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im a ladyboy, hope you dont mind.. i am from the philippines and been to thailand for 3 tiems already.. i was there the last time during the songkran festival.. well anyways, id like to ask you somehting about a tourist visa to germany.. my boyfriend from germany sent me an invitation (verflichtungsklerung, something like this), and an insurance receipt from ADAC in germany.. you think it would be easy for me to get a visa there for 3 months?? and what will the embassy require me usually?? can i apply in bangkok even if im from the philippines and have only philippine passport?? hope you dont mind answering this inquiries..

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verflichtungsklerung :D , that sounds like an inviation doesn't it :D

I am sorry Frank, I have know idea, but maybe Basher could throw some light on it - I am pretty sure he has had that experience. :o

im a ladyboy, hope you dont mind.. i am from the philippines and been to thailand for 3 tiems already.. i was there the last time during the songkran festival.. well anyways, id like to ask you somehting about a tourist visa to germany.. my boyfriend from germany sent me an invitation (verflichtungsklerung, something like this), and an insurance receipt from ADAC in germany.. you think it would be easy for me to get a visa there for 3 months?? and what will the embassy require me usually?? can i apply in bangkok even if im from the philippines and have only philippine passport?? hope you dont mind answering this inquiries..

Erco is that you boy?

verflichtungsklerung :D , that sounds like and inviation doesn't it :D

I am sorry Frank, I have know idea, but maybe Basher could throw some light on it - I am pretty sure he has had that experience. :o

Well strangly enough when I used to be a Ladyboy I had a similar problem, had a German boyfriend who love me too mut, he wanted me to go to Der fatherland but as you can see Visas are a problem

I gave up in the end and just had me cock cut off

Simple really


I run verflichtungsklerung through http://www.freetranslation.com/

and got "Declaration of obligations" Well?

Mad Frankie, I also run puff, no real reply but isn't a puff a whore house or as they say in England, a house of ill repute? :o

na, in england we call em whore houses aswell mate... Ya been reading to many Sherlock novels :D


Without wanting to appear that I have no sense of humour, I think all your snide answers to the original posting are completely out of place. I thought LoS was a country where ladyboys were fully accepted. It seems that there are quite a few farang on this forum who are rather juvenile and narrow-minded.

Ladyboy, sorry that I can't help you since I'm British and don't know the regulations in Germany. Are there any Germans on this forum who can advise??

Without wanting to appear that I have no sense of humour, I think all your snide answers to the original posting are completely out of place.  I thought LoS was a country where ladyboys were fully accepted. It seems that there are quite a few farang on this forum who are rather juvenile and narrow-minded.

Ladyboy, sorry that I can't help you since I'm British and don't know the regulations in Germany.  Are there any Germans on this forum who can advise??

Simon , it appears you have no sense of humour , p1ss off and make a few more million baht at whatever it is you say you do. :D

Irony intended old bean...

btw It's obvious that the poster is a troll anyway , thats juvenille.... :o


Well, "Verpflichtungserklaerung" can be actually translated as Axel said as declararation of obligation or maybe statement of liability. (Verpflichtung = obligation, liability, commitment or also duty - Erklaerung = statement, explanation, declaration) .

This is an essential document for everyone applying for a Schengen Visum via the German embassy and NOT financing the trip him-/herself but rather the inviting party (German national). Proof must be provided that there is sufficient income and accommodation space to cover the visitor during the stay in Germany. Additionally, health insurance must be bought because getting sick is a luxurary not many can afford to pay from their own pocket. ADAC is a good choice in terms of price and coverage.

Anyway, getting the requirements covered from the German side (Verpflichtungserklaerung) and getting hold of health insurance accepted by the authorities is the easy part. Most applicants fail because there is not sufficient evidence that the visitor will actually be returning to the home country and/or it is assumed that the person engages into illegal work particularly if the visitor comes from a developing low income country and has no solid financial and/or professional background.

Generally, it can be applied for a visa at any German embassy in the world but the chances that it will be granted (especially for the full possible time of 90 days within a 180 days period) are very slim (better say nil?) if

- the applicant is not in a long time (several years) working relationship with a legitimate company (required evidence: work contract, insurances, regular salary payments) and or travels for business purposes on behalf of a legitimate company

- the applicant does not possess unmovable property in his/her home country in his/her own name

- the applicant is not legally married to a person and/or has own children living in the same household

It DOES NOT help that a third party (e.g. inviting German national) GURANTEES by any means that the visitor will return - because it solely up to the applicant to provide sufficient logical and acceptable effidence for the reason of the journey and a duly return.

The embassy argues that it is kind of odd that a person with no or very limited income has just touristic, cultural, leisure and/or inter-personal (visiting a friend) and no economical interest to travel to a foreign country.

Be prepared to answer questions as follows in a tough mercyless lawer style interview :

1. Why do you want to go there?

2. Why does your friend pay for your? (How and where do you meet, how long do you know each other... etc.)

3. Germany is a rich country with lots of social laws and benefits and therefore it is surely quite tempting to make a living there. Once there, why should you return to your home country which you can possibly not expect much but poverty?

Good luck.

P.S.: The interview can be indeed kind of rough. A few weeks ago a Thai lady could not stand the tension and even passed out in front of the counter :o

I run verflichtungsklerung through http://www.freetranslation.com/

and got "Declaration of obligations" Well?

Mad Frankie, I also run puff, no real reply but isn't a puff a whore house or as they say in England, a house of ill repute? :o

Yep, that is what in German "Puff" (pronounce "pooff") actually stands for but it is a more crude expression.

Among the Gentlemen that we are supposed to be let's better call it Bordell (= brothel). Certainly there is also a direct equivalent for your whore house which is "Hurenhaus".

Well, the difference appears to be:

The low life hits the "Puff" to get laid while the Gentleman consults the "Bordell" to interact but anyway who gives a darn it's gonna cost in both cases. :D

Without wanting to appear that I have no sense of humour, I think all your snide answers to the original posting are completely out of place. I thought LoS was a country where ladyboys were fully accepted. It seems that there are quite a few farang on this forum who are rather juvenile and narrow-minded.

Ladyboy, sorry that I can't help you since I'm British and don't know the regulations in Germany. Are there any Germans on this forum who can advise??

yes your right mate, I do humbly apologise...... ich leber dich! :o

I run verflichtungsklerung through http://www.freetranslation.com/

and got "Declaration of obligations" Well?

Mad Frankie, I also run puff, no real reply but isn't a puff a whore house or as they say in England, a house of ill repute?  :D

Yep, that is what in German "Puff" (pronounce "pooff") actually stands for but it is a more crude expression.

Among the Gentlemen that we are supposed to be let's better call it Bordell (= brothel). Certainly there is also a direct equivalent for your whore house which is "Hurenhaus".

Well, the difference appears to be:

The low life hits the "Puff" to get laid while the Gentleman consults the "Bordell" to interact but anyway who gives a darn it's gonna cost in both cases. :D

I am off to the Bordello now :o


I run verflichtungsklerung through http://www.freetranslation.com/

and got "Declaration of obligations" Well?

Mad Frankie, I also run puff, no real reply but isn't a puff a whore house or as they say in England, a house of ill repute?  :D

Yep, that is what in German "Puff" (pronounce "pooff") actually stands for but it is a more crude expression.

Among the Gentlemen that we are supposed to be let's better call it Bordell (= brothel). Certainly there is also a direct equivalent for your whore house which is "Hurenhaus".

Well, the difference appears to be:

The low life hits the "Puff" to get laid while the Gentleman consults the "Bordell" to interact but anyway who gives a darn it's gonna cost in both cases. :D

I am off to the Bordello now :o


In German it's just Bordell (pronounce "bore dell"! :D) without the "o". Anyway,

the "oh" comes automtically when you get the bill. :D Have fun anyway.

When you approach the ladies in German or apologize to simon43 better say "ich liebe (pronounce leebe) Dich" 'coz "Leber" is the German word for liver. Doubt that you are in this bodypart (there are surely more fancy ones in/on a human). Let's better have Khun "Chang" and "Singh" take care of the Leber. Cheers.

In German it's just Bordell (pronounce "bore dell"! :D) without the "o".  Anyway,

the "oh" comes automtically when you get the bill. :D  Have fun anyway.

When you approach the ladies in German or apologize to simon43 better say "ich liebe (pronounce leebe) Dich" 'coz "Leber" is the German word for liver. Doubt that you are  in this bodypart (there are surely more fancy ones in/on a human). Let's better have Khun "Chang" and "Singh" take care of the Leber. Cheers.

Know wonder I never pulled any German birds :D

Das ist ein shrank, never seemed to cut it :o



START: Too much beer last night = sore head this morning = no sense of humour = boring old fart = need to liven up = drink more beer GOTO START;


"P.S.: The interview can be indeed kind of rough. A few weeks ago a Thai lady could not stand the tension and even passed out in front of the counter "

Thai BG I know did the same, she was waiting for the right counter to be available, where a relative of a 'friend' works. She got the visa without meeting some requirements. Some scam they run there...

Ladyboy, the German Embassy in Manila has a notorious reputation, as you probably realise, I don't know if Bkk is any more sympathetic in considering visas. Pilipino passport coming to Thailand no problem, 30 days on arrival.

Be aware though, that once you have been rejected by one Consulate, your records are in the computer, and a different consulate will not overturn the original decision without very good reason.

"P.S.: The interview can be indeed kind of rough. A few weeks ago a Thai lady could not stand the tension and even passed out in front of the counter "

Thai BG I know did the same, she was waiting for the right counter to be available, where a relative of a 'friend' works. She got the visa without meeting some requirements. Some scam they run there...

Nope, actually it will be kind of difficult to run some scam at the German embassy in Bangkok.

Actually, there are four counters dealing with visas:

No 1.: Special affairs (e.g. a visa has been previously rejected and now it is a matter of negotiation about the why and what can be done). This counter is exclusively taken care of by German nationals (actual decision makers).

No. 2.: Business visa (occupied by a Thai national)

No. 3. and 4.: Tourist visa (occupied by Thai nationals)

When you get into the embassy to apply for a visa a queue number is handed out to you and so you do not know at what counter you will eventually end up. Well, it is true that the granting or denial of the visa is based on the interview carried out by the Thai staff. They have kind of a question catalogue and take notes of the responses that will be passed on to the German decision makers. Don't forget that there will always be some documentation means if a visa is granted on a soft basis and the visitor is eventually messing up during the stay in one of the Schengen countries... well, guess there will be an investigation and some butt may eventually get kicked.

As far as the passing out of that Thai lady is concerned it was indeed real and have not benefited her a bit. She collapsed during the interview, was revitalized by some other customers and embassy stuff but when she got back on her feed the torture continued AT THE SAME COUNTER.

I absolutely doubt that a visa was granted without meeting some requirements in terms of that Thai BG mentioned by you and a scam was going on. Either the Thai BG was just big mouthed and wanted to show off a little bit or had (as in most cases) no idea on how the visa granting system worked.

Anyway, I'm neither employed nor attached in any other personal way to the German embassy in Bangkok but just have made very good experiences with them in the past. The staff has always been very helpful and cooperative but nevertheless when some clients of mine did not meet the requirements (set by Schengen agreement) the visa were denied (but it was always explained why altough they were not commited to do so). Under these circumstances it would be pretty unfair if I let it just pass if someone starts spreading rumours that some scam is going on there.

If you have some solid scam evidence, hoever, feel free to provide it by PMing me and I'm going to personally bring it up with the people in charge at the German embassy. Can imgaine that consul Tietze would love to learn about it.

"P.S.: The interview can be indeed kind of rough. A few weeks ago a Thai lady could not stand the tension and even passed out in front of the counter  "

Thai BG I know did the same, she was waiting for the right counter to be available, where a relative of a 'friend' works. She got the visa without meeting some requirements. Some scam they run there...

Nope, actually it will be kind of difficult to run some scam at the German embassy in Bangkok.

Actually, there are four counters dealing with visas:

No 1.: Special affairs (e.g. a visa has been previously rejected and now it is a matter of negotiation about the why and what can be done). This counter is exclusively taken care of by German nationals (actual decision makers).

No. 2.: Business visa (occupied by a Thai national)

No. 3. and 4.: Tourist visa (occupied by Thai nationals)

When you get into the embassy to apply for a visa a queue number is handed out to you and so you do not know at what counter you will eventually end up. Well, it is true that the granting or denial of the visa is based on the interview carried out by the Thai staff. They have kind of a question catalogue and take notes of the responses that will be passed on to the German decision makers. Don't forget that there will always be some documentation means if a visa is granted on a soft basis and the visitor is eventually messing up during the stay in one of the Schengen countries... well, guess there will be an investigation and some butt may eventually get kicked.

As far as the passing out of that Thai lady is concerned it was indeed real and have not benefited her a bit. She collapsed during the interview, was revitalized by some other customers and embassy stuff but when she got back on her feed the torture continued AT THE SAME COUNTER.

I absolutely doubt that a visa was granted without meeting some requirements in terms of that Thai BG mentioned by you and a scam was going on. Either the Thai BG was just big mouthed and wanted to show off a little bit or had (as in most cases) no idea on how the visa granting system worked.

Anyway, I'm neither employed nor attached in any other personal way to the German embassy in Bangkok but just have made very good experiences with them in the past. The staff has always been very helpful and cooperative but nevertheless when some clients of mine did not meet the requirements (set by Schengen agreement) the visa were denied (but it was always explained why altough they were not commited to do so). Under these circumstances it would be pretty unfair if I let it just pass if someone starts spreading rumours that some scam is going on there.

If you have some solid scam evidence, hoever, feel free to provide it by PMing me and I'm going to personally bring it up with the people in charge at the German embassy. Can imgaine that consul Tietze would love to learn about it.

Perhaps the Ladyboy should engage Richard as his / her visa consultant for Germany :o

"P.S.: The interview can be indeed kind of rough. A few weeks ago a Thai lady could not stand the tension and even passed out in front of the counter  "

Thai BG I know did the same, she was waiting for the right counter to be available, where a relative of a 'friend' works. She got the visa without meeting some requirements. Some scam they run there...

Nope, actually it will be kind of difficult to run some scam at the German embassy in Bangkok.

Actually, there are four counters dealing with visas:

No 1.: Special affairs (e.g. a visa has been previously rejected and now it is a matter of negotiation about the why and what can be done). This counter is exclusively taken care of by German nationals (actual decision makers).

No. 2.: Business visa (occupied by a Thai national)

No. 3. and 4.: Tourist visa (occupied by Thai nationals)

When you get into the embassy to apply for a visa a queue number is handed out to you and so you do not know at what counter you will eventually end up. Well, it is true that the granting or denial of the visa is based on the interview carried out by the Thai staff. They have kind of a question catalogue and take notes of the responses that will be passed on to the German decision makers. Don't forget that there will always be some documentation means if a visa is granted on a soft basis and the visitor is eventually messing up during the stay in one of the Schengen countries... well, guess there will be an investigation and some butt may eventually get kicked.

As far as the passing out of that Thai lady is concerned it was indeed real and have not benefited her a bit. She collapsed during the interview, was revitalized by some other customers and embassy stuff but when she got back on her feed the torture continued AT THE SAME COUNTER.

I absolutely doubt that a visa was granted without meeting some requirements in terms of that Thai BG mentioned by you and a scam was going on. Either the Thai BG was just big mouthed and wanted to show off a little bit or had (as in most cases) no idea on how the visa granting system worked.

Anyway, I'm neither employed nor attached in any other personal way to the German embassy in Bangkok but just have made very good experiences with them in the past. The staff has always been very helpful and cooperative but nevertheless when some clients of mine did not meet the requirements (set by Schengen agreement) the visa were denied (but it was always explained why altough they were not commited to do so). Under these circumstances it would be pretty unfair if I let it just pass if someone starts spreading rumours that some scam is going on there.

If you have some solid scam evidence, hoever, feel free to provide it by PMing me and I'm going to personally bring it up with the people in charge at the German embassy. Can imgaine that consul Tietze would love to learn about it.

Perhaps the Ladyboy should engage Richard as his / her visa consultant for Germany :D

Call it a coincidence but a couple of weeks ago I assisted a Thai lady boy in his/her endeavour to get on a 1 month language course in London. Despite language course enrolement papers and sufficient funds we were told that the odds were not really good because there was insufficient proof for a working engagement (freelancer as make-up artist) here in Thailand.

At the end it always comes down to what kind of documentation is provided and this surely goes for everyone independant from the gender (female, male, ladyboy or even hermaphrodite). :o

Richard, you are spending way to much time on this thread........

The LadyBoy is obviously a troll - your knowledge is outstanding though :D

Dear Gentleman,

Thanks for the advice.

Never mind, supposed he/she is actually a troll let's get him/her/it a Schengen visa and off he/she/it goes. (Just hope the documents will be good and sufficient). Let's not be prejudiced against the troll species. Wonder what gender trolls have. No clues in the fairy tales either. Well, kiss a frog and it turns into a prince. Kiss a troll and it turns into a lawyer, politician or radical feminist? :o



My apologies, I shouldn't start a rumour without being sure about what happened. It was somebody I was very surprised hearing she got the visa, and the guy who invited her informed me after she returned to LoS as to the scam. It sounds possible, though

As you know, visa requirements aren't black and white, not even for Germany, and a lot depends on the recommendations of the officer conducting the interview.

In the past I was able to help secure a visa for a person connected to me on the basis that I was known at the embassy (not in Bangkok), thereby giving the applicant credibility.

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