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Former Thai PM Yingluck seeks "fan support" amid asset freeze


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So its just a freeze. not money taken out of the accounts... that is different from taking the money. This is purely a precaution. If she had bolted with the money everyone would have called the army fools. Its quite normal that accounts are frozen until a judgement is made. This happens in other parts of the world too. 

These freezes have a tendency to remain for years. So in result the same as confiscation.
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On ‎7‎/‎27‎/‎2017 at 2:22 PM, webfact said:

"My bank accounts have already been confiscated. I would like encouragement from my fans and my Thai brothers and sisters."

By "encouragement" I assume she means "run them down with your cars, after all it is only a motor vehicle offense".

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If you have trouble understanding why her assets are being seized, think back to O.J. Simpson. Although a criminal court found him innocent, he lost most of his assets in a civil suit, where the level of proof required is much lower. The only difference here is that the civil charges were heard earlier.

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On 7/28/2017 at 5:21 PM, JAG said:



"Most expats I know" and "huge numbers of tourists" are not generally considered a major factor in deciding who governs a country. The will of the electorate is a more common deciding factor...





That's very true. But most country's don't allow absent criminals to own political parties, pay it's MPs a salary, phone in to cabinet meetings, and appoint and sack ministers either.

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1 hour ago, AloisAmrein said:

Yellow shirts and Trump fans are the same idiots because they ignore facts.


Actually, if you have several hours to waste one day, trawl through past discussion topics on TVF with a political content and you'll see a number of posters who refuse to accept any fact that happens to be negative to the Shins. Just as PTP hated facts.

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On 7/28/2017 at 4:41 PM, quadperfect said:

If her crime was paying very poor rice farmers double the going rate . Look at whats come from the coup. You have the military squashing all freedomes and spending all the money on military hardware. They answer to no one.

You got to show me who is the devil here.



Nobody has said it was a crime to pay the farmers more than the going rate. The issue is around the amount of money involved and where it all actually went to. As PTP won't release any accounts, and there are on-going criminal cases involving corruption and fraud associated with the scheme, the charge is that the scheme was poorly ran and that Yingluck was negligent in that by not attending the meetings she appointed herself to chair and not properly investigating the warnings and concerns raised.


Doesn't matter what anyone did before or does after. This trial is about Yingluck and how she acted in managing her government's flag ship rice scheme program.

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