeremy50 said:

They look harmless to me, what's it to you if you either fling a few baht in their direction, or just walk past? Go back to your own expensively housed, schooled, and fed wife and kids, drive around in your wasteful car, who's the real parasite here?

Most of us have earned the right to have decent homes, to want the best education for our kids, properly feed ourselves and families, drive around in vehicles of our choosing, legitimately by working and by our my labours. Legally working hard, trying to make the best of our lives and wanting prosperity for our families is not being a parasite.


Being a parasite is when certain people with no ambitions refuse to get up off their asses and help themselves, expecting handouts from others and drawing their kids into their game. Kids that have no says in the matter, with deadbeat parents who use their kids as fronts to gain sympathy as a means of making easy money, a gutter occupation, they have no shame.


Clear these people off the streets, send them back to where they came from and make them to work, building themselves up so as they become self supportive for themselves and their families.



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9 hours ago, webfact said:

"Please somebody remove these parasites from the kingdom".

anyone realize how close we could be to hearing this refrain about all of the expats ? i would be willing to group with people in a quasi-gated community in vientiene; pretty obvious thailand does not really want us here and it is not going to get better

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8 hours ago, Jeremy50 said:

They look harmless to me, what's it to you if you either fling a few baht in their direction, or just walk past? Go back to your own expensively housed, schooled, and fed wife and kids, drive around in your wasteful car, who's the real parasite here?

I'm not sure because one supplies home for family, pays for childrens schooling and buys an automobile for transportation is a parasite? ... perhaps you could explain the premise / basis / common sense for the "parasite" label

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2 hours ago, moe666 said:

i have been hit on by beggars in every country I have been in they tend to be a pain in the ass. Someone said they do not steal how do you know this are you with them 24/7. People offered them help and they said no, they were never looking for help just some baht. 

All true, they were offered help but refused it, maybe it involved some kind of work ( I know WP needed etc.) but they don't look the working type, preferring instead to beg 

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28 minutes ago, YetAnother said:

anyone realize how close we could be to hearing this refrain about all of the expats ? i would be willing to group with people in a quasi-gated community in vientiene; pretty obvious thailand does not really want us here and it is not going to get better

Vientiane is nice - doesn't really have any gated communities as such, only houses surrounded by high walls and gates. But yeah, not sure that Laos won't follow Thailand's lead sometime in the future in terms of getting rid of undesirable foreigners, in fact, to some extent they've already begun by regulating illegal Vietnamese garbage collectors and labourers. I hardly think that Thais regard all expats and foreigners as scum and all Lao love expats. Take off your rose colored glasses, plenty of Lao are fed up with the antics of western (and non-western) expats the only reason you seem to think otherwise is because you're in Thailand and haven't lived in Laos.

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