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My apologies, I shouldn't start a rumour without being sure about what happened. It was somebody I was very surprised hearing she got the visa, and the guy who invited her informed me after she returned to LoS as to the scam. It sounds possible, though

As you know, visa requirements aren't black and white, not even for Germany, and a lot depends on the recommendations of the officer conducting the interview.

In the past I was able to help secure a visa for a person connected to me on the basis that I was known at the embassy (not in Bangkok), thereby giving the applicant credibility.

Dear nattee1,

no problem and let's hope that the embassy actually tread everyone equally just for the sake of fairness.

The guy should surely be happy that the visa was granted (on whatever basis and for whatever reason) instead of spreading wild stories. Eventually he will just harm himself and another visa is not going to be granted in the future or even worse making the life of legitimate but less lucky applicants difficult.

Things in terms of getting Schengen visa have already become much more complicated and difficult over the years why worsen the situation even more by bragging around "we have scammed a visa out". This message in some ears and heaps of people are going to suffer.

If you get a chance and to talk to that guy please pass on my best wishes and if he doesn't mind being so kind as to "shut to ..... up" 'coz he is actually doing no one a favor. As you appear to also assist people in that sometimes difficult process of obtaining visas I'm sure you are going to share this attitude.

Thanks and let's hope that this world will become less borderful or even visa free some day allowing people to go and settle wherever they wish.


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verflichtungsklerung :D , that sounds like and inviation doesn't it  :D

I am sorry Frank, I have know idea, but maybe Basher could throw some light on it - I am pretty sure he has had that experience. :o

Well strangly enough when I used to be a Ladyboy I had a similar problem, had a German boyfriend who love me too mut, he wanted me to go to Der fatherland but as you can see Visas are a problem

I gave up in the end and just had me cock cut off

Simple really


Just had your cock cut off bash, still leaves you with one mate :D

Generally, it can be applied for a visa at any German embassy in the world but the chances that it will be granted (especially for the full possible time of 90 days within a 180 days period) are very slim (better say nil?) if

Yeah.....right.... :o

And for sure he/she will not get a visa from BKK....the only chance is to visit the German Embassy in Manilla! :D

Generally, it can be applied for a visa at any German embassy in the world but the chances that it will be granted (especially for the full possible time of 90 days within a 180 days period) are very slim (better say nil?) if

Yeah.....right.... :o

And for sure he/she will not get a visa from BKK....the only chance is to visit the German Embassy in Manilla! :D

I wonder what visa he was on here in Thailand. That'd make a difference too.

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