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Another sickening attack as boy nearly dies in Ayutthaya after fifth attack by same dog


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15 hours ago, The manic said:

tell that to the kid. 

I'm sure we all feel bad for the kid without a doubt must have been very traumatizing for that kid.

Dogs are like kids make the effort to train them just right when they are puppies then when they grow up they become obedient so I'd say owners fault 100% dogs are only animals what you put into them is what you will get out of them pure and simple.

I do wish that kid gets better soon.

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16 hours ago, The manic said:

tell that to the kid. 

No,tell that to the dog owner because the dog is doing what it comes natural. 

That dog owner has created the dog without a doubt what you put in your dog is what you're going to get out of a dog.

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7 hours ago, mikebell said:

Why would I like a creature that brought my daughter off her motor bike  knocking her unconscious and hospitalised?  Or caused damage to my car when it collided with me causing me to be deprived of transport for two weeks?

Why would I like a creature who allows this to happen by owning a dog?

Why would I Iike a creature that bit me in the face when I was kid or other two legged creatures that have occasionally nearly killed me. Thanks for understanding my attitude towards people.  

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9 hours ago, bandito said:


Let me answer this.

I like dogs as long they're staying a good distance away from me.

I don't respect people who own murderous dogs and let them roam freely in the sois so these can attack people and children.

They attack me or anyone in my family they're dead meat.

Have a nice dog day.

I was talking to the bitcher not the block. Have good dog day afternoon yourself

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My in laws darkly lament the fact it's illegal for people to harm dogs but not the opposite. Up to 5k in hospital bills paid by owner (if you can track down who they are) seems to be the understanding if attacked. Many parents of kids mauled go the rat poison in a drumstick route and who can blame them. Less confrontational and some deniability. 

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7 hours ago, suave said:

If you have a wild dog problem, buy a slingshot and start chasing them off.  At first, they will come back as they think they are king, and they will look at you like your some kind of idiot for messing with them.  But, if you keep at it every time they show up they will move on.  You can buy one by searching on lazada.co.th.

This is how to do it. I keep one in my motorbike drink holder and only need to show it now and then. Not that I've been on the motorbike in a year. Never actual has to loose off a marble or stone.  Thai guys use them to good effect on annoying dogs and the mutts don't forget. 

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The Thai dog breed (known as Dang Kaeow, I believe) is acknowledged as a one-man breed, loyal to a specific person and very dangerous to anyone else. They have an old reputation as willing to attack and feeling no pain, making them difficult to control (and thus v/dangerous) oncce they get it into their heads to attack.

Unfortunately, many Thais feel the need to have one simply because they're so dangerous. Completely illogical. They need to be properly confined and supervised.

Again, unfortunately the typical pinhead who feels the need to reinforce their masculinity through ownership of a savage dangerous animal usually has little understanding of pet ownership responsibility, and little understanding of the concept of community responsibility to their neighbours.

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On 7/25/2017 at 4:28 AM, Thaiverymuch said:

OMB I hope they put the dog to sleep, this must never ever happen to anyone again. The poor little boy, I hope he recovers well. Bless his heart emoji120.pngemoji257.pngemoji173.png

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The owner needs to be put down....grrrrrr


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I just spent a day in Ayyuthaya....dogs everywhere. Laying in the middle of the street, all over the ancient ruin sites, everywhere. Traffic was stopped several times because dogs just lazed in the middle of the roads with local vendors just sitting there watching it transpire and not lifting a finger to get the dog out of the way. You can clearly see this is a citywide issue ...these folks could not care any less about stray dogs taking over the town.

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On 7/24/2017 at 10:28 PM, Thaiverymuch said:

OMB I hope they put the dog to sleep, this must never ever happen to anyone again. The poor little boy, I hope he recovers well. Bless his heart emoji120.pngemoji257.pngemoji173.png

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and the owner

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For those who have never had a dog attack you, you may be surprised to learn its an experience most would never forget. Out excising as I did every day I had a  Rottweiler go for me a village one day, i was just walking by and two dogs ran out of the head of the villages home and had a go. I just fought with it as I knew running was a no go and even split my fists open hitting them. Two Thai guys came to my rescue driving a motor bike between the dogs and I and said to me go.


Father in law gave me a walking stick and over the next week they had a go as I walked passed, on the last time it happened I gave those dogs a real beating and when the owners ran out they knew it would not stop there and did what the dogs did and ran. sending a message to me of sorry later.


Those dogs never appeared again as I did my daily excises and the police did sweet <deleted> all about it.


Those poor kids have had a life treating incident and need protecting, the dog has to go one way or another.


I love dogs and always have done and get on with most fine, but now will never trust a dog or its owners again that is for sure.

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3 hours ago, wakeupplease said:

For those who have never had a dog attack you, you may be surprised to learn its an experience most would never forget. Out excising as I did every day I had a  Rottweiler go for me a village one day, i was just walking by and two dogs ran out of the head of the villages home and had a go. I just fought with it as I knew running was a no go and even split my fists open hitting them. Two Thai guys came to my rescue driving a motor bike between the dogs and I and said to me go.


Father in law gave me a walking stick and over the next week they had a go as I walked passed, on the last time it happened I gave those dogs a real beating and when the owners ran out they knew it would not stop there and did what the dogs did and ran. sending a message to me of sorry later.


Those dogs never appeared again as I did my daily excises and the police did sweet <deleted> all about it.


Those poor kids have had a life treating incident and need protecting, the dog has to go one way or another.


I love dogs and always have done and get on with most fine, but now will never trust a dog or its owners again that is for sure.

If it were my child, the dog would already be fish food in the nearest klong. 

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