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Girlfriend denied a US tourist visa last week

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47 minutes ago, RaysFan said:

Hey guys, I am really blown away by the amount of responses, information and support. I really appreciate it all.


So it looks like a lot of us are in the same boat here.... I'm a HUGE patriot and love America... but man, this visa situation really feels like a kick in the balls.


So to sum up most of the responses... Looks like she was denied basically instantly when she mentioned "American boyfriend".


Someone asked earlier if she brought in my passport... Yes, she did... And yes, its littered with Thai tourist visas and extensions (been a "tourist" for 5+ years now haha).


Should we apply again with say an invitation letter from my parents and her reasoning for the trip to just be tourist type stuff like visit Disney World (never mentioning boyfriend)?


Or should we just go straight for the K1 visa?


Again, I really appreciate all of the responses.

If possible, do the K1 approach (however see caveat below).  All you have to prove is that you have had a standing relationship with your fiance/girlfriend.  Once in the US, you have a certain grace period to tie the knot, or to not do so.  In the case of the latter, your girlfriend would have to return to Thailand before the visa expires.


Another approach is to marry in Thailand, and then apply for the appropriate visa for such.  The K1 approach takes about 6-7 months, whereas the marriage approach takes about 12-13 months.  Of course, everybody's case is different.


Caveat: Please note that with either the K1 or the marriage visas, the US gov't anticipates that your fiance will reside in the US with you.  It is not meant as the means to visit the US.  If your (or her) plans are to continue working/residing in Thailand, then don't bother to apply for either visa.  Try the tourist visa again.

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It’s obvious every story and set of circumstances is different for approval or denial.


I mentioned in another thread the importance of triple checking your paperwork and then checking it again. It is my understanding the majority of denials are due to application errors, applying for the wrong type visa or supplying dishonest answers. I believe that contributes to 80% of the 2 minute interviews.


I asked the OP earlier about visas, extensions etc. I should have simplified the question to: Are you living in Thailand, for how long and did she have your passport with those pages flagged? It appears the OP is NOT living in Thailand and therefore, and most likely the denial.


As far as mentioning a BF, it didn’t seem to bother the IO my GF met with, although I was living in country at the time.


Lying is never a good idea.



Edited by Coconut Kidd
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10 minutes ago, Coconut Kidd said:

It’s obvious every story and set of circumstances is different for approval or denial.


I mentioned in another thread the importance of triple checking your paperwork and then checking it again. It is my understanding the majority of denials are due to application errors, applying for the wrong type visa or supplying dishonest answers. I believe that contributes to 80% of the 2 minute interviews.


I asked the OP earlier about visas, extensions etc. I should have simplified the question to: Are you living in Thailand, for how long and did she have your passport with those pages flagged? It appears the OP is NOT living in Thailand and therefore, and most likely the denial.


As far as mentioning a BF, it didn’t seem to bother the IO my GF met with, although I was living in country at the time.


Lying is never a good idea.



Yes, Ive been living in Thailand for 5+ years on a tourist visa + extensions... Ive been in a relationship with her for 3+ years and we have the pics to back it up...


Also, if its any caveat, we've traveled outside of Thailand together probably 10+ times... Which is the main reason she brought in my passport so she could show them we are in a real relationship, the length, and to show we have traveled together quite a bit.


As for misfilling out the application... I dont think we filled it out wrong. I actually filled it out for her and it was pretty straight forward. We were also not dishonest... We told them straight that my brother is having a baby in November and we are just visiting my hometown and staying at my parents house.


Anyways, it never even came to that... she was denied before they even looked over her statements, itinerary, and invitation letter...


The only questions she was asked was "why do you want to go to America" and then a couple questions about her boyfriend...... then denied. They literally didnt take one single paper from her to look over... $160 for what? Really pisses me off. She literally never had a chance.


I tried to convey this to customer service when I called and emailed, but of course, I just got generic copy and paste responses saying to apply again.


The reason she was given for the denial is she didnt provide enough evidence that she would return to Thailand... but had they actually CHECKED THE PAPERWORK they would see, like I said in the topic post... that she is a very important part of her family business which is doing 30-40 million baht per year (not some noodle shop)... Also shes got the cash, got a high income job plus the fact that Ive been in Thailand for 5+ years... There is loads of evidence that was not reviewed that she would return to Thailand... Its very clear shes not some slum girl looking for an escape (not that there is anything wrong with slum girls).



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17 minutes ago, Coconut Kidd said:

It’s obvious every story and set of circumstances is different for approval or denial.


I mentioned in another thread the importance of triple checking your paperwork and then checking it again. It is my understanding the majority of denials are due to application errors, applying for the wrong type visa or supplying dishonest answers. I believe that contributes to 80% of the 2 minute interviews.


I asked the OP earlier about visas, extensions etc. I should have simplified the question to: Are you living in Thailand, for how long and did she have your passport with those pages flagged? It appears the OP is NOT living in Thailand and therefore, and most likely the denial.


As far as mentioning a BF, it didn’t seem to bother the IO my GF met with, although I was living in country at the time.


Lying is never a good idea.



Is the immigration officer conducting the interview a Thai national or from the country to be visited ?  What nationality are the officers who make the visa decision ?

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Just now, RaysFan said:

Ive been in a relationship with her for 3+ years and we have the pics to back it up...



You're saying this like it's a good thing.  And maybe it is for visas based on marriage but you're talking about tourist visas.

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3 minutes ago, RaysFan said:

but had they actually CHECKED THE PAPERWORK they would see, like I said in the topic post... that she is a very important part of her family business which is doing 30-40 million baht per year (not some noodle shop)... Also shes got the cash, got a high income job plus the fact that Ive been in Thailand for 5+ years... There is loads of evidence that was not reviewed that she would return to Thailand... Its very clear shes not some slum girl looking for an escape (not that there is anything wrong with slum girls).



You're expecting far too much from a public service that really couldn't give a toss about you or your application.  The first hurdle you fall at, even if it is the very first hurdle, the rest of the application will be discarded and you'll hear the word 'NEXT' shouted as you are walking out the door.

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That is enough to make a saint swear , your case a little bit like my experience . However when our decision letter arrived it should have come with duplicate copies of the application but only half of the folder was there . The first stage of the app; is through a filtering agency and this guy tried to take papers out saying they are not needed and I told him to place all back to the folder . He gave me a dirty look and for sure removed them when we left . I do not care what all the clever clogs say on here because the system is inconsistent at best and based on someones personal views and possibly the mood they are in that day . On top of all that there is no appeal  or redress and the i.o. is not accountable .

Edited by theoldgit
Unecessary follow on quotes snipped, as per forum rules
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12 minutes ago, superal said:

Is the immigration officer conducting the interview a Thai national or from the country to be visited ?  What nationality are the officers who make the visa decision ?

The interviewing IO is the decision maker, although I suppose someone up the chain may have already reviewed the application.

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@RaysFan Hmmmmmmm, hard to say. Sorry, that is a major bummer.


I would still check the application for any typos, errors etc. Do it several times over a period of a few weeks, check it by reading it backwards and have an English speaking friend read it back to you. Sometimes it is very difficult to see your own mistakes.

Edited by theoldgit
Unecessary follow on quotes snipped, as per forum rules
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My girlfriend had much the same experience.

We used a service which did the appointment setting, helped her with all prep work, coached her, had me get rid of all social media contacts... two minutes denied. They did not even look at any of her documentation, including proof of employment as assistant manager of one of the largest retail esta lishments in Thailand.

Reapplied, paying another non refundable fee of course... same result.

They are apparently told to assume any Thai woman not already a millionaire is planning to stay illegally and work as a prostitute.

She did ask the second guy what to do to improve chances. He told her to show more money in her account, and a couple of trips to Europe.

Very Trumpist attitude, IMO.

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21 hours ago, superal said:

Is the immigration officer conducting the interview a Thai national or from the country to be visited ?  What nationality are the officers who make the visa decision ?

The four times my wife has been all the immigration officers were Americans, two females and two males. She had better luck with the male officers but it might have nothing to do with their gender. Not sure about the nationality of the officers making the decision but 99.9% sure they would be American.

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2 hours ago, ross163103 said:

The four times my wife has been all the immigration officers were Americans, two females and two males. She had better luck with the male officers but it might have nothing to do with their gender. Not sure about the nationality of the officers making the decision but 99.9% sure they would be American.

Just wondering if that is the case with all embassies , to employ their own nationals  . Were you successful on every application ?

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10 hours ago, superal said:

Just wondering if that is the case with all embassies , to employ their own nationals  . Were you successful on every application ?

Every one except the first, which was a female officer. I'm pretty sure once someone gets the first visa then goes to the US and comes back out in the proper timeframe they'll get issued subsequent visas pretty easily. Going/coming without overstaying shows you're not a risk and are a good candidate later.

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Same... all work completed, she was a business owner of a pharmacy, owned her own car and house, 2 minutes one question, and never looked at the package.. denied... they have a quoted to do so many per day, luck of the draw or just lazy to look, shitty system just to make money, when asked why, was told you don't qualify and THIS WAS UNDER OBAMA

Edited by BigSkip
Forgot to add timeline
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When my wife went for her interview with the US Embassy, all they asked her was "where are you going?" She answered, "Colorado".  They gave her a ten year visa.  It took all of 30 seconds. In most cases their mind is made up long before the interview. Why do I think the interview went so smooth for my wife? Well, for one thing I had a good job in Thailand and we had been married for 6 years when she applied. I wrote a very nice cover letter explaining why *I* was coming back to Thailand, and that I was the primary social reason why *she* would also be coming back to Thailand.


Consider also that if you are a teacher earning 40k a month, it may not look to good to the interviewer. So if you are in this position, write a cover letter explaining why you will be staying in Thailand. Why is it that you prefer making 40k in Thailand vs. a good paying job in the states? They really don't like people skipping the K1 process, and there is a real possibility of that if they give her a tourist Visa and they aren't convinced the American side of the equation is committed to returning. They have to be sure you are coming back if you want them to assume she is going to return also. Otherwise, stating you have an American boyfriend or a husband is a deal killer.


Also, I asked at Citizen Services before we applied. Nothing is written down, but they told me that a marriage of less than 2 years may be viewed negatively. It's just not enough time to show your commitment to Thailand. So make sure you are married and living in Thailand at least 2 years before you apply for a tourist visa. Nobody says she will be refused before this, but it may count against her.


It isn't hard to understand what things to say and what not to say in the interview if you consider what they are looking for. That is one reason why agents can sometimes achieve a better result. They simply have more experience understanding what things to emphasize and what things to leave out.  It is unfortunate that the US has the rules they do, but like it or not, this is how the game is played.  You can't take your girlfriend or new bride as a tourist to the USA unless the embassy is convinced that you, the American, are planning on coming back to Thailand. Convince them of that, and she probably gets the visa.


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14 hours ago, BigSkip said:

Same... all work completed, she was a business owner of a pharmacy, owned her own car and house, 2 minutes one question, and never looked at the package.. denied... they have a quoted to do so many per day, luck of the draw or just lazy to look, shitty system just to make money, when asked why, was told you don't qualify and THIS WAS UNDER OBAMA

I think you could be right , gotta be seen to refuse so many , this looks like they are doing their job to their bosses and higher elite . But they have to give a reason for refusal in the returned paperwork . Maybe the decision was reached earlier when your application was reviewed ?  the mind boggles 

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12 hours ago, Monomial said:

When my wife went for her interview with the US Embassy, all they asked her was "where are you going?" She answered, "Colorado".  They gave her a ten year visa.  It took all of 30 seconds. In most cases their mind is made up long before the interview. Why do I think the interview went so smooth for my wife? Well, for one thing I had a good job in Thailand and we had been married for 6 years when she applied. I wrote a very nice cover letter explaining why *I* was coming back to Thailand, and that I was the primary social reason why *she* would also be coming back to Thailand.


Consider also that if you are a teacher earning 40k a month, it may not look to good to the interviewer. So if you are in this position, write a cover letter explaining why you will be staying in Thailand. Why is it that you prefer making 40k in Thailand vs. a good paying job in the states? They really don't like people skipping the K1 process, and there is a real possibility of that if they give her a tourist Visa and they aren't convinced the American side of the equation is committed to returning. They have to be sure you are coming back if you want them to assume she is going to return also. Otherwise, stating you have an American boyfriend or a husband is a deal killer.


Also, I asked at Citizen Services before we applied. Nothing is written down, but they told me that a marriage of less than 2 years may be viewed negatively. It's just not enough time to show your commitment to Thailand. So make sure you are married and living in Thailand at least 2 years before you apply for a tourist visa. Nobody says she will be refused before this, but it may count against her.


It isn't hard to understand what things to say and what not to say in the interview if you consider what they are looking for. That is one reason why agents can sometimes achieve a better result. They simply have more experience understanding what things to emphasize and what things to leave out.  It is unfortunate that the US has the rules they do, but like it or not, this is how the game is played.  You can't take your girlfriend or new bride as a tourist to the USA unless the embassy is convinced that you, the American, are planning on coming back to Thailand. Convince them of that, and she probably gets the visa.


So why is it a guy who had a Thai girlfriend / bar worker who he had known for 3 months . She had zero assets , he was a builder , first visa application through an agent for UK tourist visa successful  . Cost him a thousand pounds and guaranteed visa 

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OP with all that information, something wasn't right and got red flagged.

Who knows she could have tried before, it could be anything.


The problem for you is finding out what it was, all is not always what it seems.

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So why is it a guy who had a Thai girlfriend / bar worker who he had known for 3 months . She had zero assets , he was a builder , first visa application through an agent for UK tourist visa successful  . Cost him a thousand pounds and guaranteed visa 

Getting a UK Visitor visa is far more straightforward than a US Tourist visa.
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The really disappointing aspect about this topic for the OP, and all others that have been denied a Tourist Visa by any foreign embassy, is that normally the applicant is just an excited citizen looking forward to going on a holiday somewhere.


You spend endless hours reading, then filling out an application form (the Oz Tourist Visa application form is 17 pages long ...are you shitting me !!) .... you've been truthful in your answers, attached bucketloads of supporting docs, photos etc .... paid your money upfront.


You've done everything they ask for.


You travel all the way to BKK for an interview, bus fares, time off work, accommodation etc .... only to have some gormless pen-pusher shoot you down in flames in 2 minutes, because they've already "profiled" you as undesirable.


And the real kicker is, they will not tell you why !! I think this is a disgraceful way to treat people. The very least they should do is suggest where the application failed, then allow a second attempt without another application fee.


Having said all the above, my girlfriend did successfully get an Oz tourist visa on first attempt 5 years ago, but only after I was asked to do supporting stuff that was very specifically prohibited on Oz Immi's own website. Go figure.


Anyway ... OP, I really wish your G/F good luck on her next attempt.


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17 minutes ago, brewsterbudgen said:

Getting a UK Visitor visa is far more straightforward than a US Tourist visa.

Well that is a surprise , do you have the facts to prove that ?

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Well that is a surprise , do you have the facts to prove that ?

I think it's common knowledge but maybe someone has stats. About 95% of UK Visitor visas are granted (according to the figures given on another thread). I doubt the U.S. rate is anywhere near that.
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6 hours ago, superal said:

Well that is a surprise , do you have the facts to prove that ?

I have just returned from Europe London,Spain Paris, and on the application form it asks who is 

paying, all my details etc, were asked for admittedly my daughters address and letter of consent

were there as well there was ( if my memory serves me right about 95 questions) but more to 

the point there are questions regarding B/F spouse"s etc entirely different to the USA requirements.

by the way I am English,sorry writing this in hurry...............

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My only advice is that your girlfriend needs to make it readily apparent that she has a job, duties & responsibilities that require her to return to Thailand. My wife (gf at the time) has not had a problem with the visa process. The only thing that may make her situation is her skills in english.


One of her students had an invite from a family friend in the usa. The friend paid for everything. She was denied a visa. 

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Someone mentioned Mexico.  A lot of Mexicans get this thing called a Laser Visa, where they can only go 100 miles into the US.  So can go to Tucson, but not Phoenix.  The US Consulate is in Hermosillo Sonora if anyone wants to check out the specifics.  HMO has a lower COL than CNX.  I have met some guys from Tucson that would have weekend visitors from across the border.  About 200 people die per year crossing the Arizona desert..some even from the cold.  They have caught Thais around there, one in the trunk of a car at the Port.

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On 7/29/2017 at 7:54 PM, brewsterbudgen said:

I think it's common knowledge but maybe someone has stats. About 95% of UK Visitor visas are granted (according to the figures given on another thread). I doubt the U.S. rate is anywhere near that.


I don't recall whether it was the UK, but I do recall several years ago a lot of people saying one country's IO's just don't accept the application if they know it's not going to fly.  They hand it back with no other action taken.


On one hand it's pretty humane since there is no record of a rejection if the applicant tries again in the future.  On the other hand, they get to look really magnanimous when they can claim such a high rate of visa's granted.


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On 7/30/2017 at 1:17 PM, KhonKaenKowboy said:

Someone mentioned Mexico.  A lot of Mexicans get this thing called a Laser Visa, where they can only go 100 miles into the US.  So can go to Tucson, but not Phoenix.  The US Consulate is in Hermosillo Sonora if anyone wants to check out the specifics.

FWIW, the Laser Visa is now known as a Border Crossing Card, and it lets holders enter the US border zone (the exact distance varies; it's 75 miles in Arizona, but only 25 miles in Texas) without a passport. If you have a BCC and a passport, you can go anywhere in the US—in that case, it's exactly the same as a B visa in a passport.

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I don't recall whether it was the UK, but I do recall several years ago a lot of people saying one country's IO's just don't accept the application if they know it's not going to fly.  They hand it back with no other action taken.
On one hand it's pretty humane since there is no record of a rejection if the applicant tries again in the future.  On the other hand, they get to look really magnanimous when they can claim such a high rate of visa's granted.

Definitely not the UK.
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