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SURVEY: Should ‘My Mate Nate’ be deported?


SURVEY: Should 'My Mate Nate' be deported?  

300 members have voted

  1. 1. SURVEY: Should 'My Mate Nate' be deported?

    • Yes, he should be deported.
    • No, he should not be deported.

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4 minutes ago, candide said:

The issue is not that I approve it or nor. The issue is why should this guy be singled out! Making money exploiting children? A wide range of industries are making money with children starting with the sugar industry and industries using sugar, the fast-food industry, etcj...Should we close McDonald's websites, M&M&s website, etc...

Do you think kids waited for this guy to put coins on rails?

You really need to reassess your values.

 I agree there are others that are guilty (TV), but you are ignoring him and his destructive influence as a small player.

I think you are very naive.



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1 minute ago, balo said:

His "last" video posted 17 hours ago already have almost 2 millions views, wow , must be a new record , under 24 hours , who are these kids ? 

"There is no such thing as BAD publicity".

Another reason he should be off line.

Why are we talking about this complete nobody?

I will not say more, as I do not want to help this along.

Over and out!

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6 minutes ago, George FmplesdaCosteedback said:

So you have never watched anything that was first broadcast on TV?

I find that hard to believe. You must be less than 15 years old...



Let me be more specific, Yes I watch TV and infact have 4 screens in my house but as I have no cable TV/Netfix/Free to air/etc etc  all my viewing is content that I download and stream from my server.


Which broadcasted TV show has this chap starred in ?

Edited by Techno Viking
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15 hours ago, koshiru said:

Definitely deported. People don't see the dangers of his pranks. Eg imagine if your family were up on the train and that train derailed due to the coins being placed on the tracks causing death or serious injuries to a fast moving train, let's see if you would sum it as a youthful prank or nothing wrong with it attitude. 


Do you truly believe coins are capable of derailing a train.  Fair dinkum, must be off into the fairy garden if you think that this would occur.  This guy certainly does not engage his brain before putting his mouth into gear but not a reason for deporting him. He needs a good kick where the sun don't shine and maybe an adjustment lesson but give it a break, deport him, come on, get real.


I can think of far worse criminal types that are hiding out in Thailand, at least this character plays out his stupid antics in the open and the police know how to get hold of him.  Why does everyone want to jump on the hate wagon, oh sorry, I forgot what site we're on.:wai::sorry:

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His language skills are impressive

He's tapped into a huge market

He was humble and sincere in front of the state railway commission

He's obviously intelligent

He got carried away and is pushing boundaries

Interesting to see where it ultimately gets him

I wouldn't deport him.

With his captive audience he could be persuaded to make amends as a good ambassador. He certainly has the platform.

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8 hours ago, Litlos said:

As the coins have the kings image on them I am surprised he has not been hit with Lese Majeste yet.


Then it would get interesting, 20 years or so of hard labour.



They are probably cheap UK coins.

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7 hours ago, George FmplesdaCosteedback said:

I don't think he used Thai coins though.

I'd bet it was him that passed a €2 coin I got in change the other week for a ฿10...

He needs his arse kicked and banned from the interweb for 5 years or until he grows up.


I don't understand why people are so upset, he didn't kill or hurt anybody, unlike the "Boss" who killed a police officer and he is still at large, but nobody cares because he is a billionaire and nothing ever going to happen to him 

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8 hours ago, bangrak said:

I have no idea which decent person, with a few grains of common sense, not even speaking about developped brains, would want to to be a 'mate' of that 'My Mate Nate' character, but, well, especially as the younger generation of Thais seem to be missing both when confronted to the modern explosion of the media, it succeeds to bring that kind of (IMO) despicable personality quite some cash on top of the lunacy of it...

For me: yes, please, do deport him, and do black-mark him, not to be able to come back any soon! Who needs him here, what positive element does he bring?

Puke is a dirty, smelly thing, sorry, but there's nothing else I can think about I could associate to that ... of a ...! Fuera!


Another hater, ah I forgot you must be Mister Perfect and a good example for everybody else to follow. 

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9 hours ago, DavisH said:

The Thai authorities are quite adept at derailing their own trains....or perhaps it was pesky Thai children putting coins on the tracks. They never made the news though. 

I agree with you 100% on this one.

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Hasn't done anything worthy of such a drastic measure. He has violated some minor rules, by making some silly decisions and has paid the fines and faced/facing the consequences of his actions, but deportation is a bit harsh and extreme. :coffee1:

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21 hours ago, djayz said:

As much and all as I despise the little turd and this "act dumb, make stupid videos and share them on the internet" generation, I don't believe people should be deported, from Thailand or any other country for that matter, just for being obnoxious.

If that were to happen, I think the streets would be pretty empty really soon. 

agreed; public does not equal immigration

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14 hours ago, Gerard052 said:

Where did you read that they found 38 scratches, dents on the tracks?  And obviously somebody have to much time on their hands and if it is true, I agree it must be made of cheap Chinese metal.

The Major Bangkok newspaper we can't name reported this during the investigation, I dont pull this stuff out my ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,well, you know.  I read both newspapers every morning before 0600.

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21 hours ago, Techno Viking said:

Let me be more specific, Yes I watch TV and infact have 4 screens in my house but as I have no cable TV/Netfix/Free to air/etc etc  all my viewing is content that I download and stream from my server.


Which broadcasted TV show has this chap starred in ?

You said: Sorry, I dont watch television.


In Thailand I do the same as you for TV viewing, Only two screens, one for me and one for the wife to watch the soaps etc and volleyball.

In the UK I have four screens too with cable/satellite and freeview digital, biggest is also hooked up to the computer for streaming.


I hope he is never on any TV show.




Edited by George FmplesdaCosteedback
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Just now, TunnelRat69 said:

The Major Bangkok newspaper we can't name reported this during the investigation, I dont pull this stuff out my ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,well, you know.  I read both newspapers every morning before 0600.

That major newspaper as absolutely incorrect. Anyone who has worked in the rail industry or knows anything about metals knows that coins won't leave a single scratch on the steel alloy tracks, even if it's cheap Chinese steel.


Tha Thais have an excuse, most are poorly educated. If you are a foreigner, you should know better.

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