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White House spokesman Spicer out as Trump seeks to fix image


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11 hours ago, LannaGuy said:

I must say he was a terrible pick and simply didn't have the comm's skills for that job so, in that respect, it wasn't his fault he just didn't have the skill-set.

I think Spicer did a reasonably good job, considering the parameters. Imagine you've got that job.  The first day, the president tells you, "You go out and face the Press Corps. They're like a pack of wolves.  Tell them I had that the crowds at my inauguration were the largest in history. Say in emphatically."


You then go out and say what the prez told you to say.  You're ridiculed.  Next day, same thing.  Day after that, same thing. 


Now, with Scaramucci, there's a guy who's going to do what Spicer did, but he will intercede, in every sentence, lavish praise for the president.  And the person who replaces Scaramuchi will do the same, except he/she will be compelled to lavish even thicker layers of praise upon Trump.


The last press spokesman, the day before Trump resigns in shame, will be something like this:

"The president is handsome, smart, and an excellent businessman.  He never had dealings with Russians, and the White House is running excellently.  Everyone is happy there, particularly the president who spends all day smiling in glee, because he's so happy."

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1 hour ago, Morch said:

But will the new guy do the Fandango?

I cannot tell you how miffed I am at you for beating to the Bohemian Rhapsody reference.


One love to you, but the game ain't over till it's over.



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Buy American! er, sell American...


Scaramucci awaits U.S. approval for China deal


"NEW YORK (Reuters) - Anthony Scaramucci, the Trump administration's new communications director, has yet to get approval from U.S. regulators to sell his hedge fund firm to a group led by Chinese conglomerate HNA, according to a person familiar with the matter."


"Scaramucci agreed in January to sell SkyBridge Capital LLC to clear the way for a job working with U.S. President Donald Trump."


"But the sale of SkyBridge has yet to get the green light from the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS),

which reviews acquisitions by foreign entities for potential national security risks."




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Scaramucci's old tweet, now deleted and apologized for. Funny!



“He’s a hack politician. … I’ll tell you who he’s going to be president of — you can tell Donald I said this — the Queens County bullies association,” he said.


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3 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Scaramucci's old tweet, now deleted and apologized for. Funny!







Scaramucci sorry for calling Trump a 'hack' with a 'big mouth' in 2015

During the presidential campaign two years ago, Anthony Scaramucci called President Trump "another hack politician" who is "anti-American."

"He's got a big mouth," Scaramucci said at the time. "You're an inherited money dude from Queens County. Bring it, Donald."


Scaramucci added that Trump is "probably going to make Elizabeth Warren his vice presidential nominee." He even asked if Trump could be a "Democratic plant for Hillary Clinton."



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4 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Scaramucci's old tweet, now deleted and apologized for. Funny!



More and with pithy response from Sam Sanders:


Anthony Scaramucci (‪@Scaramucci‬)

23/7/17, 03:15

Full transparency: I'm deleting old tweets. Past views evolved & shouldn't be a distraction. I serve ‪@POTUS‬ agenda & that's all that matters



Sam Sanders (‪@samsanders‬)

23/7/17, 04:13

"Full transparancy: just letting you know that I am trying to hide a lot of things from you." twitter.com/scaramucci/sta…



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25 minutes ago, Thakkar said:

More and with pithy response from Sam Sanders:


Anthony Scaramucci (‪@Scaramucci‬)

23/7/17, 03:15

Full transparency: I'm deleting old tweets. Past views evolved & shouldn't be a distraction. I serve ‪@POTUS‬ agenda & that's all that matters



Sam Sanders (‪@samsanders‬)

23/7/17, 04:13

"Full transparancy: just letting you know that I am trying to hide a lot of things from you." twitter.com/scaramucci/sta…



and this :cheesy:



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From Kellyann Conway:


Here’s How Trump’s New Campaign Manager Attacked Him As A Cable News Pundit


Conway: Trump "Says He's For The Little Guy But He's Actually Built A Lot Of His Businesses On The Backs Of The Little Guy."


"Conway praised anti-Trump messaging, saying it’s that “gotten better” because people are “starting to talk about victims of Trump University, victims of Trump in Atlantic City.”


Conway: “I Would Like To See” Trump’s Tax Returns “Be Transparent.”




What is with these people like Scaramucci and Conway, who detest the inept one, yet go to work for him?



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3 minutes ago, iReason said:

What is with these people like Scaramucci and Conway, who detest the inept one, yet go to work for him?


And what is with all the Trump supporters who buy into this BS from these people.  Turncoats, liars, etc.  Puzzling to me.

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1 hour ago, boomerangutang said:

Gorka is the male version of Kellyanne Conway.  Both silver-tongued liars, who lick Trump's shoes for breakfast.

Well, duh, how do you think their tongues got so silvery??



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1 hour ago, craigt3365 said:

And what is with all the Trump supporters who buy into this BS from these people.  Turncoats, liars, etc.  Puzzling to me.

Conway and Scaramucchi - at least they're getting paid. Soulless or Machiavellian? You be the judge.

Trump supporters are doing it gratis. Blindly loyal, or just clueless? You be the judge.



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:cheesy: Guess he needed to cool down!


Sean Spicer was 'spotted stealing a mini-fridge from junior White House staff'


The recently departed White House press secretary, Sean Spicer, has been accused of stealing a mini-fridge from junior staff following his sudden resignation.

The 45-year-old set his sights on an ice box used by researchers less than a month after he assumed office in Donald Trump's administration in January, it is claimed.

He sent an aide to commandeer the cooler so he had somewhere to keep his food and drink at an optimum temperature, it is said.



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LOL.... from your shared link " Ian Crouch, a writer for The New Yorker, tweeted: "It all makes sense now. Spicer was afraid to quit for so long bc he knew the mini-fridge story would get out.""

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10 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

Both silver-tongued liars, who lick Trump's shoes for breakfast.

You are obviously remarkably well restrained on Sunday's  :wink:  I don't think shoes is the word many of us would have chosen :cheesy:

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1 hour ago, JHolmesJr said:

Just waiting for a link to show up any minute now……scaramucci was in the same elevator with rob goldsotne as he rode up to the meeting with don jr…..you know it's coming.


The Henny Youngman of the Trumpeteers is back!

With another of his one-liners.


Youse guyz are too much...


I love it.


Thanks for that cerebral contribution.


You're always good for a chuckle.





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9 hours ago, iReason said:

You're always good for a chuckle.

at least I haven't changed my username out of embarrassment after being made to look ridiculous…. and Im good for a chuckle.


what are youse good for?

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The Bankruptcy and Restructuring of the Republican Party

By Anthony Scaramucci Published January 13, 2016 Opinion FOXBusiness


"Unbridled demagoguery has driven the GOP to an inflection point from which there is no turning back."


"If a populist prevails in the primary, as appears increasingly likely, the party faces either devastating defeat in the general election or a new, unrecognizable identity."


"Call it, if you will, a moral debt restructuring, one caused by the reckless behavior of a man who knows a thing or two about bankruptcy."




A good read.

What happened Tony?

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8 minutes ago, iReason said:

The Bankruptcy and Restructuring of the Republican Party

By Anthony Scaramucci Published January 13, 2016 Opinion FOXBusiness


"Unbridled demagoguery has driven the GOP to an inflection point from which there is no turning back."


"If a populist prevails in the primary, as appears increasingly likely, the party faces either devastating defeat in the general election or a new, unrecognizable identity."


"Call it, if you will, a moral debt restructuring, one caused by the reckless behavior of a man who knows a thing or two about bankruptcy."




A good read.

What happened Tony?

Read Anthony Scaramucci’s old tweets. You’ll understand why he deleted them.





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